Congress woman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's former staff chef is in an attempt in an attempt to expel former speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Saikat Chakrabarti announced on Wednesday that he is running to represent San Francisco in the congress.
“I know that some of you may be surprised that speaker Emeritus Pelosi is running again, but she is – for her 21st term!” Said Chakrabarti, launching his campaign against the 84-year-old old Democratic leader.
His run is struggling as Democrats with how to best be taken from President Donald Trump and Republicans who now have a Gop -Trifecta in Washington, control the White House and both rooms of the congress.
“See how Trump and Elon Chaos freely unleash in their illegal government inpuu, it has become clear to me that the Democratic party needs new leadership,” Chakrabarti wrote in his announcement.
“I don't understand how DC's democratic leaders were so paralyzed and unprepared before the moment after life by President Trump's first term – and after Trump and Elon warned us exactly what they were planning to do,” he continued.
At the same time, some Americans have made constant calls for older members of the congress to step aside for the next generation, because many members try to keep congress chairs well beyond the average age for retirement.

Saikat Chakrabarti with then Rep.-Elect Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in November 2018 after she had made a successful offer to expel a long-term democratic member of the congress. Chakrabarti served as her campaign leader and first staff chef. Now he is launching his own conference bid against former speaker Nancy Pelosi
Chakrabarti, 39, served as staff chief of Ocasio-Cortez when she first became a member of the congress in 2019.
But he also knows something about the expulsion of old sitting Democrats.
Before he served in the Ocasio-Cortez office, he worked as a campaign leader for the Progressive New York Democrat during her first attempt to represent her Bronx and Queens.
During that campaign, the squadell member pulled a huge upset in the Democratic Primary and he took a tenth language congress and democratic caucus chairman Joe Crowley.
Chakrabarti said he respects the performance of Pelosi, but claimed that Americans live in a totally different America Then the one she knew when she entered politics 45 years ago. '
He also closed Pelosi to help block his former boss to get a leading position in the new congress.
Last year the former speaker personally intervened to help prevent the 35-year-old congress member becoming the top democrat in the powerful house Oversight Committee.
In the end, House Democrats Congressman Jerry Connolly chosen, who withdrew Pelosi to the position.

Chakrabarti runs against the former speaker Nancy Pelosi depicted here on January 3 at the start of the new congress. He argued that the US is not the same place as Pelosi entered the congress in the 1980s and called for new leadership in the Democratic Party
In his announcement, Chakrabarti warned that the Republican Party is “Excess conspiration and anti -democracy.”
“The Democratic party must stop supporting it as if he competes against a normal political party that plays according to the rules, and it needs a daring vision to increase the standard of living, quality of life and safety for all Americans,” he wrote.
Before he worked for Ocasio-Cortez, Chakrabarti got his start in technology before working for the presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders 2016.
He was also co-founder of the Group Justice Democrats, who worked to have progressives chosen, including several members of 'The Squad'.
Over the past five years he has worked in San Francisco for new consensus, a think tank for economic and social policy.
Chakrabarti could be confronted with important challenges against one of the most formidable fundraisers that Democrats have ever had in Pelosi.
But he said he wants to run a very much Different types of campaign than most. '
'Instead of spending hours with' calling time 'with large money donors – I will spend with voters every day. I know! What a radical idea! “He wrote.

Chakrabarti was the founder of Justice Democrats and worked on the presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders 2016. In the past five years he has worked for a think tank in San Francisco
Pelosi went to the congress for the first time in 1987, where she worked his way up to become one of the most powerful people in the world as the first woman who served as a house speaker in 2007.
When the Republicans went back to the majority in 2023, Pelosi made its promise good not to look for a democratic leadership position in the new congress, where the road was liberated for the next generation in leadership positions, but she remains one of the most powerful Democrats in the house.
However, the old congressman and some other legislators in Washington have received criticism that members of the congress will remain in office for too long.
The age of Pelosi was also put back in the spotlight at the end of last year when the veteran legislator fell to Europe during a trip while he was driving with other congress members.
The 84-year-old underwent a successful hip replacement operation before returning to the US to recover during the holiday at home in California.
But last month her recovery was still completely visible, because the legislator had the support of assistants and a walker to help her at the start of the new congress.