Albert Elence – USMAIL24.COM News Portal from USA Sat, 23 Mar 2024 06:16:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Albert Elence – USMAIL24.COM 32 32 195427244 Disaster for Daniel Ricciardo with the Australian driver eliminated from qualifying for the Australian F1 Grand Prix Sat, 23 Mar 2024 06:16:47 +0000

Ricciardo has never been eliminated in the first quarter in Australia Delivered a clutch round to put himself in a strong position However, stewards canceled the time due to a technical problem By Josh Alston for Daily Mail Australia Published: 1:56 AM EDT, March 23, 2024 | Updated: 02:12 EDT, March 23, 2024 Daniel Ricciardo […]

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  • Ricciardo has never been eliminated in the first quarter in Australia
  • Delivered a clutch round to put himself in a strong position
  • However, stewards canceled the time due to a technical problem

Daniel Ricciardo has been eliminated from the first qualifying session of the Australian F1 Grand Prix at Albert Park for the first time in history after exceeding track limits.

The Aussie had delivered what looked like a final lap to progress to Q2, before the stewards canceled that time as they felt Ricciardo had exceeded the track limits at Turn 5.

The deleted lap time would have placed Ricciardo in twelfth place and would have been good enough to progress to Q2.

Ricciardo had high expectations of a strong finish in qualifying and arrived at Albert Park today

Stewards deemed Ricciardo had exceeded the track limits at Turn 5, eliminating him from Q2 and he will start from the back row on Sunday

Stewards deemed Ricciardo had exceeded the track limits at Turn 5, eliminating him from Q2 and he will start from the back row on Sunday

However, the stewards’ call means that Ricciardo will not progress to Q2 and will start on the back row of the grid based on his second-best lap time, leaving the Aussie in 18th position.

RB team boss Laurent Mekies said: ‘It’s very difficult to swallow, but that’s how it is. Daniel did very well, probably his best lap yet and more than enough to reach Q2.

“He was a little wide in Turn 5 and we’re a few inches off the track.”


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]]> 0 99883
Hoe een chique Engelse erfgename die ooit een buiging maakte voor de koningin, een beruchte IRA-soldaat werd die vanuit een helikopter bommen op de politie liet vallen Sat, 23 Mar 2024 06:04:21 +0000

IRA-terrorist Rose Dugdale, vastbesloten om moord te plegen, bekogelde het Royal Ulster Constabulary-station met bommen vanuit een gekaapte helikopter. Toch moet de aanval van de fanatieke bandietenkoningin haar mede-Provo-afvalligen perplex hebben achtergelaten. 9 Bridget Rose Dugdale werd gevangengezet nadat ze het brein was achter wat destijds de grootste kunstoverval in de geschiedenis van de IRA […]

The post Hoe een chique Engelse erfgename die ooit een buiging maakte voor de koningin, een beruchte IRA-soldaat werd die vanuit een helikopter bommen op de politie liet vallen appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.


IRA-terrorist Rose Dugdale, vastbesloten om moord te plegen, bekogelde het Royal Ulster Constabulary-station met bommen vanuit een gekaapte helikopter.

Toch moet de aanval van de fanatieke bandietenkoningin haar mede-Provo-afvalligen perplex hebben achtergelaten.

Bridget Rose Dugdale werd gevangengezet nadat ze het brein was achter wat destijds de grootste kunstoverval in de geschiedenis van de IRA was


Bridget Rose Dugdale werd gevangengezet nadat ze het brein was achter wat destijds de grootste kunstoverval in de geschiedenis van de IRA wasKrediet: PA
Haar reis van meisje uit de Engelse society tot IRA-bommenwerper was de ultieme daad van rebellie


Haar reis van meisje uit de Engelse society tot IRA-bommenwerper was de ultieme daad van rebellieKrediet: .
Dugdale orkestreerde een inval in het Russborough House met 100 kamers


Dugdale orkestreerde een inval in het Russborough House met 100 kamersKrediet: Alamy

Dugdale was immers een Engelse erfgename die als debutante een buiging had gemaakt de koningin bij Buckingham paleis.

Ze groeide op op een uitgestrekt landgoed in Devon, had een gouvernante, ging naar de middelbare school en ging daarheen Oxford universiteit.

Ondanks een leven vol privileges zou ze de meest gezochte vrouw ter wereld worden, nadat ze het brein achter de grootste kunstroof uit de geschiedenis van de geschiedenis was. IRA.

Was Dugdale – die maandag op 83-jarige leeftijd stierf – een ernstig maar misleid arm, rijk meisje?

Of had ze zich door angst en schaamte over haar vergulde opvoeding in een koelbloedige moordenaar laten veranderen?

Haar reis van meisje uit de Engelse society tot IRA-bommenwerper was zeker de ultieme daad van rebellie voor een dochter van het establishment.

Dr. Bridget Rose Dugdale werd geboren in een zilveren lepel luxe in 1941.

Haar vader, luitenant-kolonel Eric Dugdale, leidde een succesvol syndicaat bij verzekeraar Lloyd’s, terwijl de familie van moeder Caroline rijk was door middel van katoen.

De familiestapel werd geplaatst op 600 hectare nabij Axminster, Devon.

Rose leerde ponyrijden en piano spelen tijdens haar ‘heel, heel gelukkige’ jeugd.

