Horrible doorbell camer images show how a woman was blown up in a car by her husband and her body burned unrecognizable.
The vehicle was seen in the shocking clip that was converted into a furious fireball after it exploded on Saturday morning in Hialah Gardens, Florida.
Police officers who investigated the explosion say that Noel Ruiz-Mestre, 50, was behind the explosion and deliberately left a home-made explosive while his wife was in the car.
In images of the aftermath that was caught by NBC Miami, there were crews to tackle the inferno, as well as supporting privacy magazines while they found the remains of the woman.
Researchers who investigated the incident say that the couple had argued and that the woman tried to escape from the vehicle before Ruiz-Mestre set it on fire.
It is said that Ruiz Mestre has found its way before he uses a homemade explosive to cause the explosion, according to the outlet.
Rescue teams ran on stage and found the woman, who has not yet been identified, in the front passenger chair and 'burned outside the recognition'.
According to the police, Ruiz-Mestre 911 called after he had put himself in the stomach several times.

Doorbell images of a nearby house conquered the vehicle in flames on Saturday morning

Rescue teams arrived on the spot to fight hell and found the remains of the woman they described as 'burns without recognition'

Ruiz-Mestre called 911 after the explosion after he put himself in the stomach, according to the police
Before the death of his wife, Ruiz-Mestrontre is confronted with second-degree murder and arson. He is currently in the hospital because of his knife wounds.
Neighbour Miguel Hernandez told the exhaust valve that the sound of the explosion was incredibly loud and Ruiz-Mestre described as 'really strange'.
He said, “I get up and I thought,” What happens? ” Because the explosion was too loud.
“It wasn't” Pow Pow “, it was” Bah Bah. ” She was a really nice person. She always says, hello, how are you happy Christmas, happy Halloween. '
Hernandez continued: 'The man was a bit quiet, you know. He usually took a chair and sat down in front of the house. He [did] Nothing, I don't know, he was really strange. '
It comes after a young woman died after she had dropped her Tesla into a crash barrier that then exploded.
The incident happened earlier this month in New York City, when the 26-year-old driver turned the electric vehicle after a quick collision.
The car burst into flames and casts the young woman and her passenger, a 26-male. She was declared dead on the spot while her passenger survived.