I had an ’emotional affair’ with a woman from work – my husband has no idea
THE line between innocent friendships and emotional affairs can often become blurred.
One woman realized this when she noticed that she was thinking about her colleague a little too often.
In a Reddit afterthe unnamed woman explained the circumstances of her emotional infidelity.
She revealed that she has been with her husband for 13 years and that “he has been my first in everything in my life.”
The poster described their relationship as “a bit stagnant”.
So when her new colleague started, her “chatty, warm and congenial” attitude was a welcome escape.
“I found myself just a little bit more excited to go to work because I would see her,” the Reddit user admitted.
The pair quickly developed a friendship outside of work, enjoying nights out and walks together.
She explained that her colleague had just gotten out of a serious relationship and the two had bonded over their situation.
“I confided [my co-worker] that all the things we do together are things I wish for [my husband] would do it with me, she said.
And as the Reddit user’s birthday approached, she celebrated with her colleague after it became clear her husband had forgotten the occasion.
While she eventually got over the birthday incident, the woman began to wonder how happy she was in her marriage.
“I know I’m already emotionally cheating on my husband [her]” the poster wrote.
‘And I don’t even feel sorry for it. The more I think about it, the more I realize how neglectful he has been towards me.
“How I do everything I can to please him, to make him feel special, [the] I made sacrifices to make him happy and appreciated, and I literally got nothing in return for years.”
She revealed that her husband is completely oblivious to her feelings and even wants to start a family.
Reddit users shared their thoughts on the situation in the comments section.
These are clear signs that you are having an emotional affair
Suddenly realizing that you have an emotional connection with someone can often come as a real surprise.
Here, relationship expert Kate Taylor reveals five telltale signs to look out for.
1. You see the world through their eyes – everything about them seems interesting and cool, so you start copying their taste – in music, food, movies, TV.
2. You unconsciously dress for them – When they say they like straight hair or tight jeans, you find yourself changing your look accordingly.
3. You no longer have an argument with your partner. In fact, it is quieter at home than it has been for years because you have emotionally checked out.
4. You enjoy sex more than ever – Your libido is high, but you don’t hug your partner afterwards and you turn your head when he kisses you.
5. You shine when you’re together – And you hope that strangers around you will mistake you for a couple. In contrast, your real partner now feels more like a boring uncle or an uncool mother.
“There are two issues going on here: your husband is neglecting you and you are fulfilling some of your needs outside of the marriage,” one reader commented.
“Both [are] very dangerous unless you are willing to cheat because this is how you cheat.
“It sounds like you’ve been cut out of the relationship and the relationship has hit a wall,” another person wrote.
“There are issues in your relationship that you haven’t addressed yet,” said a third Redditor.
“You’re cheating in the meantime. Don’t sugar coat it. You do. Cheating.”