I started getting up at 5am to go to the gym – my secret is the Kaizen method
A HARDWORKING man shared the unique process he followed to ensure he woke up early to hit the gym before work.
His secret trick for success is the ‘Kaizen method’. This method works well if you don’t have enough willpower and still want to exercise.
Reddit user Disciplinemotivation recently started a new job that requires a long drive.
He shared a specific method in a after to make sure he was awake and alert so he could get to the gym at 5:30 in the morning before going home.
“The most important thing is to take willpower out of the equation,” he said.
The methodology he followed was called the Kaizen method.
“Imagine every little step and action you have to take to get out of bed,” he explained.
He added that this applies to everything in life, even though it is often used in the workplace.
It is “an approach to creating continuous movement in your life,” according to Tech target.
For him this consisted of twelve specific steps.
First, at 5am, the alarm on his phone went off to wake him up.
In step two, he opened his eyes and took a deep breath, then counted backwards from five and jolted up to a sitting position, as part of step three.
He called step three the “backbone” of the entire method because you will likely fail at first, but he encouraged others to “keep trying every day.”
“If you want to get up earlier, you should also go to bed earlier,” he advised.
He added that the “whole point” of Kaizen is to “create the habit of waking up early and becoming a person who wakes up early.”
Then, he says, he “immediately” throws off the covers and puts his feet on the floor.
In step five, he gets up, walks to the phone, which he keeps across the room, and turns off the alarm, as part of step six.
“I recommend never putting a phone next to your bed and putting it on airplane mode,” he advised.
This way he won’t be tempted to go back to sleep.
As soon as he grabs his phone, he opens the door and leaves the room, but he doesn’t look at the device in his hands.
What is the Kaizen Method?
The United States Environmental Protection Agency noted that Kaizen, or “rapid improvement processes,” is the “building block” of all lean manufacturing methods.
It focuses on ‘eliminating waste, improving productivity and achieving continual improvement in an organization’s intended activities and processes.
According to Kaizen Institute Founder Masaaki Imai, “Kaizen means improvement. Moreover, it means continuous improvement in personal life, home life, social life and working life.”
The five principles of Kaizen are: creating customer value, creating efficient flow, being Gemba or workplace oriented, empowering and involving people, and creating visual standards.
It can be applied in various sectors and disciplines, including healthcare, engineering, automotive, construction, pharmaceuticals and of course in your private life.
By applying the principles on a daily basis, you can work more productively and in a structured manner.
As soon as you get up and move, fill a glass with cold water and drink it in step eight.
He suggested the next step is to go outside to a balcony, take deep breaths and stretch. If you don’t have a balcony, make sure you prioritize fresh air in the morning.
“Guys, this part is absolutely crucial if you want to wake up, okay? MOVE YOUR BODY, take some deep breaths, and let the cold wake up,” he said.
He said he doesn’t leave the place until he feels like he’s fully awake.
“Do jumping jacks or whatever you think might help you. It doesn’t matter as long as you’re moving your body and breathing cold air,” he added.
In step 10, the Reddit user looks up at the sky to “release natural hormones in the brain” that wake him up.
“In people who drink a lot of coffee, this function is severely disrupted because they build up a tolerance to it,” he explains.
The last two steps involve putting on your workout clothes, grabbing your gym bag, and heading outside.
Even though he was at the gym at 5:30 in the morning, the Redditor said he didn’t force me to work out at first.
“I told myself to walk out the door and go to the gym. Whatever I did, it was extra at first,” he explained.
“Some days you’re so tired that your brain is like, ‘I can’t work out for 45 minutes,’ and you’re like, ‘I don’t need to work out for 45 minutes. I just need to walk out the door.'”
The final step is to “REWARD YOURSELF,” which he calls “so important.”
“Only willpower will fail you. Imagine what you want to do when the alarm goes off over and over again until you know it by heart,” he advised.