The legalization of assisted suicide was questioned last night after campaign feeders were accused of dramatic watering of promised guarantees.
MPs who had previously supported the bill, said they were now thinking again in the midst of an angry declaration against the shock removal of the need for judges to supervise the process.
Opponents pointed out that the architect of the plan that Kim Leadbeater had won the commons last year by insisting that judicial supervision would offer the strongest protection in the world against vulnerable people put under pressure to end their lives.
But under the new proposals from the Labor Backbencher, which she has called 'Judge Plus', lawyers, psychiatrists and social workers would be involved in approving applications by terminally sick people who want to be helped to die.
Only 28 former financiers should vote against historical legislation when it returns to the commons in April to be defeated.
Lee Anderson of the reform yesterday became the first member of parliament to publicly withdraw his support and tell the e -mail: 'I die support assisted, but this bill becomes less credible by the day. It seems that it is forced at all costs, so I don't see how I can support this account with the third reading. '
His colleague Rupert Lowe said: 'I voted for assisted dying in the first phase to give parliamentary members the opportunity to debate the details, in the hope that a balanced approach could lead to responsible legislation.
'Apparently that does not happen, especially given the latest change that removes even more needed research. I find the way the process has been handled to be bullying, unfair and reckless. Unless all that changes considerably, I will vote against the bill. '

Opponents pointed out that the architect of the Kim Leadbeater (above) had won the commons last year by insisting that judicial supervision would offer the strongest protection

Lee Anderson of the reform yesterday became the first MP to publicly withdraw his support
Other senior parliamentary members who voted for the bill in November, including former ministers Sir David Davis and Alistair Carmichael said they would study the details of the new proposals before they made a decision.
Last night, ten Labor MPs – against whom all voted against in the fall – issued a very critical statement about their party colleague MS Leadbetter's handling of the controversial issue.
The group, who includes a selected committee chairman Dame Meg Hillier, wrote: 'Every parliament member voted for the second reading with a promise of the Supreme Court of every request for assisted dying.
'Supporters of the bill insisted that it was an important part of the protection for vulnerable and marginalized people.
'But despite repeated guarantees until just a few days ago, the proponents of the bill changed their argument – and the bill changed fundamentally.
'All MPs have an important task to do to ensure that the assisted dying account is suitable for the goal. Yet the process feels chaotic, whereby the account changes considerably of what was presented to the parliament at the second reading. '
Another Labor Member of Parliament, Mary Kelly Foy, wrote: 'It's not good that the goal posts keep moving. It is becoming increasingly clear that the account is inadequate, rushed and is not suitable for the goal. '

People participate in a demonstration outside the parliament buildings in Westminster, London, to resist the terminally sick adults (Bill)
Leading Tory -opponent Danny Kruger said: 'Approval by the Supreme Court – the most important security used to sell the assisted suicide account to MPs – has been dropped.
'Instead, we have a panel, excluding a judge, from people who are committed to the trial, being private without hearing arguments from the other side. A shame. '
But Mrs. Leadbeater told the Today program of BBC Radio 4: 'It would not be done privately, it would take into account the confidentiality of the patient, but there would be public procedures.
“And actually I think it is really difficult to suggest that by three experts involved in these extra layers of control that is somehow a change.”
Layla Moran, who is chairman of the Health Select Committee, agreed: 'After I studied the evidence on the Bill Committee, I would support this amendment as a workable way to ensure that strong guarantees remain in force, but Without snarling the courts. “
Mrs Leadbeater was confronted with new criticism last night, while the MPs she has chosen by hand to investigate her account, attempts to strengthen protection for vulnerable people.
Changes voted by the Bill Committee of the Terminal Sick Adults (end of life) included one that would have taken a high test for mental capacity before the request of a patient for assisted dying could be approved.