A man has revealed that he is forced to shop because he cannot afford groceries, despite the fact that he has worked overtime.
The man, who is called the pseudonym Paul throughout the story, as he asked to keep his identity private, explained to DailyMail.com that he works tirelessly to make ends meet, but still does not have enough money to make essential food products cover.
He announced that he has now resorted to stealing his local supermarket because he has no other options.
“I work as an admin for a data hosting company in a small town with fewer than 15,000 people in it,” Paul shared.
'I earn around $ 46,000 a year, including overtime, which is good for the area where I am. After taxes I take $ 3,070.56 a month home. “
But Paul estimated that his monthly expenses come to $ 3,100 – slightly more than he brings houses – between his medical accounts, student loans and basic needs.
He explained that the diagnosis of ulcerativeistolitis was made – a chronic inflammatory bowel disorders – and carpal tunnel syndrome, which caused weakness in the hands about two years ago.
And between 'multiple colonoscopies, CT scans, er -visits and other operations and medicines that he needed to diagnose and control his condition,' he made more than $ 52,000 in debts that eat the majority of his income.

A man has revealed that he is forced to shop because he cannot afford groceries, despite the fact that he has worked overtime (Stock Image)
“People tell me that I don't just have to pay my medical bills … but the hospital sends their bills to a third -party invoicing agency and if I don't meet the minimum payment, I get a late fee,” he explained. “I don't have the option to just pay $ 5 a month.”
Paul said he started with shoplifting in December and has done it five times in the last three months.
“I shopped for the first time, because even after shopping for items that are for sale and spaced as much as possible as I could, I still didn't have enough food to go until my next supermarket,” he shared.
'I never take more than two items. I usually take butter and another item I need.
'The last trip was butter and milk. For that it was beans and milk because I didn't need the butter. '
Paul explained that although he feels 'guilty' and 'terrified to be caught', but he has no other options.
“I don't live rich at all. I didn't go to a bar and shot the wind in months with my friends, “he went on.
“I have not spent any money on my hobbies, I don't drive unless I absolutely have to, my diet is quite bland, if I don't have to spend money that I don't have to do.”

The man said he takes $ 3,070.56 a month home, but estimated that his monthly expenses come to $ 3,100 (stock image)
He said he feels that the “system has abandoned him,” adding it, “it is very frustrating to know that I have to work so much to survive a disease that I didn't give to myself.
“I feel that the system failed. There is no reason for health care to be so expensive. '
Regarding those who can judge him for his decision to steal, he insisted on them to try to put himself 'in his shoes'.
“For the people who judge me, you are not in my shoes, you don't know my story or my struggles,” he said.
“If you think that people like me take two cheap items every few weeks, will increase the price, then you have not paid attention to the price of something since 2019.”