A young broker shared the 'shocking' text that she received from a potential buyer who called her 'completely useless' out of nowhere.
Ana Bujak, a 24-year-old agent for Ray White Castle Hill, in the northwest of Sydney, received a message that simply 'Price !!!' weld.
She replied: “Hello, for which feature?”
The person then wrote back: “You are completely useless.”
In her five years, Mrs. Bujak has seen a lot as a broker and told Daily Mail Australia that she could not resist uploading the text exchange to Tiktok.
“Shocked was probably an understatement. I could not believe that someone would have the guts to send me such a message, “said Bujak.
'Almost every second day, whether on the phone or personal, it happens (coarseness).
“I think there is a frustration for some people. They have had a terrible experience and it has affected their thoughts about agents as a whole. '

Young broker Ana Bujak unveiled the rude text she received from a potential buyer (the text exchange is exchanged)

Mrs. Bujak (photo) said that brokers have to deal with rude customers every other day '
Mrs. Bujak said that she had no previous communication with the person and had no way to know what ownership she also referred to.
But Mrs. Bujak was even more stunned by what happened after she had unveiled the text exchange online, with many Tiktokers who participated in the pile.
'Do you want a range? You will not get more offers if you do not apply a starting bid price, you will just stop people because they cannot afford it or are looking for something else, 'they noticed.
'Honest question, why brokers never put the price on offer? It's really so annoying. People are so sick of these crazy games that play brokers. If you dumped those tactics, you would be famous, “said another.
A third claimed that not showing the price of a real estate was 'furious' behavior.
Mrs. Bujak admitted that she had left her head after she realized that the majority of Aussies was not on her side.
“It really turned off my socks. I just uploaded it as a bit of funny video about what I have experienced, but a huge number of people were on their side, “she said.
“You can't do much about the people who are salt about things like this.”

Mrs. Bujak said she would like to be a broker, despite the growing number of rude people
Mrs. Bujak explained Aussies in the comments that the price of that real estate was not on the list because it went to the auction.
But people did not want to listen, even after she said the Texter was showing up to a recently open house that she organized and was also 'rude' personal.
Some jumped to the defense of Mrs. Bujak and argued that there was never an excuse to talk to such a person, with another saying that it was an 'insane way' to tackle it.
The broker explained that some auctions had price guides, but it depended on the desk.
'We do not guide ourselves at all because of the performance of the Fair Trading office. The last thing we want to do is mislead someone or prize, “she said.
“I admit that it is a frustrating experience for both parties.”
Mrs. Bujak revealed that a potential buyer 'went to her', after she had politely asked not to enter the private ownership of a customer.
In 2023, the Governance Institute of Australia Ethics Index showed that brokers were the least trusted professionals in Australia.
The rising house prices and high demand and low availability have contributed to an aversion to real estate agents, together with the rental prices that quickly rise throughout the country.
The national vacancy is only 1.4 percent.
Despite all this, Mrs. Bujak said that there was a very good reason why she would bite her tongue if she dealt with the next rude person.
“There have been experiences that I have had to deal with extremely rude buyers in the past and they eventually bought the property, so you have to go on the chin,” she said.