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The White lotus is back for his long -awaited third season – but how many instructions and Easter Eggs are lurking in the new opening credits?
Fans of the award -winning show will know that there are always hidden meanings spread over the opening loans, which contain a range of historic murals, paintings and tapestries.
At first glance, they may seem to be a nod to the artwork in the Plush Hotels of the series, which form the central location for all action.
However, time has taught us that by comparing the events of the series with these photos, we can find a whole series of parallels.
Since only one episode has been released at the moment, it is impossible to know exactly how this will take place in the course of season three, but there are already some clear nods at the events of the previous seasons.
Moreover, we can also make some predictions about what is to come.
Don't be afraid, there are no season three spoilers in this article – but if you have to look back one and two, because we will touch some plot points from those episodes.

The White Lotus is back for its long -awaited third season – but how many instructions and Easter eggs are lurking in the new openings?

Season three is set in Thailand and the credits contain a series of classic works of art
Sex and voyeurism
Everyone who has looked at the show before knows what it does not shy away from approaching sex, business and even prostitution.
With that in mind, it is no surprise that there are many explicit images here, no doubt a sign that there is just as much to come this time.
A shot from a palace seems to show a kind of massive orgy that takes place, with partygoers who are draped over each other completely naked in their dozens.
Another shows a topless woman in the forest, who is viewed by a few men from the tree line.
A third sees a group of naked women on top of a tower with a snake – the biblical embodiment of sin – while a pack of monkeys reaches to the grab, apparently fascinated by their nudity.

One shot shows that two scantily dressed women are spied on the tree line

The vast palace contains photos of lovers and concubines

Could the symbol of the snake be a reference to temptation and sin?
There is even a shot from a giant that holds their own phallus on the side of one frame.
If these photos set the tone for the festive spirit to come, it is safe to say that we can also expect a lot of sex and scandal in season three.
Season one contained a lot – from hotel manager Murray Bartlett who performed a sex act on his employee Dillon, to Paula and Kai's Secret Ravot (to the great horror of Olivia) and newly involved Rachel and Shane, who are held together by sexual connection and money alone.
Season two was just razed, where almost everyone did the deed on the screen.
It tackled sex work in the form of prostitute Lucia, together with unfaithfulness, as played by Valsperen Daphne, Cameron, Harper and Ethan.
In the meantime, Jack and Quentine play his son Albie in a sex-attortion Sub-Plot and the sex addiction of Dominic.
Gang warfare and death
The animals that hunt in the mural can be a nod to gangs and conflict. Immediately we are presented with the predatory image of a pack of hyenas around an elephant.
Later we see a leopard that stalks a group of deer in the jungle, before the tables turn and we see that the leopard is followed by hunting dogs.
Together with the obvious predator / prey connection, these images may indicate someone who is instructed, or alliances that are formed to get a formidable target.
Of course a kind of conflict is inevitable, but will it take the form of stalking and a coordinated strike like a pack of predators in the wild?

Several animals are depicted that are hunted and stalked – including an elephant and a pack of dogs

Could the tree indicate with swords that bloodshed is on the horizon?

A siege on the castle sees man and beats a brutal battle that spilled the street in Speste

Another shot shows sailors who drown death and are set by sea monsters

A pack of deer is followed by a bright leopard that hides in the bushes

The same leopard is later set up by foxes while it eats its prey
Other violent images include a tree covered with swords, who are threatening next to the trees.
There is also a siege on a palace, with armed soldiers who scales the walls of the back of armored elephants, with even monkeys participating in the massacre – perhaps an indicator that will embrace their darkest, most primordial instincts this time.
The soldiers even have lotus -shaped tattoos on their backs, who feel a bit on the nose.
Both season one and two ended in death, stabbed with Murray at the end of the first and Tanya killed death after they fell out of a yacht in the last.
In fact, these newest credits contain a scene in which sailors are set by sea bands that fall from their ships, just like Tanya.
Time will learn who is at the top of the food chain in season three …
Drugs and intoxication
Narcotics are another recurring theme in the White Lotus, so their presence in the latest credits is not a shock.
One image sees a man who smokes a join of a watchtower, staring into the room.
A pack of monkeys is later also seen to clamp blowjobs.

Two monkeys are seen that smoke a pipe on some rocks on the river

The White Lotus is now being broadcast on Sky Atlantic and Streaming Service now in the UK

A man is depicted with smoking from a watchtower, looking over the horizon
Drugs were of great importance in Murray's fall in season one, while he derailed his sobriety in an acute moment of stress.
Meanwhile, in season two, Quentin's connections with drugs and organized crime are clear, in which he passes on details of his cocaine dealer to Tanya before his attempt to kill her, according to the deal with her planning husband, who had planned to do her fortune inherit.
If the pattern has to be continued, drugs will undoubtedly be the catalyst for a kind of misconduct in the coming episodes – often marry both the decadence and corruption of the well -to -do hotel guests.
The White Lotus is broadcast on HBO in the US and Sky Atlantic in the UK, with episodes available to stream now.