I’m 51 and my laugh lines disappear in a MINUTE without filler – here’s how I do it
A 51-year-old shares her ultimate trick for making laugh lines disappear in a minute.
Kat James is a famous makeup artist and anti-aging expert. However, she doesn’t agree that you should use fillers or Botox everywhere, because it can distort your face.
Instead, she’s developed a one-minute routine to smooth out laugh lines without using a needle.
Laugh lines, also called nasolabial folds, are lines that run from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth.
They are a natural part of the facial structure and often become more pronounced with age, but not everyone is happy about that.
Luckily for those looking to get rid of it without fillers, Kat has a routine in mind that she does three times a week.
read more anti-aging tips
She shared a tutorial for loosening lymphatic fluid, a fluid that causes swelling, by wiggling a gua sha near your nose and then sliding it down the nasal crease.
Gua sha is a traditional Chinese skin care tool used in facial massage to improve circulation, reduce swelling and promote lymphatic drainage.
Lymph is a clear to white fluid that flows from cells and tissues in your body. However, it can cause facial swelling if it accumulates in the tissues of your face.
The lymphatic system is a network of vessels, nodes and organs that promote the drainage of this fluid.
As we age, the efficiency of the system can decrease and the drainage of fluid can decrease, which can lead to more puffiness and lines on the face.
“What we’re doing is not removing lymph, we’re releasing it,” Kat explained of her technique.
After you’ve massaged the lymph from the outside of your face, she recommends applying the gua sha internally.
You can also rub it on the inside of your lip, where the nasal fold forms, to massage away excess moisture from within.
“It’s a little painful at first, because you really want to get in here,” Kat began.
Her internal massage technique helps to release ‘all that stress’ that is held in your facial tissues.
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“It will make the area smoother,” she said.
“Try doing this about three times a week and you will see a noticeable difference in the smoothness and depth of these lines.”
Kat also strongly advises against having fillers placed in your nasal folds.
“I don’t like filler in this area because you move around so much,” she explained.
“There is so much animation that padding can sometimes be displayed.
“It is really not ideal to use filler in areas where there is a lot of movement.”
In addition, there is a risk that the filler will not be distributed evenly, creating an asymmetrical face.
And if too much filler is used, it can lead to an unnatural, puffy or swollen look, which is not what you want if you want to age gracefully.