An unfinished road used by Boy Racers is monitored to be abused with a council that splashes more than £ 400,000 on its protection.
Swindon Borough Council is supposed to pay a contractor £ 440,000 to guard the southern connector Road the clock from the end of February to mid -2026, while the work is completed.
The road is built to operate the 8,000 houses that are planned to the east of the A419 as part of the expansion of the new Eastern Villages (NEV), one of the largest Greenfield developments in the country.
There were delays in completing the road when the company it built, Buckingham Group, went into administration in 2023 before it was ready.
The council has since decided to pay repairs to use the road before they search for compensation, the BBC reports.
Alderman Chris Watts, cabinet member for transport and the environment, said: 'As we have now discovered now, administration is an extreme time retention process that has honestly brought us to the unacceptable position where we have not been able to open this new road. '
The road runs from South Marston to the north of the Commonhead roundabout.
The manager Grant Thornton now owns the road and wants Swindon Borough Council to pay the road so that he can be handed over.

The road is being built to operate the 8,000 houses planned to the east of the A419 as part of the expansion of the new Eastern Villages (NEV)
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Alderman Chris Watts, cabinet member for transport and the environment, described the unfinished road as being in an 'frank unacceptable position'
However, the Council believes that the road is not suitable for the goal and has countless mistakes, including a 'loose road surface' and a 'crack' in the bridge.
The council has confirmed that it will pay for repairs and will try to recover the manager's money on a future date.
Watts said: 'We also have the duty towards local residents to open it for construction traffic, so that developers who work on future phases of the NEV can use it to gain access to their sites.
“That's why I say that enough is enough. I have instructed officers to push ahead with the recovery repairs that we have to perform to safely open the road for construction traffic in the medium term.
'This includes considerable repairs to the built bridge.
“We want to open part of the road for construction traffic in the coming months to enable them to gain access to their country.”

Swindon Borough Council is believed to pay a contractor £ 440,000 to guard the Southern Connector Road the clock against Boy Racers while the work is completed

The council is now waiting for a specialized consultant to detail what specific work is needed
The council is now waiting for a specialized consultant to detail what specific work is needed.
It is said that the repairs will start soon and will be completed at the end of the year.
A spokesperson for Grant Thornton said, “The managers are in constant discussions with the city council, with the opinion to resolve the matter.”