The police have released video images of the hilarious moment that a female suspect was hidden under a pile of children's toys.
The 22-year-old woman had previously taunted online officers by commenting on 'Hey Guys' under her own searched professional post on the Facebook page of the Force.
She was under the stack of toys in a house in Fallowfield, Manchester, but her identity remains a mystery.
Greater Manchester Police arrested the woman on suspicion because he had not appeared at the court for three counts of mistreatment of a care provider, drug offenses and theft.
The woman was further arrested on suspicion of the attacks of a police officer and remains in custody for interrogation by investigators.
In the images of the arrest carried by the body, which took place on Thursday, January 30, his officers who discover the woman on her back with her arms crossed under the pile of toys.
An officer hears communicating with others and says 'she is here' while lifting toys from her body.
She is then heard moaning before the officer shouts: “Get up now.”
GMP's Detective inspector Natalie McDonald said: 'We currently have a woman in custody that is interviewed by detectives thanks to the rapid actions of our officers.
“We want to thank everyone who deals with our position, it ultimately helped us to find and arrest this woman and we have dedicated teams of officers in Manchester who actively search and arrest and arrest those who are desired.”
The police have released video images of the hilarious moment that a female suspect was hidden under a pile of toys for children
In the images, officers can be seen who remove a stack of toys and clothing on the suspect
The woman was found on her back with her arms crossed by officers, who then placed her under arrest
The 22-year-old woman had previously taunted online officers by commenting on 'Hey Guys' under her own searched professional post on the Facebook page of the Force