The cases of Norovirus have risen in the hospital in the hospital this winter, about figures that were revealed today.
Rates of The vomiting bug, which can also cause diarrhea, rose by 30 percent last year at the same time.
Almost 900 patients a day were in the hospital in England with Norovirus last week, on the 784 in the last week – a turnout of more than one sixth.
Officials said that hospitals remain 'extreme pressure' and encouraged British to continue to wash their hands often to cross the transfer of the highly contagious virus.
The majority of people does not have to talk to a doctor about a norovirus infection. In most cases it will clean up itself.
But for those who are more vulnerable – usually the older, young and immunocomromized – this can lead to dehydration, resulting in hospitalization.
Early signs of dehydration can include advertisementRy mouth and throat, dizziness, fatigue, less than normal peeing and having sunken eyes.
Separate figures released by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) today also showed that more than double were from five years ago.
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Norovirus may resemble the symptoms of Covid, in which both viruses cause chills, fever and headache
Amy Douglas, an epidemiologist at the Ukhsa said: 'Norovirus cases are more than double what we would usually see at this time of the year.
'This is not only unpleasant for those affected – it has a major impact on hospitals and care homes.
'It is really important that if you have diarrhea and vomiting, you take steps to prevent you from spending the infection.
'Avoid visiting people in hospitals and care homes to prevent the infection from being passed on in these institutions.
'Only 48 hours after your symptoms have stopped not back to work, school or kindergarten and do not prepare food for others at the time.
'This is because you can still pass on the virus in the days after you are no longer sick.
'Washing your hands with soap and hot water and using pale -based products to clean surfaces will also help to spread infections.
“Norovirus do not kill alcoholic gels, so don't just trust this.”
Separate figures released today by British health security also showed that cases were more than double five years ago
According to figures released by the UKHSA, 842 Lab confirmed that reports were recorded in England in the past two weeks.
This is more than double the 395 included for the same two weeks in 2019.
However, the actual national case figures can be even higher.
This is because the figures are based on positive laboratory reports, 'represents' Only a small part of the total norovirus cases'.
It is estimated that for any case of Norovirus reported to national surveillance in the UK, there are about 288 in the community that are not reported.
The bug is usually spread through close contact with someone who is infected, or by touching surfaces or objects, or eating food that someone has infected.
Most of the infected suffer nausea, diarrhea and vomiting and recovery at home.
But Norovirus can also stack pressure on hospitals because infected patients must be isolated in single rooms or departments must be closed for new patients to contain the spread.
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Rest and having a lot of liquid is often recommended by health leaders to help recover. Paracetamol can also help to fever or pains.
Many patients also ask doctors for antibiotics, but these are not effective against viruses.
Separate NHS England figures nowadays also showed that the NHS stays alarmingly close to the capacity with 96 percent of the occupied hospital beds for adults.
92 percent is the point at which, experts say, the implementation of personnel drops.
Almost one in seven (13,426) was taken over by patients who were medical fit to be fired.
Professor Julian Redhead, national clinical director for urgent and emergency care, said: 'It is welcome news that the number of patients in the hospital with COVID and Griep continued to fall last week.
'But the worrying increase in the cases of Norovirus – now at their highest level so far this winter – means that there is no rental for NHS employees.
'Hospitals remain close to capacity, filled with almost a fifth of the beds because of seasonal viruses and delayed discharges to institutions such as social and community care.