Chaos broke out in a courtroom in New Mexico after family members of a murdered woman were pronounced to her accused murderer – who caused a melee.
The violence broke out when Carlos Lucero, 40, and Pete Ysasi, 51, jumped over a barrier at the Bernalillo County district court and accused of murder suspect Alexander Segura Ortiz, 21, during a hearing on Friday.
Security cameras conquered the disaster, starting with the dramatic moment that Lucero sprinted to Ortiz, while a police officer tried to protect the alleged murder.
While Lucero, Ortiz and the officer were all overthrown on the ground, Ysasi walked towards him and joined the attack.
Other family members and agents hurried to try to spread the fight, which only escalated from there.
A woman was pulled on the shirt of Ortiz's father without success after trying to intervene, Krqe reported.
Ysasi began to struggle the father of Ortiz before Lucero and another man stacked on top, while a police officer had tackled Ortiz in the corner.
One of the women involved took a folding chair and used it to hit the agent and Ortiz.

Ysasi began to struggle the father of Ortiz before Lucero and another man stacked them, while a police officer had tackled Ortiz in the corner

Finally everyone spread when the officer took out a gun

The violence broke out when Carlos Lucero, 40, and Pete Ysasi, 51, jumped over a barrier at the Bernalillo County district court
Eventually everyone spread when the officer took out a gun. But just when the fight seemed to have ended, the father of Ortiz Ysasi gave a final staircase in the face.
“He killed my niece as a coward,” Lucero told the police, referring to Ortiz, after his arrest.
He also said that his violent attempt at the alleged murderer was “worth every moment,” Krqe reported.
Lucero and Ysasi were arrested from the courtroom and accused of battery on a peace officer and attack on a prison, according to Koat.
Since then they have been released on their own recognition, which means that they did not have to pay a bail, but they have to appear in court when needed, the Albuquerque Journal reported.
Based on their Mugshot photos, Ysasi was relatively undamaged by the multi-person fight. However, Lucero was not lucky.
Lucero was depicted with a swollen black-blue eye and scratches over his face.
“This is only one incident that we continue to deal with, these are the types of things we see regularly,” Katina Watson, the CEO of the second judicial court, told Krqe.

Alexander Segura Ortiz, 21, is accused of killing both his ex-girlfriend Alianna Faran and Nicole Maldonado within a few days

A woman tried to stop the chaos and went to the shirt of Ortiz's father during the fight

Lucero, considering charging at Ortiz, said the police that the attack was 'worth every moment'

Ortiz was arrested in February 2024 for accusations with regard to the death of his ex-girlfriend Alianna Faran (photo)
“I really want to give recognition to the MDC officer who was caught in the middle of this and he did everything to guarantee the safety of everyone.”
Ortiz was arrested in February 2024 for accusations with regard to the death of his ex-girlfriend Alianna Faran.
Faran was shot in the face and killed on January 11, 2024 in her apartment in the northeast of Heights, Krqe reported.
Researchers said the two had an abuse relationship and Ortiz was angry with Faran on the day he had taken her life.
Ortiz is also accused of killing Nicole Maldonado outside a supermarket just a few days after the death of Faran.
According to the city of Albuquerque, investigators searched the house of Ortiz after he was taken into custody.
Allegedly they found different parts of a .40 caliber gun, 50-round drum magazine, Glock 22 .40cal Dia, .40cal ammunition and a mobile phone.