Walmart has long been the largest retailer in the US, since recovered Sears in 1993.
In the past 12 years there has also been no other company – retail or otherwise – that has collected more income.
But it looks like it is being dethroned by Amazon on both points, according to estimates from market analysts.
With Americas and the world, obsession with shopping, it might not be a surprise that it is another retailer – instead of a technology giant – who used Walmart in sales.
When this afternoon (Thursday) announces income for the quarterly from October to December, it is expected that Amazon will report $ 187 billion turnover, CNBC reported.
That would survive $ 180 billion that Walmart will report later this month – and mark a shift in the income ranking.
The most important statistics, which differs from sales, profit or market capitalization, is often used as a steno to determine the size of a retailer.
Since 2012, Walmart has held first place for quarterly income, when the Oil Giant Exxon Mobil jumped, according to data company LSEG.
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Although Walmart is still dominant when it comes to retail trade, Amazon also generates income through other streams such as Prime Video and the Cloud Computing service.
“Given the growth processes of the two companies, it has always been on the maps that Amazon would catch up with Walmart's income at some point,” Retail expert Neil Saunders told
“Although Amazon is a powerhouse in the retail trade, it is a diversified group that gets its sale from a wide range of areas.”
Saunders, director at Globaldata Retail, notes that the two companies have their own areas where they excel.
'Amazon is struggling in supermarket, while Walmart has sewn that category. Amazon is better at E -commerce in general merchandise, although Walmart invests heavily here, “he said.
Walmart also leads the way when it comes to the annual turnover, CNBC reported and handed in more than $ 600 billion in each of the past two years.
Although turnover is the full income that a company generates before costs are deducted, the sale is the proceeds it generates by selling goods or services to its customers.

Walmart has long been the largest retailer in the US, because it caught up with Sears in 1993. But it looks like it is being dethroned by Amazon

Amazon is a diverse company that generates income through its delivery service, as well as stores, Prime Video and its Cloud Computing Service

“Given the growth processes of the two companies, it has always been on the maps that Amazon would catch up with Walmart's income at some point,” said Neil Saunders
Amazon has seen its e-commerce sales thanks to the COVID-19 Pandemie.
This changed the way in which Americans shop fundamentally pushed them to go online instead of visiting physical locations.
According to CNBC, sales in the US have increased by more than 100 percent since 2019.
Another important reason that Amazon has boosted the graphs when it comes to income is the Cloud company Amazon Web Services, which offers servers, storage and external computers, among other things.
Since 2020, the turnover for its cloud company has more than doubled and now accounts for around 17 percent of the total turnover.
Amazon deserves the honor for his growth, Saunders said.
“It is still a young company, but the innovation and thinking carefully about delivering value for its customers made it succeed.”
Currently there are only a handful of companies that have succeeded in reaching the milestone of generating $ 100 billion in income in a quarter.

Amazon is expected to report the turnover of $ 187 billion for the fourth quarter of last year, according to analysts investigated by financial markets Data Company LSEG (depicted: CEO Andy Jassy)
In addition to Amazon and Walmart, Apple has managed it, as well as the health insurance company UnitedHealth.
However, Apple only reached the milestone during the last holiday district, when many Americans buy products as gifts.
Last week the technology company reported the $ 124 billion turnover for the fourth quarter of last year.
Saunders predicts that the $ 100 billion club will not be exclusive and will continue to take new members with them.
“What this shows, however, is that all the things that spect about monopolies and market dominance are from the base,” he said.
“People used to claim that Walmart was inviolable. Now Amazon is a challenger. In many years, Amazon will probably be challenged by another player.
“The retail market is very democratic and healthy, and large companies that drive it out is ultimately very good for customers.”