Campaigners have insisted on a taxpayer who has financed the charity for Wildcat Conservation to put an end to her partnership with a 'hairy' event in which people wear fetish suits with animal theme.
Saving Wildcats, a collaboration between the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) and SNP royal agencies such as NaturesCot, is the official charity institution of Scotiacon.
In 2021, the saving of Wildcats received £ 400,000 in financing the Scottish government.
The hairy convention, which is held annually in Glasgow, is expected to be attended by approximately 1,200 'furries' that ripped out as anthropomorphic creatures.
The four -day event at the beginning of tomorrow will organize a selection of events, including a work shop or 'Writing Furry Erotica' led by a writer who advertises 'Extreme' content online and specializes in producing graphic fantasy stories with animals.
Also on the route there is a lecture about rubber furs – furries that wear rubber, silicone or spanex suits, and a session late at a more aquatic side of the hairy world – 'inflatable Pooltoy'.
On Saturday afternoon, a 'Meet the Charity' event is planned for Furries to meet saving Wildcats representatives who will organize a presentation about their work.
There have been concerned about connections between furries and crooked sexual fetishes by campaigners who have called Scotiacon a 'Creep Convention'.

Campaigners financed it with a taxpayer with Wildcat Conservation Charity to put an end

Saving Wildcats, a collaboration between the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) and SNP royal agencies such as NaturesCot, is the official charity institution of Scotiacon

The hairy convention, which is held annually in Glasgow, is expected to be attended by approximately 1,200 'furries' who are getting dressed as anthropomorphic beings
RZSS denied having an 'official partnership' with Scotiacon, but it has since been revealed that it had welcomed 'Furries' in December in Kincraig Center.
'Fursuit' wore Scotiacon repetitions behind the scenes were given access to saving Wildcats' conservation work and even posed for photos.
The website of the Furry Convention also contains a whole page dedicated to 'Our Charity' in which it gives details about storing wildcats work and confirms the partnership.
Scotiacon organizers have warned furries who attend the convention, held in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, do not display works of art with 'pedophilia' or 'Cub Porno'.
They even thought it was necessary for the image of 'bestiality in which people are involved or largely forbid people-like characters, but have allowed' species-transcening sexual activity '.
Artworks that are auctioned during the event with 'toilet -related activities' are 'very discouraged', but Scotiacon did not ban outright prohibition.
Co-director of the for Women Scotland Campaign Group, Marion Calder, said the Telegraph: 'Although saving wildcats the sinister interest groups that attend hairy conventions, they must immediately break the ties with this event.
'Parents must be aware that although this convention seems harmless, it is anything but. The fact that the organizers felt the need to warn participants about 'Welp Porno' and bestiality tells you everything you need to know. '

There have been worries about connections between furries and crooked sexual fetishes by campaigners who have dubbed Scotiacon a 'creep convention'

Scotiacon organizers have warned Furries who attend the Convention, held in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, do not display artworks with 'pedophilia' or 'Cub Porn'

They even thought it was necessary for the image of 'bestiality in which people are involved or largely forbid people-like characters', but have' species-transcening sexual activity 'allowed'
Saving Wildcats, who also collaborate with SNP agencies Cairngorms National Park and Forestry and Land Scotland, would have been stationed on the convention in addition to stands run by an author of pornographic hairy novels and an artist who produces sexually explicit hairy images.
But after the Telegraaf RZSS approached about this, it claimed that it would no longer send representatives, despite the fact that their meet-and-grreet is still mentioned on Scotiagroute.
Campaigner Mrs. Calder added: 'The only involvement of Scotland, the leading charities and government agencies of Scotland, should have in this crawl conference to condemn it loudly.
“Instead, it seems that they like to participate and endorse an event in which at least some participants clearly have an unhealthy interest in animals and children.”
The hairy subculture began to arise in the 1970s, in addition to a growing interest in Science Fiction, Anime and Rolenspel. The first hairy convention took place in 1989, but Furries began to gather in 1977 on cartoon and Fantasy Conventions.
Furries create their own 'Fursonas' in which they dress in mascot-like costumes of cartoon-like animals with human characteristics.
Some members of the Fandom deny that it is a sexual fetish, but Scotiacon organizers have banned children under the age of 18 by attending and fetish clothing in public spaces, but this can be allowed at some 'closed door events'.
'Anatomically correct' costumes or underwear that would expose the buttocks are also forbidden, but collars with the sanctold connection and dog harness are allowed.

Furries in Norway attend a 'Fuzzcon parade' in February 2020, where Nordicfuzzcon, the third largest European convention for Furries and Fans of Cartonian animals, takes place

People dressed in their Fursuits live in February 2020 at the 'Fuzzcon Parade' in Sweden in Sweden

Groups Furries depicted by London in London in March 2022

Furries depicted with partial Fursuits and Military Style Fursonas in London in March 2022

Furries depicted with Samenloop Samen to 'Eurofurence' in Berlin in August 2019 in Berlin
The organizers even recognized a ban on 'puppy masks', usually black leather masks that look like a dog, and other' puppy games' accessories' can cause disappointment.
Nevertheless, they said that they can be worn on 'closed door events specifically for this purpose' or 'in a private hotel room'.
Unusual for a major convention, journalists are not allowed to attend the event and are not asked to not enter into 'non -sanctioned media -presence'.
Scottish Tory MSP, Stephen Kerr, said the Telegraph: “It is simply outside the conviction that this SNP-supported Quango decided to support this very inappropriate event.”
A spokesperson for the Royal Zoological Society told the publication: 'This year the organizers of Scotiacon chose to raise money for the Saving Wildcats Project, a European partnership initiative devoted to Scottish Wildcat Conservation and Recovery.
'As a charity organization, Scotiacon collected considerable funds in previous years for charities for animal welfare in Scotland.
“It is clear that the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland strongly condemns any behavior that is inappropriate, harmful to animals or criminal.”
A spokesperson for Nature Scot said: 'We did not know that the Saving Wildcats project was selected as a charity partner for this event. However, we understand that the project will not be present. '