Beware of ‘beautiful’ weeds that can damage your lawn – how to stop their growth

SPRING has arrived and that means it’s time to start caring for your lawn again.

Gardening experts have shared the best tricks to prevent weeds from popping up in your garden.


Gardening experts have revealed the best way to stop weeds from growing on your lawnCredit: Getty

According to The ground boysbroadleaf weeds can hinder the growth of your grass.

Broadleaf weeds include dandelions, thistles, ivy, burdock and purslane.

Telltale signs of the weed include broad leaves, long stems and flowers.

“A field of gently waving dandelions can be beautiful, but they are not necessarily a welcome addition to your lawn,” say the experts.

“Dandelions can cause slow and pernicious damage to your lawn.”

The green-fingered professionals explained that weeds remove resources from the soil.

“Weeds compete with your grass for water, oxygen and nutrition,” they said.

Broadleaf weeds can suck moisture and nutrients from the soil of your lawn, starving your grass.

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To control the pesky plants, you can use a homemade weed killer or post-emergence herbicides.

Pulling by hand from the root can also be an effective action against the weeds.

However, the best measure you can take is to prevent the weeds from growing in the first place.

You can apply a pre-emergent herbicide to your garden. This works best in early spring before the seeds germinate.

“When broadleaf seeds begin to germinate, their roots will absorb the herbicide from the soil,” the experts said.

“The herbicide contains ingredients that prevent seeds from growing, so they will never fully sprout.”

Steps for weed prevention

  • Apply a pre-emergence herbicide each spring
  • Mow your lawn regularly
  • Practice deep watering
  • Fertilize and aerate your lawn seasonally

They recommend carrying out the action annually to stay ahead of the weeds.

Maintaining a healthy, well-groomed lawn can also help prevent weed growth.

“Broadleaf weeds tend to multiply when existing grass is weak,” the gardening enthusiasts explained.

“A healthy lawn will control and defeat weeds because of sunlight, moisture and soil nutrition.”

To properly care for your lawn, mow your grass regularly and water it deeply to promote root growth.

You should also fertilize and aerate your lawn seasonally.


You should use a pre-emergent herbicide in your garden every year to keep weeds from growingCredit: Getty
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