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¿Are you interested in the electronic devices?

Once, Madison Square Garden Company, an empresarial group that includes James Dolan, owner of Los Knicks and Los Rangers, equipos of Nueva York, announced that the triple grandstand was in the front part of the country: a professional videojuego.

The inversionistas neoyorquinos have won more than 10 million dollars and compare a participation of mayors in Counter Logic Gaming, an equipment of electronic devices, and declare If you watch professional videos “there’s a big cambio on the wall, what creemos is that the potential of a generic crecimiento significativo is great”.

Without embargo, this crecimiento se ha estancado. Corresponding to the huge rapids of the cayeron deporters for the expectant and inversion-intensive industry operators, the proprietors of Madison Square Garden have intended to adopt a trade mode of negotiation to explore their equipment.

About much of the enthusiasm, los deportes electrónicos en Estados Unidos estándo las realidades económicas. If it is impossible to do business, the dueños of the fittings will call the guest recortando al despedir a empleados y rescIENdo contratos con sus jugadores estrella. In all cases there are companies equipped, en ocasiones, with pérdidas, with a recent view of a raw reality for the personas that create die los deportes electros podrían ser la próxima gran innovación en the entretenimiento.

It is alarming that algorithms matter. Los fans celebrated 14.8 million horas during the first season of 2023 of the League Championships Series, the league of the largest electronic sports of Estados Unidos, represented a 13th of the years 2022 and a 32nd of the men compared to 2021, according to the best estimates of Esports Charts data.

“Estamos en un momento en el que todos tienen que hacer un grand investigation van conciëncia,” according to Rod Breslau, an analyst of video juegos and deported electronic devices. “Ha habido mucha expectativa y muy poco valor real”.

All in all, the traditional deporteurs, the jugadores of the los deportes electrónicos legan and ganar salarios are the site digitos ya competir en campeonatos, con lo que atraen a patrocinadores and fanáticos. During the década pasada, los inversionistas ask acciones en equipos que participan en ligas profesionales para videojuegos incluyendo League of Legends, Overexpected j Duty.

The greatest success of the League Championship Series, a league of those teams created in 2013 and operated by Riot Games, the compañía die creó League of Legends. En esa liga, los equipos se enfrentan uno contra otro nl League of Legendsa video game with fantasia, en partidos que pueden atraer millones de espectadores and llenar estadios.

Not clear, las ligas has the most difficulties for dining. There are many associations for broadcasting electronic devices on platforms of YouTube and Twitch that have been distributed, most of the fathers are promoting their presupuestos publicitarios and the los propietarios of most operandos that are making the heathen salarios huge and the electronic deportations.

All electrical devices are equipped, including Evil Geniuses, and others muchos de sus jugadores caros de League of Legends. Otros, stories como 100 thieves, están despidiendo a empleados y ejecutivos senior.

The price of the acciones of FaZe Clan, a group of electronic deporters that has reached a large audience, has launched a solo of 50 cents per acción. In marzo, FaZe has received an aviso de exclusion from the list of Nasdaq, recommend that you eliminate the value of the tote so that you can not volvían a dollar subir por encima. Y el viernes, FaZe said it was despidiendo alrededor of 40 por ciento de los empleados, luego de a round of recortes in February. Esa noticia fue report made by Digiday.

Jack Etienne, director of Cloud 9, a group of electronic deporters, who has reduced the cost of the club to achieve the mitad of the electricians’ e-leagues and participation in the organization, a solo-está en ocho de las quince and weld what are you doing with.

TSM, one of the largest organizations of deporting electronic devices, has made an agreement known for its participation in the League Championship Series. It is an acción that has a lot of influence on the league, similar to a French destacada dejara of NBA or la NFL, porque TSM is one of the las marcas más antiguas en más prominent en los deportes electronics of América del Norte.

TSM has grown into a group that has interesados ​​with multiple semans, a persona with conocimiento de las negociaciones, and has narrowed its list of possible compradores to a few decades of entities, the mayor has pertenecientes a loosely worldly mid-engine and loosely deported traditionally . The requested price is in the order of $20 million, confirms the person’s mencionada.

