More than a million migrants have entered Australia on the watch of Anthony Albanian – and now couples have fewer children.
UNAffordable housing prevents couples to have children, which means that Australia depends on high immigration to offer a tax basis and to support an aging population, experts say.
The fertility percentage of Australia – or the number of children who give a woman during her life – has fallen to a record of 1.5.
The level in 2023 was far below the 'replacement level' of two and half the level of the early sixties before the contraceptive pill was used on a large scale.
The think tank of the E61 Institute has suggested that priceless housing and other factors were of the costs of living was the discouraging of couples to have children.
Houses in capital cities now usually cost more than $ 1 million, which means that only a few double incomes can afford a house with a backyard that would be suitable for children.
Since the work came to power in 2022, more than a million migrants have moved to Australia, new figures have revealed, where house prices continue to rise in the light of aggressive interest rate increases.
The American trained economists Rose Khattar and Pelin Akyol argued expensive homes and the requirement for two working parents meant that they had to prepare for expensive childcare.

Non -payable homes prevents couples to have children, because Australia relies on high immigration to cope with an aging population, say experts (depicted a Sydney mother with her baby)

The fertility percentage of Australia – or the number of children who gave birth to a woman during her life – fell to a record of 1.5 last year
“Some have argued that economic pressure and costs of living are important factors,” they said.
'For example, the affordability of housing can contribute, especially in large cities where the challenges are greatest.
“Despite government initiatives, high childcare costs can also be a deterrent for having children.”
From June 2022 to December 2024, 1,007,600 migrants moved permanently and in the long term to Australia, with the inflow of competent migrants and international students who have achieved record -high levels since work was chosen.
The Institute of Public Affairs Think Tank's Deputy Director Daniel Wild said that 1,000 migrants had arrived every day under Prime Minister Anthony Albanian watch.
“Australians who have difficulty coming are destroyed by the effects of unplanned migration, such as rising homes and rental costs, and crumbling infrastructure and services,” he said.
The net overseas immigration levels of Australia last year moderated of record -high levels above 500,000.
But the 444,480 level for 2024 was still four times the 100,000 a year intake that lasted until the end of the 1990s, before the immigration levels tripled at the end of 2000.

The think tank of the E61 Institute has suggested that priceless homes discharge couples from having children (depicted his Oran Park Houses)

American trained economists Rose Khattar (photo) and Pelin Akyol argued that expensive homes in Australia meant that couples also had to prepare for childcare in order to maintain a mortgage and to be able to commit to and from work
Like other countries in the first world, Australia has familiarized high immigration to stimulate the available pool of work and to broaden the income tax basis, in order to handle the costs of more government services to an aging population.
Mrs. Khattar and Dr. Akyol noted that public opposition to high immigration is increasing.
“With both large parties that suggest migration cuts prior to the federal elections of this year, it may be time to reconsider how Australia manages his demographic challenges,” they said.
'Migration has already proved to be an effective demographic management tool for Australia, but political support for high immigration has been withdrawn.
“As a result, policymakers may have to start looking somewhere else.”
The economists claimed that couples would only have more children if they could afford it.
“Tackling decreasing fertility is not about forcing people to have more children,” they said.
'It's about creating conditions where people can choose to have the number of children they wish without important barriers.
“Policy that improves the affordability of homes, paid parental leave that is better shared between new parents, cheaper childcare and greater flexibility in the workplace are just a few ideas that drove as potential solutions.”
The fertility level of Australia slid for the first time in 1978 below the 'two' level, but it briefly returned to the replacement level in 2008, after John Howard's coalition government had introduced a $ 3,000 bonus in 2004.
New parents now receive a $ 667 in advance payment that is not taxed, and $ 2,004 for their first child, paid more than 13 weeks.
For later children it is $ 668.85 also spread over 13 weeks.
Women also receive children later in life compared to previous generations with the more new mothers from 30 to 34 years than those from 25 to 29 years since 2000.
The proportion of women who have children in the late thirty is now comparable to the number that is pregnant in their late 1920s, with women now delaying motherhood until they had established a career.