‘KAMERAD EN VRIEND’ Engelse erfgename die IRA-activiste werd Rose Dugdale sterft op 83-jarige leeftijd na een berucht leven vol bombardementen, invallen en overvallen

De familie bezat ook een Georgisch herenhuis in ChelseaWest-Londen, waar Dugdale werd verzorgd door een Franse gouvernante.

Ze werd later opgeleid aan Miss Ironside’s School for Girls in het nabijgelegen Kensington.

Er was ook een leerling toekomst pijn tante Virginia Ironside, wier twee oudtantes de zaak runden.

‘Fanatisch pad’

Virginia schreef deze week dat Dugdale was grootgebracht met ‘verstikkende conventionele opvattingen’.

Ze zei dat Rose en haar oudere zus Caroline “door hun moeder verplicht waren om alleen blauwe jurken te dragen met bijpassende linten in hun haar”.

De auteur voegde eraan toe dat de meisjes “voor elke bezoeker een buiging moesten maken” en “voor het diner formele kleding moesten aantrekken en lange witte handschoenen moesten dragen”.

Later ging Dugdale naar de eindschool in Europa Vervolgens was ze in 1958 een van de laatste debutantes.

Samen met andere meisjes uit de hogere klasse werd ze aan de koningin ‘voorgesteld’ voordat ze werd gelanceerd in het vier maanden durende ‘seizoen’ van glinsterende ballen in de hoop een rijke echtgenoot te vinden.

Later beschreef ze haar coming-out-bal als “een van die pornografische aangelegenheden die kosten wat 60 gepensioneerden in zes maanden ontvangen”.

Na het winnen van een plaats aan het St Anne’s College, Oxford, zou Dugdale hartstochtelijke affaires hebben gehad met romanschrijver Iris Murdoch en een vrouwelijke docent.

Ze haalde voor het eerst de krantenkoppen nadat ze zich als man had voorgedaan om lid te worden van de debatvereniging van Oxford Union, die alleen voor mannen toegankelijk is. Het zou ertoe leiden dat vrouwen officieel zouden worden toegelaten.

Toekomstig Tory-parlementslid Edwina Currieeen Oxford-tijdgenoot uit Dugdale, herinnert zich dat ze samen met haar sherry dronk.

Edwina, 77, De geheime minnaar van voormalig premier John Majorzei: ‘Ik beschouwde Rose als een van die bevoorrechte idioten die vonden dat ze kon doen wat ze wilde.

“Binnen de volgende Ongeveer tien jaar lang probeerde haar lot mijn lot te vermoorden.

Dugdale had een Engelse opvoeding uit de hogere klasse, wat haar keuze om IRA-terrorist te worden nog verbijsterender maakte


Dugdale had een Engelse opvoeding uit de hogere klasse, wat haar keuze om IRA-terrorist te worden nog verbijsterender maakte
Dugdale groeide dicht bij Wally Heaton, die zichzelf omschreef als een revolutionair socialist


Dugdale groeide dicht bij Wally Heaton, die zichzelf omschreef als een revolutionair socialistKrediet: Rex

Dugdale werd doctor in de wijsbegeerte na zijn studie in de VS en aan de London University, en werkte later als overheidseconoom.

In 1972 ontmoette ze ex-gardesoldaat en kleine crimineel Wally Heaton, die zichzelf omschreef als een ‘revolutionair socialist’.

Ze maakten regelmatig uitstapjes naar Noord-Ierland om te marcheren in politieke demonstraties terwijl The Troubles woedden.

Dugdale had eindelijk haar doel gevonden en niets, zelfs niet de pijn die ze haar familie had bezorgd, kon haar van een fanatiek pad afbrengen.

In de nacht van 6 juni 1973 wist ze dat haar ouders weg zouden zijn bij de races in Epsom. Samen met Heaton stal ze schilderijen en antiek ter waarde van £ 82.000 uit het familiepad.

Men dacht dat de opbrengst bestemd was voor de IRA.

Gearresteerd en voor de rechter gestuurd, zei ze vanaf de kade tegen haar vader: ‘Ik hou van je, papa, maar ik haat alles waar je voor staat.’

Ze voegde eraan toe dat haar ouders “gangsters, dieven en onderdrukkers van de armen” waren.

Een rechter legde Dugdale een voorwaardelijke straf van twee jaar op, in de overtuiging dat het onwaarschijnlijk was dat ze opnieuw een overtreding zou begaan.

Het zou een fatale inschattingsfout blijken te zijn, toen ze naar het zogenaamde bandietenland tussen Noord-Ierland en de Republiek reisde om contact te maken met een actieve IRA-diensteenheid.

De verharde Provo’s uit de arbeidersklasse moesten ervan overtuigd worden dat Dugdale geen MI5 plant. En in januari 1974 kwam haar kans.

Ze werkte samen met de eigenzinnige IRA-agent Eddie Gallagher, die nu haar minnaar was, en kaapte een helikopter in County Donegal.

Terwijl ze boven de zwaar versterkte RUC-kazerne in Strabane zweefden, lieten ze melkbussen vol explosieven vallen.

De geïmproviseerde apparaten ontploften niet, maar nu was Dugdale buiten de verwijten van IRA-collega’s.

Later noemde ze de mislukte inval de gelukkigste dag van haar leven.

Op 26 april 1974 werd het voormalige trustfonds Toff de meest gezochte voortvluchtige ter wereld.

Het was een warme lente ‘s avonds rond 21.30 uur toen ze aanklopte bij Russborough House, County Wicklow, de thuisbasis van diamantmagnaat Sir Alfred Beit en zijn vrouw Lady Clementine.

