A mother had 'shouting of pain' and 'possessed' of muscle spasms of more than half of her body has been told that doctors have no idea what is wrong with her.
“Strong and Fit” Pub Worker Sadie Slattery loved kickboxing and said: “I can do everything a man can do.”
But in March last year the 41-year-old woke up with a muscle pull in her arm and she rejected it as 'funny slept'.
And within a month it drastically escalated to her entire arm and her hand was locked up in a 'claw'.
Since then she has been admitted to A&E 11 times, but doctors could only say that a signal in her brain caused it. A private consultant was left 'Gobsmacked' and said that he has never seen a case so badly.
When the mother was brought to A&E, she was told that it was unsafe to lie in a bed because of her spasms, so it was either left on the floor with a blanket threw over her, or at best on a mattress.
Being left on the floor has caused horrible bruises, carpet burns and swears in her skin, with waiting times that extend from seven hours to 14 and a half.
She is unable to complete the easiest tasks, such as bathing or feeding herself, and has gone for months without seeing her 12-year-old son who has ADHD because she is concerned that seeing her in this state him would activate.

“Strong and Fit” Pub Worker Sadie Slattery loved kickboxing and said: “I can do everything a man can do.” But she has been to A&E eleven times and forced to lie on the floor for hours

Her friends and family are tormented, forced to see their 'strong and bubbles' Sadie in so much pain

Be left on the floor has caused horrible bruises, carpet burns and ulcers in her skin
Her friends and family are tormented, forced to see their 'strong and bubbles' sadie in so much pain.
They have set up a GoFundMe to help pay for private medical care to get her some help and hopefully some answers.
Claire Birch, who set up the page, told MailOnline that Sadie's muscles look 'like stone' in her neck, which makes her look 'like the Hulk'.
She said: 'She can't sit upright, she can't walk more than 10 steps. Her back is up as if she's possessed, it looks like she's doing the crab.
“One person thought she was a psychiatric patient in A&E because she came on her hands and knees screaming with pain.”
De Pal said that the average waiting time in A&E is between seven and nine hours. The longest was 14 and a half hours, where Sadie remained on the floor in 'unbearable pain'.
Claire added: 'We paid £ 250 for a private consultant and they said it spread through her body like a running fire.
“I don't know how she's still going. She is as strong as an ox, but we just go around in circles.
'She is home -bound in Torbay and cannot travel to appointments, she must lie flat on her back on the back seat of my car or get an ambulance.
“She is currently on a 16 -month waiting list for an appointment with a pain management team.”

Shown is one of the carpet burns caused by being on the floor in the hospital

Claire said they have reached their local MP Steve Darling in despair, and he looks at the situation to see if there is anything to do
Claire said they have reached their local MP Steve Darling in despair, and he looks at the situation to see if there is anything to do.
Sadie had CT scans and MRI scans that had to be done under general anesthesia because she could not stay enough because of her spasms.
Her 21-year-old daughter Brittany posted on Facebook to argue.
She said in a moving post: 'I ask someone to give me advice, because I cannot continue to see her in so much pain and this cannot lead her life.
'She now has carpet burns all over her body because of her that rolls on the floor in pain until she carries herself and falls asleep.
'She is on the waiting list after the waiting list and nobody knows what is wrong with her.
“I brought her to an appointment by appointment and everyone keeps doing it wrong and refers her elsewhere, which is a dead end.”
Sadie said: “I've had enough. I just want my life back.
'My daughter has been my absolute rock so far because of the majority of this trip. I hated every second of her who saw me on my weakest, but I started to realize that I have a really strong daughter. '
MailOnline has contacted the NHS for comments.
You can donate here to the Gofundme.