The Jet setting of Sir Keir Starmer cost the taxpayer almost £ 700,000 in his first three months in Downing Street, the post on Sunday can reveal.
The foreign journeys of the Premier cost £ 161,000 more than Rishi Sunak, Boris Johnson and Liz Truss combined during the equivalent period since 2021.
Sir Keir is planned for the frequency of his travels abroad and deserves the nickname 'Never here Keir'.
He was accused of hypocrisy about travel to Germany by private jet, after he had previously attacked Rishi Sunak for private jet use.
The flight to see the Euro 2024 final in Berlin was with a family member who, according to the government registers with him, flew at public costs.
His journey to New York for the UN general meeting was £ 236,020 – almost double what it costs for Liz Truss to fly to the same event in 2022.
When Boris Johnson went as prime minister in 2021, it cost £ 188,000 to fly with RAF plane.
In total, the flights of Sir Keir cost £ 697,198 between July and September. They include visits to Paris for the Olympic opening ceremony, Washington DC for a NATO top and bilateral visits to Rome, Dublin and Berlin.

The foreign journeys of the Premier cost £ 161,000 more than Rishi Sunak, Boris Johnson and Liz Truss combined during the equivalent period since 2021

Sir Keir is planned for the frequency of his travels abroad and deserves the nickname 'Never here Keir' (file photo)
In his first six months, Sir Keir has traveled more abroad abroad than one of his direct predecessors, and has spent more time abroad than any pm in the same time frame.
For comparison, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Truss and the flights of Mr Sunak in the same months from 2021 to 2023 costs £ 536,085.
Luke Tryl, director of Polling Company More in common, said: “It is striking that people in our focus groups since autumn are concerned that Keir Starmer 'always seems to be abroad'.
“Perhaps the most important thing is that Keir did not explain well why his travels benefit people here at home.”
Conservative parliament member Paul Holmes said: “This is the highlight of hypocrisy of the Labor Party that struck to flights in opposition.”
In the meantime, the flights from foreign secretary David Lammy cost more than £ 900,000 from July to September.
A government source said that this is in line with the travel costs of his predecessors Lord Cameron and James Slim.
A falling street source said: 'Since he took office in July, the Prime Minister and his cabinet have worked tirelessly to rebuild the diplomatic bridges that have been burned by the Tories for 14 years chaos and decline that weakened the influence of Great Britain abroad And we made us more vulnerable in home. “
A spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said last night: “The task of the Minister of Foreign Affairs requires that he travel abroad to pursue the interests of the UK.
“This foreign secretary continues to work to guarantee the most cost-effective way of travel, which provides the best price-quality ratio for the taxpayer.”