The annual average costs for holding a convicted criminal in Scotland's prisons have risen to almost £ 50,000.
New figures reveal that the costs of every prisoner in Scotland's prisons have risen by 26 percent since 2016.
In 2023/24, the average costs per prisoner amounted to £ 47,140, or £ 129 per day, which rose in 2016/17 from £ 37,334 or £ 102 per day.
The average daily prison population of Scotland was 7,860 last year, with that in provisional detention of 23 percent of the total.
The spokesperson for the Scottish Liberal -Democrat Justice Liam Mcarthur said: “The prisons of Scotland are not a prisoners, prison staff or the wider community good. Far too many prisoners are in provisional detention, violent attacks are commonplace and cells burst at the seams.
'We know that provisional detention is seriously disturbing for employment and the type of family links that is so important if we want to break through the cycle of recidivism.
“These figures also show that it is also incredibly expensive.”
The rising costs come in the midst of growing concern about overcrowded prisons, which has led to SNP ministers who have announced controversial plans to release hundreds of prisoners early.
The first prisoners will be freed from 18 February, with the early release program that ends on March 20.

The average costs for keeping a criminal in Scotland prisons are almost £ 50,000 a year

The rising costs are the midst of growing concern about overcrowded prisons
It is estimated that between 260 and 390 prisoners, including violent and dangerous perpetrators, will be released early.
Scottish conservative victims and spokesperson for the Safety Sharon Dowey community said: “The stunning costs with regard to the prisoners of Scotland are symptomatic for a legal system in crisis.
'The SNP has not been completely successful in tackling the backlogs of the growing court, which means that prisons are full of perpetrators pending the trial or complete conviction.
'Nationalist ministers' answer to this self -laid crisis to release hundreds of dangerous prisoners early because they did not invest in our prison good.
“They must have a drastic reconsideration about tackling overcrowding and ensuring that the costs for keeping prisoners where your taxpayers provide taxpayers.”
About 477 prisoners were released last summer in an early release program, with 57 recidivism and put back behind bars.
Justice secretary Angela Constance said that action was needed because imprisonment affected 'critical' levels.
A spokesperson for the Scottish government said: “We are committed to reduce the number of people in pre -trial detention. The bail and release from the guardianship (Scotland) ACT 2023 (2023 ACT) When they are in force, will ensure that the use of pre -trial detention is reserved a final resort for cases where public safety requires this.
'Alternatives to provisional detention, such as Bailing Supervision and electronically monitored bail, are crucial to support a change in the way in which Voorwit is used. A total of 1,300 bail supervision of supervision were started in 2023-24, the highest in the past ten years. These measures are supported by specific financing of £ 3.2 million to continue to support bail services in 2024-25.
'The use of electronically controlled bail is at record levels with an increase of 30 percent in the use of electronic monitoring in the past year. Section 5 of the 2023 Act enables courts to take time to electronically controlled bail in the conviction. '