Children as young as 11 will be shown a film with a trans-six-six-sized that uses cross-genus hormones and breast binders, as part of LGBTQ+ History Month.
'1 year' follows the life of Ben Hodge, a teenager from Merseyside who passes from female to man during the last school year.
Hodge experiences bullying as a young teenager and then undergoes a name change, starts to wear breast binders and starts a cross-sege hormones course.
Public funds are pumped into the screening of the film, because it is one of the 700 that is available for all state schools by 'in films', a charity that works to integrate cinema into the learning of children.
Infilms is supported by tax money through the British Film Institute, which receives financing from the National Lottery.
The films must be made available to the charity streaming service, to which all British state schools have access if they have a valid public video screening license.
Guidance for teachers says that 1 year is suitable for children 11 years and older and it offers various discussion points for teachers.
But the concern was expressed by Lucy March, from the Family Education Trust, who said that the film first represented a 'huge security failure' to children of this age in 2020, reports the Telegraph.

'1 year' follows the life of Ben Hodge, a teenager from Merseyside who passes from female to male during the last school year
She explained: 'No report is made of the serious, irreversible side effects of taking testosterone or that long -term use of infertility risks in the long term. The film also encourages without explaining the serious potential health risks, including permanent nerve damage and rib fractures.
“We know from the CASS assessment that social contamination is a factor in the enormous rise of children who believe they are transgender and that there is no good evidence about the long-term results of gender-confirming medical treatments.”
LGBTQ+ History Month is an annual event that started in the United States in 1994. It was transported to Great Britain in 2005, where it has been observed since then has received support from the Ministry of Education.
In films, teachers on its website are recommended to view or read all elements of all content and ensure that they follow the guidelines of their school before they use material in the classroom or after -school clubs.
It adds that school protection protocols must be followed in the event that a student is 'activated' or as a result makes a disclosure.
In January last year, more than 300 schools were told to stop calling the students and girls of the students after they registered for a schedule run by controversial trans -rights Lobby group Stonewall.
Pre -elections, secondaries and even nurseries that children had so young as two had told that they would receive prizes from the charity if they 'do not remove unnecessary gender language from the classroom.
They were encouraged to use 'they' instead of 'he' 'She' and 'Children' or 'Young People' instead of 'Boys and Girls'.

Retired advisor pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass talks about the publication of the Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People (The Cass Review)
Other requirements were the installation of gender -neutral toilets and wearing both boys and girls wearing the same uniforms.
There was anger two months later in March, because NHS guidance stated that chidlren could get as young as 15 irreversible 'gender-confirming' hormones, despite the ban on puberty blockers.
The advice said that teenagers can be prescribed the body -changing chemicals of around their 16th birthday, which may mean that they could start transgender treatment months earlier.
It is when the requirement to take the development of adolescents-in-advance to be used in advance, which is effectively deleted, so that each cooling period is removed before it starts on the hormones.
Sources for health care said the policy was intended as a temporary measure prior to the final report of the CASS assessment – an independent study commissioned by NHS England – in gender identity services for children.
In her report, Dr. Cass made more than 30 recommendations to revise NHS services in an attempt to improve the care offered on Trans-children.
Her report, published in April, lasted almost four years to produce and found children imprisoned in the middle 'of a toxic row about the treatment, were set on a road to irreversible change.
She warned evidence of the use of puberty blockers and hormones strongly relied on 'shaky foundations' and associated guidelines were not supported by science.
It led the then health secretary Victoria Atkins to carry out a ban on prescribing the medicines to transgender children.
Naomi Cunningham, chairman of the sexual Matterse Matters of Human Rights, said: 'The dedication to collect extensive and standardized data is a radical improvement towards the opaque and substandard practices of the past.
'We understand why the NHS and Dr. Hilary Cass believe that clinical tests with puberty blockers are needed, but we would encourage them to reconsider.
'Such studies cannot be justified ethically, given the known risks of permanent damage to fertility, sexual functioning and general health.
“Although well -intended, these tests are the very real risk that the NHS will sacrifice the other good health of vulnerable children and causes them serious physical damage in the name of research.”
In August, doctors put the British Medical Association in Repolt in its opposition against the historical assessment of gender identity services for children.
Many members, including NHS leaders and former presidents of medical royal colleges, expressed their horror.
They accused the BMA of being influenced by a 'vocal minority' with an ideological agenda.