I work for the number one business website in the world. This is why men and women cheat
An Ashley Madison insider has revealed that men and women have very different reasons for having affairs.
Isabella Mise is an international spokesperson for the world’s most popular extramarital affair website and has delved into the data on why people cheat.
And she was surprised by some of the findings because they go against the stereotypes often held based on gender.
She said: “When we asked our members about the reasons for their infidelity, the main reason was a lack of sexual satisfaction.
“And when we looked at the general population in Britain, the main reason was that they wanted more attention and affection.
“So really, there’s that theme across the board that there’s a missing piece of intimacy.
“But it’s interesting because we work with a lot of researchers, sex therapists and academics around the world.
“One in particular that we’ve worked with in the past from the University of Missouri, her name is Dr. Alicia Walker.
“She actually did a whole analysis of why men cheat versus why women cheat.”
Isabella added: “What she discovered was very interesting.
“It kind of goes against what people think.
“In her research, she found that women were actually much more likely to outsource the physical intimacy that was lacking in their primary relationship.
“And they really wanted to outsource that part.
“The men’s main motivation was more the emotional intimacy or the emotional validation, the emotional connection.
“I think that piece has always fascinated me because I think it really goes against what we believe to be true when it comes to men and women and what they’re looking for.
“It kind of flips the script.”