
Douglas Ross is to quit as the leader of the Scots Tories after almost four years in charge

  • The MSP says he will resign after the July 4 election
  • He insists he wants to focus on being an MP if elected for the Aberdeenshire North and Moray East constituencies

The Scots Tory The general election campaign has been thrown into chaos after Douglas Ross announced the shock decision to step down as leader.

The Scots Conservative leader announced that he will step down as leader after the general election.

He came to this decision after concluding that anger over his decision to become an MP had become a major distraction to the party’s campaign.

It comes just days after David Duguid was ousted as candidate for Aberdeenshire North and Moray East as he recovers from a spinal illness in hospital, with Mr Ross choosing to take his place on the ballot paper.

Mr Ross will also step down as an MSP if elected MP.

Douglas Ross has been leader of the Scottish Conservatives for almost four years

Douglas Ross has been leader of the Scottish Conservatives for almost four years

In a statement he said: ‘I have been an MP, MSP and Leader for over three years now and believed I could continue to do so if re-elected to Westminster, but on reflection that is not feasible.

“I am committed to fighting and winning the constituencies of Aberdeenshire North and Moray East. Should I be given the honor of representing the people and communities of this new seat, they should know that being their Member of Parliament would receive my full focus and attention.

“I will therefore step down as leader after the July 4 elections, once a successor has been chosen. Should I win the seat, I will also resign as MSP to make way for another Scottish Conservative representative at Holyrood.”

“My party has a chance to beat the SNP in key seats across Scotland, including in Aberdeenshire North and Moray East. We must now come together and fully focus on doing just that.”

Mr Ross will remain as leader through the election campaign and will still take part in a BBC Scotland leaders’ debate tomorrow.

Party officials will meet after the election to outline the details of the leadership contest.

A Tory source said: “He feels the events of last weekend make it clear that MSPs are not happy with his decision to stand in Aberdeenshire North and Moray East and that he has become a distraction.

“There is a trickle-down drift and he thinks this will continue for MSPs because they are clearly not happy with this and we don’t want it to be a distraction day in and day out.”

Opponents claimed the announcement shows the Tory campaign is in ‘disarray’.

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton said: ‘This is further evidence of a Conservative party in deep disarray.

‘Like the SNP, the Tories have been in power for too long, broken rules and taken you for granted.’

Former Prime Minister Alex Salmond, leader of the Alba Party, said: ‘This is the first case of a rat leaving a sinking ship while simultaneously trying to climb aboard a gravy train. Douglas Ross must resign as candidate for Aberdeenshire North and Moray Easy, where he stabbed David Duguid in the back.

“Ross is completely devoid of honor.”

Mr Ross also faced calls to quit as MSP regardless of whether he is elected to Westminster.

Seamus Logan, SNP candidate for Aberdeenshire North and Moray East, said: “Douglas Ross must resign as MSP today.

‘It is clear he has been forced to resign as leader of the Scottish Tories following his shameful behavior towards David Duguid and his spiraling spending scandal. Voters deserve a committed MSP – not one who hedges his bets in case he loses the election.

‘On July 4, voters in Aberdeenshire North and Moray East can show Douglas Ross the door for good by voting for the SNP to put Scotland’s interests first.’

Jackie Baillie, deputy leader of the Scottish Labor Party, said: ‘I wish Douglas Ross every success in the future.

‘It is clear that this divided and chaotic Tory party is running out of time and ideas.

“Voters know this rotten Tory government has nothing to offer Scotland. It is no wonder Douglas Ross has given up on efforts to revive the Scottish Tories’ faltering campaign.

‘After fourteen years of Tory chaos and seventeen years of SNP incompetence and scandal, Scotland is crying out for change.’

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