A only-fans mother has lost the two-year legal battle that she led against a school district in Florida that forbade her to do volunteer work at the school of her sons.
Victoria Trience, 33, complained in 2023 for $ 1 million for $ 1 million.
At that time she claimed that she was 'humiliated' and that her personal life was nothing of the schools of the school. She has sued OCPs for violating her rights on freedom of expression, free meeting and her right to privacy.
Trief – which appeared on the covers of Playboy and FHM magazines – also accused the school board of 'Sexual Cyberharassment' for sharing photos of her only fans between staff and with media.
But Orange County Circuit Judge Brian S. Sandor eventually ruled against the model on January 29 – decides that she did not have a 'substantive right procedural right' to do volunteer work in the beginning.
“The file before the court contains no evidence that the claimant's claim supports that her right to raise her child has been affected constitutionally,” says Sandor's resolution according to Clickorlando.
The judge wrote that Trin does not have the right to argue with school about being removed.
He said that the volunteer program “does not contain a language that grants a right or benefit to a person to participate in the program, to stay in the program or to appeal against a disposal decision.”

Victoria Trience, 33, has sued Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) for $ 1 million in 2023

Rove accused a school board member of 'Sexual Cyberharassment' for sharing photos of her only fans with other employees

Rove said she is able to support her two children through fans only and claims that her job enables her to be active in her children's lives
Sandor also noted that she never submitted a formal profession to OCPs about the decision. She had only submitted a petition for a mandamus writer – who was shot.
When it comes to the right of trin to privacy, the judge said that Florida's constitution does not guarantee her the right to do volunteer work in public schools.
Sandor decided that sharing the explicit images of the sex worker was suitable in this case, because the district was obliged to send the images to media organizations because of public archives.
The photos were shared among OCPS employees to assess the situation, according to judicial data.
The sexual cyber harassement of Trience was refused because this was not a case of 'revenge porn'.
“The record also shows that the publication of OCPs for a legitimate goal was and a person is only liable under the status if the disclosure by that person was a non-legitimate goal,” says archiving.
Dailymail.com has contacted Rove, her lawyer Mark Nejame and OCPs for comment on the decision.
OCPS said: “Although the district wants to give a comment, it cannot be provided at the moment because of the potential of continuous lawsuits of this case.”
Rove – which has more than 148,000 followers on its most important Instagram account and has almost 264,000 Tiktok – followers – has said that her modeling enables her to support and spend time with her two children.

To do volunteer work, Terk has passed on extensive background controls every year until she was banned

Trience was officially kicked off the campus after an older anonymous school officials had tipped her Onlyfans account, a website for only subscribers,
She told Wesh in 2023: 'The reason I even started alone was because I didn't want nine to five.
“I still wanted to be involved. I went on a madman. I still wanted to go to school with them and be with them 24/7 and be involved in their lives as I could be without being away from them. They are everything for me. '
After organizing events for her sons – at that time five and 10 years old – and their colleagues in primary school for about five years, someone sent the most important Raunchy photos of Trience in 2021 anonymously.
Director Kathleen Phillips then reportedly brought the situation the attention of her supervisor – who made the call to Blacklist Triece.
The lawsuit claimed that the director told her: “She could no longer be with children in school areas.”
“I was humiliated, and I shouldn't do that, and no one else should be worried about what another parent is doing,” the frustrated mother told Wesh in 2021.
“I just love to spend time with my children and I have a great relationship with other parents and students.”
Trave has taken on extensive annual background checks to help in the classrooms of her children and has no criminal.

Helping at her children's school was something that the model really enjoyed, she said

Sand Lake Elementary School, where her two sons went to school at that time, forbade her from volunteering

Lawyer Mark Nejame (shown left) said the school district acted as the 'morality police'
In 2023, Nejame said with DailyMail.com that the school board behaved like the 'morality police' and compared it to a parent who hunts in endangered species or cheats on their partner.
He explained: 'If a teacher or a parent had an adulterous relationship, many would consider that much less moral.
“Does this mean that parents and teachers who have violated their wedding vows should not be in children, is that immoral?”
After she learned that she was no longer welcome to donate her time at Sand Lake Elementary, Trief said she felt she was being unfairly investigated.
'Nobody has the right to assess what other people do for a living. I feel rated and so isolated, “she told Wesh.