Ze leidde een inval in het landhuis van Sir Alfred en Clementine Lady Beit, die vrienden waren van haar ouders


Ze leidde een inval in het landhuis van Sir Alfred en Clementine Lady Beit, die vrienden waren van haar oudersKrediet: PA: Press Association
Lijsten in Russborough House bleven leeg na de kunstdiefstal ter waarde van meerdere miljoenen ponden waarbij 17 schilderijen werden gestolen


Lijsten in Russborough House bleven leeg na de kunstdiefstal ter waarde van meerdere miljoenen ponden waarbij 17 schilderijen werden gestolenKrediet: Persvereniging
Imogen Poots speelt Dugdale in de nieuwe film Baltimore, die het verhaal vertelt van hun brutale overval


Imogen Poots speelt Dugdale in de nieuwe film Baltimore, die het verhaal vertelt van hun brutale overvalKrediet: Alamy

Ze waren de vrienden van haar ouders en ze zou hebben geweten dat ze rijk waren, met een onschatbare kunstcollectie.

Een Frans accent aannemen en een zwarte pruik dragen en bedenkenzei ze haar zilver Ford Cortina was kapot.

Enkele seconden later werd ze vergezeld door drie mannen die met revolvers zwaaiden.

Sir Alfred werd met een pistool op zijn hoofd geslagen en hij en zijn vrouw werden vastgebonden.

De bende stal schilderijen van Gainsborough, Rubens, Goya en Vermeer ter waarde van £ 8 miljoen.

Tijdens het proces bracht ze een gebalde vuistgroet vanaf de kade en noemde Groot-Brittannië ‘de smerige vijand’

Het eerste lid van de Ieren politie force, of Gardai, ter plaatse was de jonge sergeant Sean Feeley.

Hij vertelde me in 2009: ‘Dugdale had de leiding en vertelde de bende welke foto’s ze moesten maken.

‘Geslepen glasaccent’

“Ze wees naar de muren en zei: ‘Die, die’. Ze was eerder als gast in het huis geweest.

‘Sir Alfred had bloed uit zijn achterhoofd stromen waar hij door een pistool was geraakt.’

Dugdale’s eenheid eiste de vrijlating van de zussen Dolours en Marian Price, gevangen gezet vanwege hun aandeel in een IRA-bomaanslag, plus £ 500.000 in ruil voor hun buit.

Na acht dagen leidde een enorme jacht de Gardai naar een gehuurd huisje in Glandore, County Cork, waar ze Dugdale en de schilderijen vonden.

Tijdens het proces bracht ze een gebalde vuistgroet vanaf de kade en noemde Groot-Brittannië “de smerige vijand”.

Ze kreeg negen jaar gevangenisstraf nadat ze ‘trots en onvergankelijk schuldig’ had gepleit en beviel van Gallagher’s zoon Ruairí in de gevangenis van Limerick.

Nu is hun brutale overval het middelpunt van de film Baltimore, met in de hoofdrol Imogen Poots, die gisteren werd uitgebracht en ervan wordt beschuldigd een sympathieke weergave van Dugdale’s karakter te bieden.

In oktober 1975 ontvoerden Gallagher en handlanger Marian Coyle de Nederlandse industrieel Dr. Tiede Herrema en eisten de vrijlating van Dugdale en twee andere terroristen.

De ontvoerders werden getraceerd naar een huis in Monasterevin, County Kildare, en er begon een belegering van twee weken.

Gallagher – die een pistool tegen Herrema’s hoofd had gehouden – gaf zichzelf uiteindelijk over en werd veroordeeld tot twintig jaar achter de tralies.

Op 24 januari 1978 trouwden Dugdale en Gallagher in de kapel van Limerick gevangenis terwijl de driejarige Ruairi toekeek.

De pasgetrouwden mochten een huwelijksreis van vijf uur doorbrengen in een van de cellen.

Dugdale werd in 1980 vrijgelaten nadat ze zes jaar van haar straf had uitgezeten.

Gallagher verliet de gevangenis in 1990, maar na veertien jaar in de gevangenis overleefde hun relatie niet.

Dugdale vestigde zich in een buitenwijk van de arbeidersklasse in Dublin en hielp bij de organisatie van de IRA-burgerwacht campagnes tegen drugsdealers en het onderwijzen van Engels en milieu wetenschap op een school.

Vervolgens onthulde een geautoriseerde biografie van journalist Sean O’Driscoll in 2022 dat Dugdale na haar vrijlating uit de gevangenis een sleutelrol speelde als IRA-bommenmaker.

Het boek – Heiress, Rebel, Vigilante, Bomber – vertelde hoe zij en haar nieuwe minnaar Jim Monaghan een krachtig explosief uitvonden, genaamd Ballycroy 3-4, dat werd gebruikt bij het bombardement op Glenanne in 1991. Leger kazerne in Armagh waarbij drie soldaten omkwamen.

Ze ontwikkelden apparaten waarbij drie mensen omkwamen en 91 gewond raakten op de Baltic Exchange in Londen in 1992, plus nog twee anderen in Londen. Londen Docklands in 1996.

In 2009 sprak ik Dugdale buiten haar huis in Dublin en vroeg of ze spijt had van het bloed aan haar handen.

Met een wollig Keltisch FC-hoed trok over haar grijzende haar haar, en gekleed in een smerig jasje en een gevechtsbroek, blafte ze: ‘Ga weg, oké. Ik beantwoord geen vragen.”

