The health secretary has said that the NHS has 'become too dependent on the pulling of the immigration lever' and hiring migrant doctors, since data demonstrating that the number of foreign doctors has risen.
Wes Streamed promised to increase the 'own' home -made talent after new numbers revealed that doctors come from abroad in record numbers.
About two -thirds of the 28,564 registered to practice medicine in the UK last year abroad.
Although the number of people coming from Europe has remained consistent since 2016, around 2,500, professionals who come from the rest of the world have risen by 400 percent in the same period according to data from freedom of information sources that are shared with De Telegraaf.
The majority were recruited from low -income countries, including India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh and Egypt.
Speaking with the newspaper, Mr Streeting said that the health service 'always drawn talent' from abroad.
He said it is' stronger for 'and patients' are grateful for the competent and compassionate care that they have received.
'The service is stronger for it and millions of patients are grateful for the skilled and compassionate care they have received from the staff from abroad.
Nevertheless, the health secretary added: 'But there is no doubt that the NHS has become too dependent on the immigration lever in recent years.

Wes Streeting has said that the NHS has become 'too dependent on pulling the immigration lever'

About two -thirds of the 28,564 who register to practice medicines in the UK last year qualified abroad, reports the Telegraph Reports
'It is forced to recruit from countries on the WHO list, which themselves have serious deficits. At the same time, directly a students in this country are locked up outside the medical school due to cuts in places. '
He promised that the government is committed to growing 'own talent' and giving opportunities to people from the United Kingdom to become a member of health care.
The data shows that the number of doctors coming from outside the European Economic Area has risen every year since 2016, from 3,431 to last year's record high from 16,913.
The number of doctors that connect the register in the UK rose from 7,180 to 9,285.
This means that the part of the doctors trained by the VK who participated in the Register of the General Medical Council (GMC) fell from 56.2 percent to 32.5 percent every year.
This is the second warning this week that the Minister of the Cabinet made on the NHS, with the MP for Ilford North Warning Diversity and Inclusion in the service had gone too far with some employees who are now promoting 'anti-whiteness'.
He said that some 'really crazy things' are done in the name of equality that undermines the risk that the cause is accessible that the health service must go back to the basic principles of what equality means, so everyone receives high quality care.
The emphasis of an example of an NHS employee who tweeted a vacancy tweeted and said that she practiced 'anti-white unity' said Mr. Streeting: 'What the hell does that to the guy in Wigan who will die earlier than his ore will die Then ORTS are robbing counterparts in London?

Nevertheless, the health secretary added: 'But there is no doubt that the NHS has become too dependent on the pulling of the immigration lever in recent years'

Mr Streeting said that the health service should go back to the basic principles of what equality means, so everyone receives high quality care (shown: graffiti on the Rich Mix Cinema and Community Arts Hub in Shoreditch, London)

Health secretary Wes Streeting said that some 'really crazy things' are being done in the name of equality that runs the risk of undermining the cause

The prevalence of equality, distraction and inclusion jobs in the government and companies has confronted with a growing investigation after a tree that started in 2020
“We have real issues of inequality that influence the white working class people.”
The prevalence of equality, distraction and inclusion jobs in the government and companies has confronted with a growing investigation after a tree that started in 2020.
In 2023, the then conservative health secretary Steve Barclay de NHS ordered no more specialized EDI roles, but health leaders refused to obey his instructions.
About 35 of such roles have been advertised since the Labor Government of Sir Keir Starmer won the last general elections – equal to one per week.
All except six of the positions could work staff from home and some posts offered salaries of more than £ 80,000.
Mr Streeting said that there are some 'real racial inequalities' in the health that needs to be tackled, including black men who are twice as likely as white men to die of prostate cancer and black women who are three times as likely as white women To die in the birth.
But he insisted that the 'ideological hobby horses should go', adding that 'what has been lost, I think, with some well -meaning but misguided approaches of equality, diversity, inclusion – the indication is in the name – it is equality, the should apply to everyone.
'And where we see health inequalities, whether they now influence men and women, black people, white people, rich and poor, we have to follow a much more evidence-based approach to those inequalities, and say if you are on the wrong end of The statistics, we want to deal with that to ensure that we get equality of a solution. '
During an event organized by Macmillan Cancer Support to mark World Cancer Day, Mr Streeting said that he could 'save a lot of money' and 'quite a few complimations' could be taught by EDI roles completely, but he plans to do them to them Keep as he believes they are delivering some benefits.
Asked if the struggle to retain them was a political fight that he was willing to have, Mr Streeting said: 'Yes, but I also need the profession to help.
“And sometimes really crazy things are done in the name of equality, diversity and inclusion, which undermined the cause.”
A GMC spokesperson said to the newspaper: 'Doctors from abroad bring skills and experience and are extremely valuable for the health services of the UK.
“International doctors and graduates in the UK who are registration looking for the research route, all have to stand a robust assessment to show that they meet the high standards that patients deserve rightly before they can practice in the UK.”