The mystery of a statue of Virgin Mary in Italy that 'tears of blood hepte' has been resolved.
Gisella Cardia stated in 2016 that the Madonna di Trevignano cried blood and gave her revelations to share with believers who flowed to receive his blessing and handed tens of thousands of dollars to donations.
Public prosecutors in the port city of Civitavecchia opened a fraud examination in 2023 and ordered cotton bars of the blood -stained porcelain cheeks that were previously speculated as the blood of Pig.
The laboratory results came up last week, which shows that the blood matched the genetic profile of the owner Cardia.
Her lawyer, Solange Marchignoli, said, however, that the DNA analysis should also show whether it was a single profile or mixed.
“If the profile is single, it means that it is only cardias and they would go there, so in this case we would go to court,” Marchignoli told Italian news output Corriere della Sera.
'But if, as expected, the profile is mixed, this means that the DNA on the statue also contains the DNA of Cardia, which we expect because it used it, kissed and treated it.
Cardia reportedly left her house in Trevignano and nobody, even her lawyer, does not know where she is.

Hundreds of people flowed to a city in Italy to see a statue of the Virgin Mary whose owner claimed that the tears were crying

Gisella Cardia stated in 2016 that the Madonna di Trevignano cried blood and gave her revelations to share with believers. She also took tens of thousands of dollars in donations
Cardia, who was previously convicted of bank fraud, arranged visits to see the 'crying' statue every third day of the month.
She put the small statue in a large blue housing, placed for a gigantic statue of Mary.
Cardia led about the experience of supernatural phenomena, including an opportunity in which she fed 15 people apparently endless parts of pizza, gnocchi and rabbit – thanks to the alleged powers of the statue.
Duped followers believed she had brought messages from Mary and some said she had even predicted the Covid Pandemie.
In 2022, the local population from the city of Trevignano Romano, who were skeptical about the bleeding Madonna, called a private researcher in the Italian military police.
Allegedly, the suspect locals presented proof that suggested that the red liquid appeared from the eyes of the statue was the blood of the pig.
Last year the Catholic Church considered the 'miracle' as fake. Their Vatican dicastery for the doctrine of faith has issued his first decision according to a new series of rules for the screening of alleged Marian appearances and spiritual phenomena.
It referred to a provisional report from a study by the diocese of Civita Castellana that found nothing supernatural about the statue.
It stated: 'It is clear that it is not supernatural.

A DNA test of the blood-stained cheeks corresponded to the genetic profile of Cardia

She put the small statue in a large blue housing, placed for a gigantic statue of Mary
“May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mother of the Church and our Mother, restore peace and serenity with a view to the spiritual importance of the believers of the parish of Trevignano Romano and of the people of God who in the diocese of The diocese are Civita Castellana. '
The laboratory test was performed by forensic geneticist Emiliano Giardina, who worked in 2010 on the well -known case in Italy in Italy of a murdered teenager, Corriere della Sera reported.
“I am sorry to teach that sudden and very superficial gossip are made that, however, mislead journalists,” said Marchignoli in a translated explanation.
'Everyone who naturally regards it that the DNA found on the statue of the Madonna corresponds to that of Gisella Cardia is seriously fermented.

Another virgin Mary in Argentina was seen 'crying' bloodtans for the 38th time in 2018.
“I invite everyone to be careful – because on the contrary, extremely extremes of a crime would be discovered – and I am waiting for the official outcome of the Expert report, in the hope that it will be beneficial for our defense.”
The Catholic Church had his eye on the remarkable cause of the Madonna di Trevignano before it was crushed, but this was not the first example of a case of this nature.
In 2018 a church in New Mexico found a Madonna that leaked olive oil, which caused excitement that there was a supernatural force behind it.
Bishop Oscar Cantú of the Our Lady or Guadalupe Catholic Church in Hobbs, USA, said that the church would determine whether the sign was a good or a bad or not.
Later that year, another Virgin Mary, this time in Argentina, became Bloodtans for what was known as the 38th time.
The statue of the Virgin of the Mystic Rose is linked to different 'miracles', as a woman who had a three-inch tumor who reportedly disappeared after she had visited it.
A year earlier, Catholic Miracle researchers studied a Virgin Maria in Acapulco in southwestern Mexico who started 'tearing' for his owners.
The Holy was a Mexican version of the Virgin Mary, nicknamed La Morenita, or the brunette. Vroom followers were surprised when images and videos showed up tears that apparently flowed down his cheeks.