Nadat ze haar land, klasse en familie had verraden, was de enige hint van haar verleden haar geslepen glasaccent.

Na de dood van Dugdale werd ze geprezen door republikeinse aanhangers, die haar een “vrijheidsstrijder” en een “echte revolutionair” noemden.

Maar Ann Travers, wier zus door de IRA werd vermoord, had een ander grafschrift.

“Ze was een terrorist, bommenwerper en moordenaar”, schreef ze op X/Twitter.

‘Ik denk aan al haar slachtoffers, die niet de natuurlijke dood hebben gekregen die zij had.’

Dugdale had geweigerd vragen te beantwoorden toen ze met haar verleden werd geconfronteerd


Dugdale had geweigerd vragen te beantwoorden toen ze met haar verleden werd geconfronteerdKrediet: News Group Newspapers Ltd

The post Hoe een chique Engelse erfgename die ooit een buiging maakte voor de koningin, een beruchte IRA-soldaat werd die vanuit een helikopter bommen op de politie liet vallen appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.

]]> 0 99875
Large crowd bids farewell to mafia-linked greengrocer murdered in his driveway as his daughter tells mourners he ‘didn’t deserve’ to die that way Sat, 23 Mar 2024 05:09:54 +0000

The daughter of John Latorre, the Melbourne underworld figure who was gunned down in his driveway has shared tragic new details about the moments after he was shot. At a packed funeral service, Latorre was remembered as “a man of honor, respect and generosity,” and his daughter said she did “all she could” to save […]

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The daughter of John Latorre, the Melbourne underworld figure who was gunned down in his driveway has shared tragic new details about the moments after he was shot.

At a packed funeral service, Latorre was remembered as “a man of honor, respect and generosity,” and his daughter said she did “all she could” to save him after his execution killing.

The family hugged and cried as they entered the church, dressed from head to toe in black for the somber occasion.

As hundreds of mourners filled the pews of St. Monica’s Catholic Church in Moonee Ponds, Latorre’s flower-filled casket was displayed at the front of the church, complete with a floral wreath and a framed photo of Latorre.

A heart-shaped floral tribute was also placed at the front, with ‘Nonno’ written in red letters, while hymns played in the background in both English and Italian.

Mourners gather outside St Monica’s Catholic Church in Moonee Ponds as relatives walk outside with a photo of Latorre following the service

Sources believe Melbourne fruiterer John Latorre (pictured) was shot by a fly-in fly-out killer on orders from high up in the mafia

Sources believe Melbourne fruiterer John Latorre (pictured) was shot by a fly-in fly-out killer on orders from high up in the mafia

Mourners dressed all in black as they said goodbye to Latorre, who was described as a 'man of honour' during the service

Mourners dressed all in black as they said goodbye to Latorre, who was described as a ‘man of honour’ during the service

Mr Latorre is said to have been a discreet but influential member of the Australian branch of the ‘Ndrangheta’ – a powerful mafia organization from Calabria, southern Italy.

Latorre’s wife Maria and daughter Antoinette shared the role of the Catholic death rituals, which included sprinkling the coffin with water and lighting the memorial candle.

In delivering the eulogy, Antoinette said her father was a “pillar of strength.”

“Latorre means ‘the tower’ in Italian and daddy, you always will be,” she said.

‘My beautiful and wonderful father, I cannot believe that you are no longer here with us – it was not your time to go.

“I want you to know that I tried everything I could to help you that morning. I was close to you, just as you are to me.

Sources claim the successful greengrocer's execution outside his home (pictured) as he left for work was highly planned

Sources claim the successful greengrocer’s execution outside his home (pictured) as he left for work was highly planned

Shocked friends and family rushed to the scene where John Latorre was shot in his driveway in Greenvale last Tuesday morning

Shocked friends and family rushed to the scene where John Latorre was shot in his driveway in Greenvale last Tuesday morning

‘My courage and strength came from you that day – we will always remember you and say your name, you will never be forgotten.

‘You were a man of honor, respect and generosity. You taught us the importance of family. You told us that we are strong and to hold our heads high.”

Latorre’s other daughter, Melina, broke down in tears as she delivered her eulogy, saying she had “never felt so much pain” and that her heart was “irreparably broken.”

“You taught us from such a young age the value of respecting our family and friends, which I think has become part of who we are,” she said.

‘Deep down you were a big softie and would do anything for us.

‘Not a day goes by that we don’t look at your picture and talk to you.

“I am truly sorry that you left this earth so suddenly and not on your time or God’s time.

“You didn’t deserve this.”

The church was packed for the 64-year-old who ran a wholesale fruit business at the market

The church was packed for the 64-year-old who ran a wholesale fruit business at the market

John Latorre, the Melbourne underworld figure gunned down in his driveway, is remembered by family at his funeral

John Latorre, the Melbourne underworld figure gunned down in his driveway, is remembered by family at his funeral

Pallbearers carry Mr. Latorre's ornate casket from the Cathedral of St. Monica

Pallbearers carry Mr. Latorre’s ornate casket from the Cathedral of St. Monica

Father Joe Giacobbe introduced the Mass and said that in addition to formal tributes such as hymns, a clear tribute to Latorre was the large number of people who attended the funeral.

“If you want a tribute to the lord, look around,” he said.

“This is a pretty big church and it’s full, probably twice as big.”

A second introductory and opening prayer was also said in Italian, including a series of Ave Maria thanksgiving prayers.

