A municipality in Sydney is again holding a 'Dawn Reflection' on Australia Day to commemorate First Nations, despite the reactions to the event last year.
Waverley Council – where the well -to -do eastern suburbs Bondi, Bronte, Rose Bay, Tamarama and Dover Heights are part – said that guests at sunrise on January 26 '' cultural expression of local knowledge holders and artists will experience '.
Michael von Berg, recipient of the military cross, told Daily Mail Australia that the idea of a morning shift was closely linked to Anzac Day and that it was an 'ambush' of the municipality who 'the veterans and all those who have fallen at the protecting this country 'recorded.
Waverley Council said that the event was meant to “recognize the resilience and survival of the Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islanders, and their continuous connection with the country and culture as the traditional managers of this country.”
The event will be followed by a breakfast BBQ at Bondi Surf Bathers' Life Saving Club, where donations go to the Go Foundation, a charity for native educational institutions.
Mr Von Berg said he had no problem with the concept, but that it was a clear stunt that was a dawn event on Australia Day that was meant to politicize both Australia Day and Anzac Day.
“Our indigenous brothers have fought in every conflict since the Boer War,” said Von Berg.
'I have served with many who never abandoned me, someone I lost in Vietnam and who I will never forget. The army is completely color blind. “

War hero Michael von Berg said that a 'Dawn Reflection' event at Australia Day for First Nations people was a stunt by a council in Sydney that attracted both Australia Day and Anzac Day in an ambush

This year, Waverley Council is holding on to his decision to hold the Dawn event at Bondi Beach on Australia Day, similar to the event held on Anzac Day every year (photo)
The Waverley Council held the event last year when Mayor Paula Masselos said that the voice of Australians not to include a native voice for parliament in the Constitution in October 2023, partly led to this decision.
'As a council that is committed to social justice, we understand that January 26 can be a difficult day for many Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders and that many in our community still have to come into terms with the results of the Voice to Parliament referendum. “said Mayor Masselos.
“The voters of Waverley were overwhelmingly in favor of a voice to parliament that would have given Australians the opportunity to set up together to recognize, strengthen and listen to the Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islander people.”
“It can be considered a day of mourning, but also a day to recognize the constant resilience and the survival of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditions and cultures.”
In the referendum, 60 percent of Australians voted against a change in the constitution to include a variety -based advisory body.
Mr Von Berg urged the council to reconsider the event and 'keep it on a different date'.
Australia Day, which is celebrated every year on January 26, marks the landing of the first fleet in 1788 when the first governor of the British colony New South Wales, Arthur Philip, the Union Jack at Sydney Cove Hees.
But for many First Nations people it is considered to be 'Invasie Day' or the 'Day of Mourning' because it marks the beginning of the colonization of Australia.

Waverley Council mayor Paula Masselos is depicted with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Mr Von Berg said that the Australian flag for veterans symbolized more than just politics.
'The Australian flag will be hoisted high and proud, because this flag means more to us than just a piece of fabric.
“When a soldier dies, that flag is draped over the coffin; These are the weapons of the nation that hugs the soldier and thank him/her for their services. The flag that hangs half -might are the tears of the nation that mourns around that soldier. It means even more. “
A poll by the conservative think tank The Institute for Public Affairs published this week showed that 69 percent of the respondents agreed with the preservation of the date of Australia Day on January 26.
“That is a clear message of two -thirds of the population,” said Von Berg.
“This one awakened advice does its own thing.”
A separate poll, the Deakin Contemporary History Survey in 2021, 2023 and 2024, contained the statement: “We should not celebrate Australia Day on January 26,” and asked the reader to agree or disagree.
That study, among other than 2,000 respondents, showed that the answers were consistent in the course of those years than any form of 'cultural shift': about 58 percent of the respondents did not agree and wanted to keep the date, while 41 percent wanted to change the date.
At the end of 2022, the federal government deleted an earlier rule that obliged municipalities to keep citizenship sceremonies on Australia Day.
At the time, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese insisted that there were no changes here 'because nothing was enforced, but after that change more than 80 municipalities dropped the citizenship ceremonies on January 26 last year.

Mr Von Berg said that the dawn services were 'holy' and that the Waverley Council veterans 'held' with their Australia Day morning event (depicted an Anzac Day-morning service in Bondi)
In an audit of the country councils, Daily Mail Australia revealed last week that no fewer than 154 councils throughout the country did not hold citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day.
The number is probably even higher, since just over a third of the 537 local councils in Australia refused to announce their position when this Masthead asked.
Citizenship ceremonies, however, have received powerful support from councils in western Sydney, where many migrants live, where mayors insist on the recovery of the celebration of Australia Day.
Daily Mail Australia has contacted the Waverley Council for comment.