
‘Bogeyman’ burglar, 28, is discovered hiding under a boy’s bed naked apart from the child’s underwear

A bogey burglar has been jailed for two and a half years after he was found hiding under a boy’s bed wearing nothing but the child’s trousers.

Ahmad Hassan, 28, has been called a real bogeyman by police officers after he left the boy for fear of going to his bedroom alone while his brother was so traumatized he vomited.

Canterbury Crown Court heard the shocking discovery was made after the young siblings returned home from trick or treating with their mother on October 31 last year.

Despite doors and windows being open at the property in Folkestone, Kent, and the interior ransacked, the family believed the intruder had left.

But then one of the boys was greeted by the terrifying sight under his bed.

Ahmad Hassan (photo) has been called a real bogeyman by the police

Ahmad Hassan (photo) has been called a real bogeyman by the police

The police were alerted and found Hassan in another bedroom, sprawled on the floor in a starfish pose and still wearing the boy’s orange pants.

Hassan later denied burglary with intent to steal, but was found guilty after a jury deliberated for just 40 minutes.

He did not give evidence at his trial, but Canterbury Crown Court heard he was under the influence of drugs at the time.

During the trial, a police officer described Hassan to jurors as “the bogeyman.”

A judge has told Hassan she “couldn’t imagine” how his young victim must have felt when he found the intruder under his bed on Halloween last year.

Prosecutor Alex Matthews told Wednesday’s sentencing hearing that the family arrived home around 9 p.m. to find toys all over the floor, wet clothes in the hallway and some of their own clothing and bedding disturbed.

She said: ‘It was thought no one was in the house but to the horror of one of the children it turned out the suspect had hidden under the child’s bed.

‘Obviously the family was quite upset.

‘The suspect was eventually found in another son’s bedroom and was clearly under the influence of drink or drugs.’

The court heard it was accepted that Hassan had not forced entry as the homeowner believed she may have left a door open and that nothing had in fact been stolen.

In her victim impact statement, made just hours after the burglary, the mother revealed how she and her sons had been affected.

They decided not to stay in the house that night and are said to have since moved out.

She told police: ‘I am still in shock, feeling extremely anxious, in shock and ultimately scared. I know the house is safe now, but I’m afraid to go home.

‘My children are shocked. You will constantly think that someone is in the house. He didn’t want to go back to his bedroom without me.

“My other son vomited because of the fear inflicted on him.”

Hassan, who has no previous convictions, is believed to have lived in Britain for 11 years but was homeless at the time of the crime and led a ‘chaotic’ life.

It is believed he put on the boy’s underwear because his own clothes were wet.

Canterbury Crown Court (pictured) heard the shocking discovery was made after the young siblings returned home from trick or treating with their mother on October 31 last year

Canterbury Crown Court (pictured) heard the shocking discovery was made after the young siblings returned home from trick or treating with their mother on October 31 last year

Alexa Le Moine, defending, told the court the suspect was ‘genuinely remorseful’ for his actions.

She said: “You cannot underestimate the intrusion into your home, a place of safety and refuge for this family.

‘It is hoped that this will not have any long-term consequences for her and her children.

‘This is perhaps a more unusual case in that he was found at the scene, made no attempt to escape, was sleeping on the floor and was clearly intoxicated, which may explain why he entered the property and remained as he was. did.’

Her argument that Hassan could be spared immediate custody was rejected by Recorder Christine Wilson, who jailed Hassan for two and a half years.

Recorder Wilson said the intrusion into the family’s ‘safe space’ and his subsequent behavior had resulted in significant psychological harm to all three victims.

She told Hassan: “In this case you did not break into the property by damaging any door or window and you did not take anything.

“But you entered the premises and looted a number of toys and items of clothing, including the householder’s underwear.

‘You took off all your clothes, put on orange underpants from one of the small children in the family and then hid under a cot.

“I can’t imagine what it must have been like for that child to come home from trick or treating on Halloween and find a person naked under his bed except for that child’s own underwear.”

Hassan, who has no fixed abode, was also given a ten-year restraining order.

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