Latorre was a fruiter who had been a fixture at the Melbourne Markets in Epping.

About 4:30 a.m. on March 12, he was shot in the driveway of his Greenvale home with gunshots to his upper body as he left for work.

He died instantly and his bloodied body was discovered shortly afterwards by a shocked relative.

John Latorre's daughter Antoinette revealed she was the relative who found his body, telling mourners she did 'everything I could' to save him

John Latorre’s daughter Antoinette revealed she was the relative who found his body, telling mourners she did ‘everything I could’ to save him

A heart with the word Nonno was carried by younger relatives

A heart with the word Nonno was carried by younger relatives

Father Joe Giacobbe told attendees to “look around” to see how full the church was if they “wanted a tribute to the gentlemen.”

Father Joe Giacobbe told attendees to “look around” to see how full the church was if they “wanted a tribute to the gentlemen.”

The Herald Sun previously reported that Latorre’s murder contract had required the green light from the top of the mafia, suggesting it may have been some kind of fly-in-fly-out job.

Multiple sources confirmed to the same masthead that there was no way the murder of someone as high-status as Latorre could have happened without sanctions from the Honored Society bosses.

Detectives are piecing together the circumstances surrounding the murder and continue to appeal for any information relating to the murder.

It is believed that a small motorcycle was the getaway vehicle for the killer, and police intelligence suggests that the bicycle that ‘made a loud noise’ was seen near Latorre’s home in Buchanan Place around the time of the murder.

Police continue to investigate possible links between organized crime and the shooting.

No one has been charged in connection with his death and police are still searching for his killer.

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]]> 0 99867
Four prisoners dead in just three weeks in one of Britain’s biggest prisons after taking ‘dangerous’ zombie drugs Sat, 23 Mar 2024 05:01:05 +0000

A BATCH of zombie drugs is suspected to be responsible for four deaths in three weeks at one of Britain’s biggest prisons. The synthetic cannabis was found to have been mixed with another illegal substance to make it more potent. 1 A batch of zombie drugs is suspected to be responsible for four deaths in […]

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A BATCH of zombie drugs is suspected to be responsible for four deaths in three weeks at one of Britain’s biggest prisons.

The synthetic cannabis was found to have been mixed with another illegal substance to make it more potent.

A batch of zombie drugs is suspected to be responsible for four deaths in three weeks at one of Britain's largest prisons


A batch of zombie drugs is suspected to be responsible for four deaths in three weeks at one of Britain’s largest prisons

It was the focus of an investigation into six deaths HMP Park in Bridgend, Wales.

Adrian Usher, the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman, found four deaths were involved drug related.

Two of the dead were known to have used it herb.

Mr Usher urged prisoners to throw away their supplies, saying: “This is a dangerous drug and we don’t want any more unnecessary deaths to occur.”

The G4S-run Category B prison is said to hold 300 more prisoners than its capacity of 1,500.

An inspection in 2022 raised concerns drug use and violence, say activists.

Jason Hussey, John Rose and Christopher Stokes were among six inmates who have died since February 27.

Police have confirmed that two of the six deaths were not suspicious, while early testing suggests nitazenesartificial opioids – were linked to the others and spices to two.

Horror footage from Liverpool prison shows fight clubs, Spice zombies and brutal beatings

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]]> 0 99859
Chelsea Clinton defends Barron Trump from vicious attacks after he turns 18: Former first daughter says teen has an ‘indisputable right to privacy’ after ex-NBC executive said he was ‘fair game’ Sat, 23 Mar 2024 04:11:25 +0000

By Emily Goodin, senior US political reporter in Washington DC Published: 4:33 PM EDT, March 22, 2024 | Updated: 11:34 PM EDT, March 22, 2024 Chelsea Clinton defended fellow first child Barron Trump, saying the teen had an “indisputable right to privacy” even after he turned 18. The former first daughter said that despite growing […]

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Chelsea Clinton defended fellow first child Barron Trump, saying the teen had an “indisputable right to privacy” even after he turned 18.

The former first daughter said that despite growing up in the public eye, Donald Trump’s youngest child was “a private citizen.”

‘I believe so strongly that if you are a private individual, you have an inviolable right to privacy. And I think the media should leave him alone,” Chelsea said on ABC’s The View of Barron.

Chelsea Clinton spent her teenage years in the White House when her father Bill Clinton was president. She had to deal with the public scandal that emerged after her father admitted to having an affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

Chelsea Clinton defended fellow first child Barron Trump, saying the teen had an ‘indisputable right to privacy’

Barron was ten when his father became president. Chelsea Clinton was twelve when Bill Clinton became president.

Chelsea Clinton gained a public profile after graduating from college. She joined the family foundation and campaigned for her mother, Hillary Clinton, on the campaign trail.

Her defense came after former NBC News executive Mike Sington said Barron was “fair game” after the anniversary that marks adulthood. He later deleted the tweet after facing harsh backlash and criticism online.

Sington said Newsweek: ‘I posted that he is now ‘fair game’, meaning as an adult he is ‘fair game’ because of the criticism from the press.

‘Someone pointed out to me that ‘fair play’ could mean harming fair play.

“I don’t wish bodily harm on anyone, so I removed it. I listen to the comments and criticism I receive.’

