A school in Colorado reportedly helped a teacher to take care of a 17-year-old student by helping the girl moving to her instructor's house while keeping her parents in the dark.
Former teacher Social Studies, Leann Kearney, is said to have provided a then 17-year-old female student at the Columbine High School in Little, Colorado, said researchers from the school district, according to CBS Colorado.
The non -created student was reportedly involved in an inappropriate relationship with Kearney at that time and had collaborated with school officers to submit federal paperwork to explain her homeless despite life with her parents.
Her mother, who was not identified, found the paperwork while one day she cleaned her daughter. The student submitted the paperwork with the intention of entering Kearney.
She said she also found a letter that her daughter kissed her teacher, so that the mother found thousands of phone calls and texts between the couple.
'I think it is really scary that we can take teenagers – or children of every age – and say that what you say is true and we are not going to investigate it. We are going to take big steps to explain you homeless without informing the family, “Friend of the family, Heather McCormick, said the outlet.
A Jefferson County School District discovered that the girl 'of course' did not meet the criteria to be considered homeless'.
However, school officials had previously helped the girl to fill in the form, and director Scott Christy was aware that the student was planning to submit the paperwork.

Former social studies teacher, Leann Kearney, (photo) would provide a then 17-year-old female student who was not identified at the Columbine High School in LittleTon, Colorado

At that time, the student was involved in an inappropriate relationship with Kearney and had worked with school officers to submit federal paperwork to explain her homeless, despite life with her parents

Her mother, who was not identified, found the paperwork while one day she cleaned her daughter. The student submitted the paperwork with the intention of entering Kearney. She said she also found a letter described her daughter kissing her teacher (depicted: the school)
Christy did not inform the parents of the actions of the girl and researchers discovered that, according to CBS Colorado, staff did not follow the 'right channels' for incidents such as this one.
“No person stood up and said that something seems wrong and reached for the parents,” said McCormick.
The girl's mother went to the school with the records of the SMS and showed them to Christy, who reported her, reportedly told her: “Mrs. Kearney is interested in navigating children in navigating their sexuality,” CBS reported Colorado.
Kearney eventually stopped two years later after continuous pressure from the mother and would eventually lose her learning permit, said CBS Colorado.
The student eventually entered Kearney when she turned 18 and moved from the state with her.
The mother is in contact with her daughter and hopeful she is going home, she told CBS Colorado.

School officials also helped the girl to fill in the form, and director Scott Christy was aware that the student was planning to submit the paperwork. Christy did not inform the parents of the girl's actions
The school district has taken steps to prevent Kearney from working again in an educational environment, said it in a statement.
And it has changed its policy to ensure that it no longer happens. What the policy change was exactly is unclear.