We got kicked off a flight because we were too BIG – the crew told us we should have booked two seats each… it was humiliating

TWO women are demanding compensation after claiming they were kicked off a flight because they were too big.

Angel Harding and her boyfriend say they were branded an “inconvenience” by airline staff and left feeling “hurt” and “humiliated” when they were told they should have booked two seats each.


Angel Harding claims she was kicked off a flight and had to buy two seats the next time because of her sizeCredit: 1News


An ‘aggressive’ flight attendant reportedly labeled Angel and her friend as ‘an inconvenience’ over the plane’s loudspeakerCredit: 1News


Angel says her experience left her feeling “hurt” and “humiliated.”Credit: 1News

Angel was all set for a trip back to Auckland, New Zealand on Friday the 15th, but it quickly became a nightmare when she claims a female flight attendant was “aggressive” toward her and her friend.

The busy Air New Zealand flight was due to depart from Napier, but Angel says an offensive announcement was made over the plane’s loudspeaker that appeared to be aimed at her.

Passengers were told that the pilot would not depart until they resolved an “inconvenience” on board.

While a flight attendant reportedly tried to push the armrest down next one to Angel in an “aggressive manner”.

read more in airplane stories

Angel said: “I was in a bit of shock and I walked up to the front, and she started shouting at me that the pilot couldn’t take off unless all the armrests were down, and she was quite aggressive with me.

“She spoke to me in an aggressive manner. I just couldn’t believe what was happening to me.”

The confused couple then said they quickly realized the discomfort was their own.

Mrs. Harding continued talking 1News: “Na [the attendant] hung up the phone, she came to me and said, ‘You two should have booked four seats, you two should have bought two seats each’.”

Then everyone was ordered off the plane.

I think they took me away because of my size, because of my size – our size had a lot to do with it

Angel Hardingpassenger

The two women – who were in wheelchairs due to medical conditions – were then separated from other passengers and forced to stand next to an Air New Zealand employee, they say.

A third wheelchair-bound woman who had been seated separately from Angel was hurriedly wheeled back onto the flight as it was scheduled for departure.

All the two women could do was sit and watch as their confusion only grew.

I’m a curvy model and I get harassed for complaining about how small planes are – but even buying two seats won’t solve my problem

They then claim they were told they were no longer allowed on the flight and had to book new tickets.

But the next available flight wouldn’t be for another two days and it would cost them a pretty penny to book the four seats they claim they need.

Both women are now seeking compensation after claiming they were “hurt, humiliated and traumatized” by the incident.

They also feel discriminated against because of their larger size.

Angel said: “My thoughts are that they took me away because of my size, because of my size – our size had a lot to do with it.

“They didn’t say it was, they said it was an inconvenience.”

We are committed to treating all customers with respect and dignity and we apologize that these customers have had an inconsistent experience

Air New Zealandspokesman

Air New Zealand has apologized to the two ladies.

A spokesperson said: “We are committed to treating all customers with respect and dignity and we apologize that these customers have had an inconsistent experience.

“We will continue to work directly with the customer to address their concerns.”

Ms Harding said the most confusing part was how they flew the outward journey without any problem.


After telling flight crews that they couldn’t afford new tickets and had no place to stay for the next two nights, Angel said she received an offer.

The woman claims Air New Zealand offered to pay for the next flight for free.

As well as food and accommodation until boarding and access to the chic Koru Lounge.

Following the awkward situation, Air New Zealand said they “strongly recommend” customers contact them before flying if they have any concerns or need extra space.

The airline says if a customer ever needs more space on board a flight, staff will work to get them a new seat on the plane, if possible.

Some airlines around the world have policies to accommodate larger passengers, both in weight and height.

They try to free up the seats next to the passenger so that they are as comfortable as the people around them.

New Zealand has no legislation that requires each type of passenger to book more than one seat on an aircraft.

And the Australian Human rights The Commission has previously claimed that a person with obesity could claim unlawfully incompetence discrimination if they are forced to buy an extra seat.

In CanadaMedically declared obese people are allowed to book two seats for the price of one after a Supreme Court statement from 2008.


Air New Zealand has since apologized for the incidentCredit: Getty
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