Chelsea Clinton was twelve when her father Bill Clinton became president

Barron Trump was 10 when his father Donald Trump became president

Chelsea Clinton was 12 when her father Bill Clinton became president (left); Barron Trump was 10 when his father Donald Trump became president (right)

Barron Trump with mother Melania Trump in New York in July 2021

Barron Trump with mother Melania Trump in New York in July 2021

Barron Trump with his parents Donald and Melania Trump at the White House in March 2019

Barron Trump with his parents Donald and Melania Trump at the White House in March 2019

Barron Trump has been the victim of death threats from those who oppose his father’s actions as president.

He currently lives in Florida with his parents and is considering which college to attend with the help of his mother Melania.

Barron spent much of his childhood almost completely out of the spotlight, as much of his adolescence took place during his father Donald Trump’s tenure in the White House.

He was the first boy to grow up in the White House since JFK Jr. in 1963 – and Barron lived through many of his family’s scandals during his teenage years.

In January 2018, he was not yet 12 when the media was awash with porn star Stormy Daniels’ claims that she had an affair with Donald just four months after Barron’s birth.

During his presidency, Trump’s most ardent critics even resorted to criticizing the young boy as a means of attacking his father.

Former NBC executive Mike Sington shared the Tweet on Barron's 18th birthday on Wednesday

Former NBC executive Mike Sington shared the Tweet on Barron’s 18th birthday on Wednesday

Sington deleted the tweet after a harsh response online, saying he never wished

Sington deleted the tweet after a harsh response online, saying he never wished “physical harm” on anyone

Trump’s adult children from previous marriages have drawn criticism for their public profiles, but Barron’s young age has shielded him from much attention.

Chelsea Clinton said Trump’s older children worked in Trump’s White House and campaigned for him, so “it’s a whole different conversation.”

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Smuggling gangs using TIKTOK to recruit migrants to pilot small boats across the Channel Sat, 23 Mar 2024 04:02:28 +0000

SMUGGLING gangs are using TikTok to recruit migrants to pilot small boats across the Channel. Those willing to pilot the dinghies will receive a discounted or free ride to Britain from the Kurdish kingpins. 1 Choul Phan Maker, far left, was sentenced Wednesday to 30 months in prison for piloting a rubber boat carrying 50 […]

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SMUGGLING gangs are using TikTok to recruit migrants to pilot small boats across the Channel.

Those willing to pilot the dinghies will receive a discounted or free ride to Britain from the Kurdish kingpins.

Choul Phan Maker, far left, was sentenced Wednesday to 30 months in prison for piloting a rubber boat carrying 50 people last August


Choul Phan Maker, far left, was sentenced Wednesday to 30 months in prison for piloting a rubber boat carrying 50 people last AugustCredit: Home Office/PA Wire

They just learn how to turn on the engine and where to fill up with gas.

Some receive a GPS tracker and a telephone with which they can make an SOS call Border Force as soon as they enter our waters.

One photo shows a young pilot with the caption: “France UK 100% Well Done £3,500.”

Many now hide their faces because they know British authorities are trying to identify pilots.

Most videos are deleted after being flagged TikTokbut not before reaching potentially thousands of viewers.

Migrants Choul Phan Maker, 31, from Southern Sudanused to be was sentenced to twenty months in prison on Wednesday for operating a 50-person dinghy last August.

A total of 2,051 people made the dangerous crossing in March, the highest monthly figure so far this year.

It comes as another 263 migrants were apprehended in the 34 kilometer wide space Dover Yesterday in seven boats straits.

Wednesday was the busiest day this year, when 514 migrants reached Britain in ten rubber boats.

The latest figures bring the total for the year to 4,306.

‘Rwanda plan is an expensive gimmick’ says Keir Starmer as he says we need to ‘take out the gangs’

The Home office said 141 people smugglers were convicted last year, 80 of them for operating small boats.

A spokesperson added: “People smugglers often use social media to spread lies and promote their criminal activities.

“It is critical that we use the same platforms to educate migrants about the truths about crossing the canal and coming to Britain illegally.”

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Prince Harry and Meghan both contact William and Kate after learning the princess has undergone treatment for cancer Sat, 23 Mar 2024 03:11:05 +0000

Harry and Meghan have reached out to Prince William and Kate following her shock cancer diagnosis. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are said to have had ‘private’ contact with the Prince and Princess of Wales last night. It is not clear whether the contact was a phone call, a video call or a series […]

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Harry and Meghan have reached out to Prince William and Kate following her shock cancer diagnosis.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are said to have had ‘private’ contact with the Prince and Princess of Wales last night.

It is not clear whether the contact was a phone call, a video call or a series of messages of support. It is not known whether Harry would fly back to Britain.

Last night it was also claimed in the United States that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex only learned about Kate’s condition at the same time the world heard the news.

In addition, sources also told the New York Post that the couple had “no idea” about Kate’s illness.

Harry and Meghan were seen at an arts event at SoFi Stadium in California last night, ahead of the Princess of Wales’ cancer announcement

The contact between the two brothers was revealed by ITV Royal Editor Chris Ship.

The 39-year-old Duke of Sussex has previously described Kate as the ‘big sister I never had’ when she got engaged to William 11 years ago.

However, his relationship with the Prince and Princess of Wales has broken down following the bitter aftermath of Megxit.

Kate last met Harry after the Queen’s death in September 2022, when they went on a walk around Windsor with their husbands.

The Princess of Wales announced her diagnosis in a video message yesterday, explaining that the cancer was discovered after her abdominal surgery.

She said: ‘The operation was successful but tests after the operation revealed cancer was present.