Andy Dinh, the director of TSM, has stated that his country of the Estados Unidos has a relationship with its competitor for a global citizen, and he is also facing economic problems. The mayor of los mejores equipos de League of Legends Provienen de lugares como Corea del Sur of China y, desde hace mucho tiempo, la región norteamericana ha estado rezagada fortaleza competitiva en comparación con esas regiones.

You can compare an airplane with one of the major leagues of the las ligas League of Legends and cualquier parte del mundo después de vender su participación en Estados Unidos.

Riot Games have a lot of pressure. League of Legends they generated miles of millones of dolares and much of their history, pero la liga deportes electronics que rodea al titulo ha perdido dinero desde hace tiempo. It’s a feature for Riot, owned by internet giant Tencent, that the league is using to boost interest in the juego.

Pero esa formula la ha enfrentado cada vez más con los dueños de los equipos de deportes electronics, quienes le pagaron al menos 10 millones de dolares por un lugar in the liga y se les prometió that a la larga obtendrían ganancias. Este mes, después de que los equipos lo solicitaran, Riot agreed eliminar el requirement of que los equipos participation in a liga de League of Legends in the end, a League Championship Series league leveling where you can see if you have another dinner.

El mes pasado, Riot publico a large text on a blog and chances are that mistakes will be made and the inversionistas will be suppressed. The optimists of the electricity optimists have different aspects: the youth of the espectadores of the e-porters, watching the announcements, and the promesa of ganar diner-vendiendo artículos and the juego-relacionados with eventos de deportes electricity. El año passado, la venta de esos artículos en otro de los juegos de Riot, Valorant, gener 42 millones de lares, la mitad de los cuales se destinaron a equipos que participan en la liga deportes electrónicos de Valorant, dijo Riot.

John Needham, president of Riot Electricity, has discovered the industry’s problems.

And once, Needham manifesto: “Gran parte de lo que estamos vendiendo es el sueño, es el futuro a large plazo de los deportes electronics. Además, cuando perdemos un equipo y no pueden general inversiones basadas en ese sueño, lo vemos como un fracaso. Anyway, de verdad, estamos sintiendo la presión”.

For Madison Square Garden, seller of Counter Logic Gaming, its electrical gear has an esfuerzo to challenge mayors. Without an embargo, the company cannot encounter a comprador sufficient to recover the costs, según indicaron cuatro personas conocimiento de la situación.

En cambio, the group Madison Square Garden chased the counter logic gaming and empleados for several decades el mes pasado Have an acuerdo para fusionar su activo restante (su equipo de League of Legends) with NRG Esports, an organization of electronic devices.

Madison Square Garden has no effect on the water. In cambio, with several million dollars from NRG for the installation costs of CLG and the salaries of the 25 remnants, the personas are familiar with the transacción. All aspects of acuerdo fueron informados primero por The Jacob Wolf Reporta semi-annual report on electronic deportations.

The group Madison Square Garden took a minority stake from the board of NRG, the llama of Hard Carry Gaming, who was allowed to participate in loosely electrified players. Dan Fleeter, senior vice president of Madison Square Garden Company, got the name of Hard Carry Gaming’s junta directiva as part of the acuerdo, different personas.

David Hopkinson, chairman of Madison Square Garden Sports, issued a communication announcing the acuerdo that the company is authorizing “to continue an inversionista major in the industry of loosely deporting electronic devices.”

Algunas personas ven el exodo como a chance. Andy Miller, President of NRG Esports (on the gear of League of Legends the Madison Square Garden), which have had an industry apertura and a medida known all over the world.

“It’s a difficult moment, pero este es nuestro momento,” said Miller, a former technology publisher and co-owner of the NBA’s Los Kings de Sacramento. “Creo que tenemos la oportunidad de atraer un montón de fanáticos”.

Kellen Browning is a periodic tech in San Francisco, has the economics of plataformas, the industry of los videojuegos and noticias de technología in general. @kellen_browning

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