Google has announced price cuts across a slew of previous-generation models in India following the launch of its flagship Pixel 9 series on Tuesday. The list of discounted smartphones includes the entire three-model Pixel 8 lineup, as well as a select few from the Pixel 7 series. The development comes a day after Google confirmed that it has started production of the standard Pixel 8 in India — a move that was first announced during the Google for India event in October 2023.
Google Pixel 8 Series, Pixel 7a Discounts
The discounts have been rolled out across all storage configurations in the Pixel smartphone lineup, but the major one applies to the Pixel 8 Pro. Google’s previous flagship originally retailed for Rs. 1,06,999 in India for the base model with 128GB storage, but is now priced at Rs. 99,999. Meanwhile, the Pixel 8 price now starts at Rs. 71,999, up from its launch price of Rs. 75,999.
Discounts of Rs. 3,000 and Rs. 2,000 have also been rolled out on the Pixel 8a and Pixel 7a, respectively. The full new price list of the Pixel smartphone lineup in India is mentioned below.
Pixel model | Launch price | Revised price | Price difference |
Pixel 8 128GB | Rs. 75,999 | Rs. 71,999 | 4,000 rupees |
Pixel 8 256GB | Rs. 82,999 | Rs. 77,999 | 5,000 rupees |
Pixel 8 Pro 128GB | Rs. 106,999 | Rs. 99,999 | 7,000 rupees |
Pixel 8 Pro 256GB | Rs. 113,999 | ₹106,999 | 7,000 rupees |
Pixel 8a 128GB | 52,999 rupees | Rs.49,999 | 3,000 rupees |
Pixel 8a 256GB | 59,999 rupees | 56,999 rupees | 3,000 rupees |
Pixel 7a 128GB | Rs.43,999 | Rs.41,999 | 2,000 rupees |
The discounts are not tied to a limited-time offer and are permanent. Google says the new prices will go live in the coming weeks. All smartphones can be purchased from Flipkart, Google’s only authorized retailer in India.
However, the tech giant has also announced the offline availability of its new Pixel 9 series, which will go on sale across retailers like Reliance Digital and Croma. Additionally, it will also be setting up walk-in centres in Bengaluru, Delhi and Mumbai, where prospective buyers can experience the new devices before deciding to buy them.