A judge accused of killing his wife cried in court while during his murder process a jury was shown the photos of the crime scene of her who lay death in a puddle of blood on their floor in the living room.
Judge Jeffrey Ferguson of Orange County Superior Court is accused of shooting his 27 -year -old wife, Sheryl, on 3 August 2023.
Their fight lasted the dinner in a local restaurant and later while watching Breaking Bad on TV at home on Canyon Vista Drive with their adult son.
At one point in the evening, Ferguson made a hand gesture from the gun to his wife, and she later reprimanded him to point out a real gun to her, said public prosecutor Seton Hunt.
Ferguson, who pulled a charged gun from his ankle hole, did what she dared to do, claimed the authorities. Then he pulled the tractor.
He was arrested after both he and his son called Phillip 911 and, in comments filmed on Police Bodycam, argued for a jury to condemn him.
“I killed her,” Ferguson was heard on the recording. “I did it.”
Ferguson, 74, did not argue guilty of murder attacks and claims that the shooting was an accident.

The first day of the process contained photos of the scene after the shooting, including one that shelled Sheryl next to the fireplace – blood flowed over her face

Judge Jeffrey Ferguson of Orange County Superior Court cried in court while during his murder process a jury was shown the pictures of the crime scene of his wife who lay in a puddle of blood on their floor in the living room

Ferguson is accused of setting his wife of 27 years, Sheryl (shown together), during a drunk argument on 3 August 2023
“This was an unintended, casual shooting and not a crime,” said one of his lawyers, Paul Meyer, after the arrest of Ferguson.
Wednesday's procedures opened the murder process of Ferguson in a case that the legal community in Orange County was.
The opening statement of Hunt contained photos of the scene after the shooting, including one that leaves Sheryl lying next to the fireplace – blood flowed over her face.
To prevent a conflict of interest, a judge in Los Angeles County is the case chairman of the jury members in the city of Santa Ana in Orange County – not far from where Ferguson has previously heard cases in his courtroom.
Ferguson was in court as a defendant and wore a gray packing jacket and glasses. His lawyer, Cameron
According to prosecutors, it was the son of the couple, Phillip Ferguson, who called 911 to report the shooting. He told the police that his father had drunk.
Ferguson also called 911 to report the shooting, but said he didn't want to talk about whether he shot his wife and just said she needed paramedics.

Wednesday's procedures opened the murder process of Ferguson in a case that greeted the legal community in Orange County

Ferguson, 74, did not argue guilty of killing charges and claims that the shooting was an accident

Ferguson in the court on August 15, 2023, shortly after his arrest
Upon arrival Ferguson smelled of alcohol and said to the police: “Oh man, I can't believe I did this,” according to judicial documents.
Ferguson texts his clerk and bailiff and said: 'I just lost it. I just shot my wife. I'll not be tomorrow. I will be in custody. I'm so sorry, “according to the court applications from the public prosecutor.
Authorities said they later found 47 weapons, including the gun, and more than 26,000 rounds of ammunition in his house.
After the shooting, Ferguson was arrested and initially released on $ 1 million bail.
He was brought back in custody last year after Judge Eleanor Hunter argued that he had lied about drinking alcohol while he was on tied, which would violate the conditions of his release.
Ferguson came out of prison again in October – this time on $ 2 million bail.
Ferguson is a chosen judge in Orange County, but he currently hears no business and his name is no longer mentioned on the website of the Superior Court.
According to the constitution of the State, a judge who is confronted with an indictment for a crime can continue to sign a salary, but cannot hear business.

The son Phillip of the couple (depicted with his mother Sheryl) called 911 after the shooting

The house of $ 1.4 million from the judge on Canyon Vista Drive, where he shot his wife
Ferguson has been a judge for ten years. He started his legal career in the office of the Orange County District Attorney in 1983 and continued working on drugs, for which he won various prizes.
He served as president of the North Orange County Bar Association from 2012 to 2014.
Ferguson was admonished by the Commission for Judicial Performance in 2017 to post a statement on Facebook about a judicial candidate 'with knowing or reckless contempt for the truth of the statement',
He was also criticized because he was Facebook friends with lawyers who appeared in court for him.
Ferguson said on his Facebook page that he grew up in a military family and traveled through Asia as a child. He went to university and law studies in California and married his wife in 1996.