‘You can imagine that this took time. It took me time to recover from major surgery before I could start my treatment.

‘But most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to George, Charlotte and Louis in a way that suits them and to reassure them that I will be fine.’

The Princess of Wales with her three children in a photo released on Mother's Day

The Princess of Wales with her three children in a photo released on Mother’s Day

The two couples were once dubbed the 'Fab Four' and have not been seen together in public since the Queen's funeral (Pictured September 10, 2022)

The two couples, once dubbed the ‘Fab Four’, have not been seen together in public since the Queen’s funeral (Pictured September 10, 2022)

Harry and Meghan promoted the 2025 Invictus Games in Whistler last month

Harry and Meghan promoted the 2025 Invictus Games in Whistler last month

Hours after the news, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex released a short statement wishing the Princess of Wales and her family “health and healing.”

The couple said they hoped Kate and her family could “do this privately and in peace.”

Last month, Harry returned to Britain after taking an emergency flight from the US to visit the king following his cancer diagnosis.

The Duke cleared his diary and made the trip alone, leaving Meghan and their children Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet at home in California.

But there was no reconciliation between Harry and his brother, the Prince of Wales, during the visit, after the duke spent about 45 minutes at Clarence House to see Charles.

He last appeared alongside the Windsors and Waleses at the king’s coronation, but immediately afterwards rushed home to celebrate his son’s fourth birthday.

The Princess of Wales with Prince Louis and George at Sandringham on Christmas Day last year

The Princess of Wales with Prince Louis and George at Sandringham on Christmas Day last year

Since stepping down as working royals in 2020 and moving to California with their family, the Sussexes have made accusations and grievances against the monarchy and members of Harry’s family.

The Duke’s allegations against his family seemed unrelenting in the wake of Megxit with his interview with Oprah and, in the months after the Queen’s death, his Netflix documentary and memoir Spare.

There were allegations of racism regarding Archie’s skin color before he was born – with the comments ultimately said to have come from two senior royals – and it is claimed that Kensington Palace lied to protect William over reports that he was Harry would have bullied from the royal family.

The Duke also accused William of physically attacking him and throwing him into a dog litter box after Meghan, teasing him about his panic attacks and encouraging him, along with Kate, to wear a Nazi uniform to a fancy dress party.

While Charles and Harry are said to still talk to each other, William has reportedly not been in contact with his brother for quite some time.

Full speech by Princess of Wales

I wanted to take this opportunity to personally thank you for all the wonderful messages of support and for your understanding while I was recovering from surgery.

It’s been an incredibly tough few months for our whole family, but I’ve had a fantastic medical team who have taken great care of me, for which I am so grateful.

In January I had major abdominal surgery in London and at the time my condition was deemed to be non-cancerous.

The operation was successful.

However, tests after the surgery revealed that cancer was present. My medical team therefore recommended that I undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment.

This obviously came as a huge shock, and William and I have done everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family.

As you can imagine, this has taken time. It took me time to recover from major surgery before I could start my treatment.

But most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to George, Charlotte and Louis in a way that suits them, and to reassure them that I will be fine.

As I told them; I am doing well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal; in my mind, body and spirit.

Having William by my side is also a great source of comfort and reassurance. As does the love, support and kindness shown by so many of you. It means so much to both of us.

We hope you understand that we as a family now need some time, space and privacy while I complete my treatment.

My work has always brought me a deep sense of joy and I look forward to being back when I am able, but for now I must focus on making a full recovery.

At this time I also think of all those whose lives have been touched by cancer.

To anyone facing this disease in any form, please do not lose faith and hope. You are not alone.

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EuroMillions results and figures: National Lottery draw tonight, March 22 Sat, 23 Mar 2024 03:02:25 +0000

THE EuroMillions National Lottery draw tonight (March 22 2024) has taken place, with life-changing cash prizes at stake. Check out the results to see if you just won a fortune and collected enough to start the jet-setting lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of. 2 Do you have the winning EuroMillions ticket? Each EuroMillions ticket also gives […]

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THE EuroMillions National Lottery draw tonight (March 22 2024) has taken place, with life-changing cash prizes at stake.

Check out the results to see if you just won a fortune and collected enough to start the jet-setting lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.

Do you have the winning EuroMillions ticket?


Do you have the winning EuroMillions ticket?

Each EuroMillions ticket also gives you automatic entry to the UK Millionaire Maker, which guarantees at least one player to win £1 million in every draw.

You can find out if you’re a winner by comparing your ticket to tonight’s numbers below.

National Lottery tonight EuroMillions winning numbers are: 08, 11, 23, 32, 44 and the Lucky stars Are: 09, 10.

The winner of the UK Millionaire Maker Selection is: ZDTB31606.

Tonight’s National Lottery Thunderball winning numbers are: 07, 09, 17, 19, 33 and the Thunderball is 08.


  1. £1.308 billion (Powerball) on January 13, 2016 in the US, for which three winning tickets were sold, remains the largest lottery prize in history
  2. £1.267 billion (Mega Million) winner from South Carolina took the time to register to claim his prize in March 2019, not long before the April deadline
  3. £633.76 million (Powerball draw) from a Wisconsin winner
  4. £625.76 million (Powerball) Mavis L. Wanczyk from Chicopee, Massachusetts claimed the jackpot in August 2017
  5. £575.53 million (Powerball) A lucky few winners hit the jackpot in Iowa and New York in October 2018

The first EuroMillions draw took place on 7 February 2004 by three organisations: the French Française des Jeux, Loterías y Apuestas del Estado in Spain and the Camelot in the UK.

