An army of ice officers arrived in a military tank with a storm ram to arrest a 61-year-old migrant during the weekend in the middle of Donald Trump's performance.
Alfonso Garcia Vega was arrested on Sunday at an address in Phoenix while his horrible family watched.
Video showed the armored vehicle that was flanked by a convoy of police cars through the quiet residential street.
The raid took place while Trump's illegal migrant portion plan continues with the warp speed.
Vega's son criticized the heavy use of violence to hold his father who is in poor health.
“I think it wasn't necessary for them to do this,” Marco Garcia told AZ Central.
“I think they used this as propaganda. I think they used it to show an example of what they can do. It was like a show for them. '
His father was taken into custody after armed officers are dressed in tactical equipment on the building.

Ice officers in Arizona arrived in a military tank with a mistreating ram to arrest a migrant

They had a Flashbang grenade off before they found the migrant to get out of an address in Phoenix
Video taken on the scene shows a woman who encourages Vega to stay calm while the officers swarm the street.
Suddenly a flashbang grenade explodes that steer a crowd that had collected.
“This is the police with an order,” says a voice about a speaker. Leave the house immediately with your hands empty and above your head. '
The clip then cuts to Garcia who screams at officers on stage.
“Where is the Bevelman? Who is the leader? Who is in charge? You treat us as criminals, “he shouts.
'You pretend we are terrorists, is this what you do? That is my F ** King fatherman. My wife is sitting there! '
“They were really loud,” Garcia added to the raid. “They scored everyone. We thought they were gun shots.
“They pulled their weapons. They focused their weapons on my wife, my mother and my father and on the speaker they told my father to get out that they had an order. They had shielded, they were dressed as if they were military.

Alfonso Garcia Vega, 61, was arrested on Sunday while his shocked family looked at

Vega's son condemned the use of violence and accused ice agents of trying to intim his father with the display
“My father, afraid of his life and worry about my wife and my mother, he decided to go out.”
Garcia said his father lived in the US for 40 years and has no criminal history before his knowledge.
He was deported to Mexico in 2020, but returned to the US in March after cartel members in Sinola reportedly threatened to kill him because he could not participate.
“They make him look like he's a terrorist, a drug dealer, a criminal, while my father is in fact just a 61-year-old man who just tries to be with his family. It's terrible, “Garcia added.
He said that his father was first approached by Ice agents at about 10.30 am on Sunday at about 10.30 am, but that he told them to return with an order.
He claimed that they returned to the armored vehicle just before 3 p.m., but showed no paperwork.
He condemned the officers and said that the raid was being filmed, “as if it were propaganda, like a commercial.”
Garcia said that when his father was taken into custody, they showed him photos of a man named Alfonso who was not him and speculated whether it was a case of wrong identity.