Unless you lived under a rock for two years, you would have heard part of the pearl clear about Bianca-Censori as a 'hostage' from her husband Kanye West.
“Blink twice if you need help, Bianca.” “Would anyone please help her?”
I am not here to keep an intervention. Do I know what happens in marriage? No. But there is an argument that she is a willing partner in their joint venture in order to be provocative and attention.
A good example, the Grammy Awards from yesterday.
I thought I had seen it all – until then when Bianca, an architecture department of a well -to -do family in Melbourne, dropped her black fur coat to reveal … Well, everything.
The press package could not believe their happiness. Within minutes, hundreds of photos of this young woman with her naked body were seen in a completely transparent dress barked over the gossip magazines.

There is an argument that Bianca Censori is a willing partner in a joint venture with her husband Kanye West in order to look for attention and attention
The press censoration (should that censori-d?) Are the spicy bits, but that did not prevent users of social media from re-posting the raw images around the world.
It is not surprising that the unnamed guests were immediately shown the door, but Kayne and Bianca achieved what they wanted to do: dominate worldwide headlines and overshadow the nominees with their pathetic fashion stunt.
If lure reader Nicola Hickling is right in her claims before he flashed the world, Kayne Biancca Bruusk had ordered to 'make a scene now'. And she did.
But the show is now over, people. Mission completed.
In the meantime Ye and B are probably in their pajamas, in n out hamburgers, laughing for themselves while they 'go to the Grammy Naked' of their twisted bucket list.
Slow blow.
Except that I am not very funny or particularly smart. Showing your Coochie to the Grammy's for a paparazzi fringes is hardly what I would call bravely. It is not a feminist protest or political explanation or a work of art.
I call their stunt trashy, not advanced and desperate, not to mention huma for Bianca and just weird.

Now Kim Kardashian has to try to protect her children against the spectacle of their father and stepmother in the coming weeks
But there is someone we forget here. The woman who undoubtedly tries – again – tries to protect her children against the photos, the memes, the frenzy, the headlines, the controversy.
And that is Kayne's ex-wife Kim Kardashian, mother of his four children, daughters North and Chicago, and sons Saint and Psalm. Noord and Saint, 10 and eight years old, are old enough to know what is happening, and chicago and psalm are not far behind on six and four. The children met Bianca.
Never in a million years I had ever thought I would say this, but looking at the photos of Bianca who stood there naked on the stage of the world, it was not Bianca that I felt sorry for; It was Kim.
Now I don't often sympathize with multi -millionaires, so let me explain.
Kim is no stranger to controversy. She became famous for a leaked sex tape with singer Ray J in 2007. She is wearing revealing clothing, oils in a bikini and at the moment I know every curve and dip from her back better than I know it myself.
But Kim has grown up. She has worked hard on her image that balances motherhood and runs her skims empire, and it works perfectly in one way or another.
As the primary caregiver of the children since the divorce of Kayne, Kim has expressed his concern about the unpredictability of her ex-husband. Yet she has been quoted that they say that, as far as her children are concerned, the story is always: “Your father is the best.”

Kim and Kanye, who separated in January 2021 and completed their divorce the following year, share four children, and the two oldest must be sharply aware of their father's Histrionics
Oh, Kim. You now have to force those words through broken teeth while spending in the coming weeks on taking away telephones away from her children, they try to protect them against images of their 'stepmother'.
And that is not to forget the fact that Bianca has formed in a Kim 'Klone' since he appeared with Ye.
I am struggling to imagine the pure deadly horror of seeing your own image that is projected on the empty, voiceless mannequin of another woman – and then paraded naked for the whole world.
Seriously, how can she look in the eyes of her daughters and say 'your father is the best' if he parades his naked wife? And wHat kind of message sends this to their sons, holy and psalm, about how women should be treated?
How many apologies can she think of? “Dad expresses herself, Dad's artistic, dad is cool, you know how your father is …” How long can she continue to defend his madness? Maybe she doesn't bother anymore.
It is well known that Kayne Bipolar has a serious mental disorder that can cause periods of extreme mania, followed by crashing of depression.
It is a great disease and one that I know all too well, because I was also established a few years ago.

The striking physical resemblance between Kim, Left and Bianca, on the right, has been a source of fascination in recent years for those who follow the Kanye Circus
Bipolar can do your crazy things; It takes you on a wild ride, especially in the attacks of mania. There are things that I have done, fed by mania, which I now look back with unbelieving. Although I don't blame my bipolar for every mistake, my diagnosis helped me to understand my behavior much more and I have to take my medication. Each. Single. Day.
Do we commit Kayne's unpredictable behavior on his bipolar disorder? Do we just reject Bianca as a Hollywood attention finder again?
Bianca is a 30-year-old woman. She's not an Ingénue. I believe she knows exactly what she is doing, I don't doubt that.
Maybe she is too in love with her husband to save a thought for his former wife.
Every time Bianca and Kanye take one of their stunts, my thoughts immediately go to Kim and the children. I know she is in an uninhibited position: if she criticizes him, she speaks to the father of her children; If she says nothing, she is an enabler.
Co-parenting is difficult enough, but it is even more difficult if an older is irregular and unpredictable.
On a personal level like someone with bipolar I had to grow up, pick out my life and take responsibility for my very public actions. I think it's time for Kayne and Bianca to do the same.
It's time to call the last curtains on the circus – because of the children.