On December 4, 2020, one of Britain’s biggest prizes was up for grabs with a whopping £175 million EuroMillions jackpot, which would see a win winner richer than Adele.

Another previous British winner whose entire life was changed with their jackpot was one player who wished to remain anonymous on October 8, 2019. They walked away with a cool £170,221,000.

Colin and Chris Weir, from Largs in Scotland, earned a whopping £161,653,000 on July 12, 2011.

Adrian and Gillian Bayford, from Haverhill, Suffolk, raised £148,656,000 after drawing on August 10, 2012, while Jane Park became Britain’s youngest lottery winner when she raised £1 million in 2013.

The chance of winning a EuroMillions prize are 1 in 13.

Could tonight’s £25 million jackpot make you hand in your notice and trade the daily commute for champagne guzzling on a superyacht or lounging on a private beach in the Bahamas?

EuroMillions tickets also come with automatic entry to the UK Million Maker


EuroMillions tickets also come with automatic entry to the UK Million Maker

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Gory Gory to South Sydney! Frustrated Rabbitohs fan left bloodied after brawl at Allianz Stadium as Roosters deliver record thrashing Sat, 23 Mar 2024 02:12:26 +0000

An ugly brawl took place between Rabbitohs and Roosters fans Late on Friday evening in the second half at the Allianz Stadium One South Sydney fan was seen with a bloody mouth On the field, Roosters defeated their arch-rivals 48-6 By Andrew Prentice for Daily Mail Australia Published: 7:14 PM EDT, March 22, 2024 | […]

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  • An ugly brawl took place between Rabbitohs and Roosters fans
  • Late on Friday evening in the second half at the Allianz Stadium
  • One South Sydney fan was seen with a bloody mouth
  • On the field, Roosters defeated their arch-rivals 48-6

The NRL is expected to launch an investigation on Friday evening following an ugly brawl between Roosters and Rabbitohs supporters at Allianz Stadium.

Trent Robinson’s men defeated their fierce rivals 48-6 – with tensions reaching boiling point with rival supporters at Sydney’s Moore Park.

With the Roosters comfortably in front late in the second half, a fight started in the members’ area of ​​the revamped sports facility moments after South Sydney fullback Latrell Mitchell was sin-binned.

Footage of the incident shows several people involved in the brawl exchanging a barrage of punches – in full view of many terrified children.

Security initially struggled to intervene, before many of those involved eventually walked away.

The NRL is expected to launch an investigation after an ugly brawl between Roosters and Rabbitohs supporters (pictured) at Allianz Stadium on Friday evening

The fight started late in the second half, moments after Rabbitohs fullback Latrell Mitchell was sent to the sin bin (pictured)

The fight started late in the second half, moments after Rabbitohs fullback Latrell Mitchell was sent to the sin bin (pictured)

James Tedesco (centre) produced a masterclass as the Roosters defeated their fierce rivals 48-6

James Tedesco (centre) produced a masterclass as the Roosters defeated their fierce rivals 48-6

One man wears one Rabbitoh’s sweater was seen with a bloody mouth.

It is expected that CCTV will be used in an attempt to identify those involved, with a ban on NRL matches and possible court dates.

On the field, the Rabbitohs slumped to their third successive defeat, with coach Jason Demetriou now facing an uncertain future under pressure.

“It’s disappointing, it hurts, it’s probably the lowest point of my career right now, but I know how we’ll get out of it. We will fight and fight together,” he said at the post-match press conference.

“I have a lot of confidence in this group and I know they will come out.

‘The only way to relax [the noise] is to get laser focused and get our season going again.

“It’s just a matter of just getting that first win. We need to be more resilient.”

Demetriou’s decision to drop halfback Lachlan Ilias earlier this week raised many eyebrows, as did benching hooker Damien Cook.

Star recruit Jack Wton was also seen holding a knee late in the game in what was a night to forget for the Bunnies.

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Pensioner, 79, arrested on suspicion of murder after woman found dead in her home in Stoke-on-Trent Sat, 23 Mar 2024 02:03:20 +0000

A pensioner has been arrested on suspicion of murder after a woman was found dead at home. The victim, in her 70s, was discovered at a house in Denton Grove, Weston Coyney, at 8.40am on Friday. 1 Police and forensic officers outside a property on Denton Grove, Weston CoyneyCredit: BPM A 79-year-old man from Stoke-on-Trent […]

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A pensioner has been arrested on suspicion of murder after a woman was found dead at home.

The victim, in her 70s, was discovered at a house in Denton Grove, Weston Coyney, at 8.40am on Friday.

Police and forensic officers outside a property on Denton Grove, Weston Coyney


Police and forensic officers outside a property on Denton Grove, Weston CoyneyCredit: BPM

A 79-year-old man from Stoke-on-Trent has now been arrested on suspicion of murder.

Images show police and forensic investigators at the scene.

According to police, the victim and suspect knew each other.

Detective Inspector Lisa Holland said: “This is a tragic case which has understandably devastated the woman’s family.

“Our thoughts are very much with them at this time and we are doing everything we can to support them.

“We have set up a cordon in the area as we continue to gather evidence and investigate the circumstances leading to the woman’s tragic death.

“We can confirm that the victim and the suspect are known to each other.

“We will continue to gather evidence throughout the weekend as part of our investigation.”

For anonymous reports, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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