She is far in her second term as First Lady and there is still no sign that she will receive one of the most prestigious awards of the role – on the cover of Vogue.
The legendary title donated this privilege to the first ladies of the Democrat from Jackie Kennedy to Michelle Obama, while Republicans Laura Bush and Nancy Reagan each received an indoor distribution.
But Anna 'Nuclear' Wintour has so far completely beaten Melania and, say insiders, she has announced that she will only expand her an invitation under very specific circumstances.
According to one: 'Something extraordinary should happen. If she left Donald – if there was a touch of separation, Anna would be the first in line for an interview. '
Yes, the tail democrat Wintour may have the notorious syrupy puff piece from 2010 on Syrian Dictator's Bashar-Al-Assad's wife Asma 'the very highized and most magnetic of First Ladies' sanctioned-but the Trump regime is clearly a step too far.
It is a position that, the Daily Mail has learned, the magazine house has earned the name 'Conde Nasty' in Trump, along with a cascade of canceled subscriptions.
The Catty Carping of the publisher in the aftermath of Melania's recent official portrait of the White House suggests that little has been discovered in relationships.
Dressed in a classic Dolce and Gabbana Black Pant Suit, even this most innocent selection of style attracted unflattering comparisons with 'a freelance magician' or a participant in the student and was strange 'situational inappropriate'.

Melania Trump (depicted on the Liberty Ball with Donald) is far in her second term as First Lady and there is still no sign that she will receive one of the most prestigious awards of the role – on the cover of Vogue.

Anna 'Nuclear' Wintour (photo) has so far completely beaten Melania and, say insiders, she has announced that she will only expand her an invitation under very specific circumstances.

The legendary title donated this privilege to the first ladies of Democrat from Jackie Kennedy to Michelle Obama (depicted with Anna Wintour), while Republicans Laura Bush and Nancy Reagan each received an indoor distribution.

The Catty Carping of the publisher in the aftermath of Melania's recent official portrait of the White House (photo) suggests that little has been discovered in the relationships.
Writer Hannah Jackson expelled her with vague praise and admitted that it was an improvement in relation to the portrait of the 54-year-old 2017, who apparently saw that Melania 'Airbrushed for oblivion'.
And make no mistake, according to a former Vogue director, this mean girl Pettiness would have been approved by WintTour who is said to investigate every word in every edition.
It is a bit at odds with the self -proclaimed female empowerment focus of the magazine.
“I think it is important for Vogue to support women who lead to change in this country,” said Wintour, failing to comment when the economist the style of the First Lady during the British visit of Trump 2019 2019 2019 has asked.
The subtext was clear; This stupid clothing horse lacks the necessary fabric for the weight of our pages. In contrast to presumably, presumably, the gravitas of his Fawning 2021 piece with Triple Cover Girl Jill Biden, who generated this kind of insight: 'It is not so often that Joe and I get together for a whole morning, only coffee, you know, talk. “
Who knows, perhaps if Winttour put her prejudices aside for a minute, the mysterious Melania had unveiled an interesting interviewee with her remarkable pro -Choice attitude on abortion rights – in her recent autobiography, Melania.
But why would you take the trouble if it is easier to stay Fangirling about Jill, Michelle and Kamala?
And perhaps her left -wing Anti -Trump -Sat on the influence of her team is due to the influence of her team.
She is perhaps known for her ball-breaking leadership style, but, say Insiders, the 75-year-old helps a workforce that once has more need for trigger warnings, reportedly trumatized by Trump's Victory 2.0.
'Conde Nast had been in such a liberal democratic bubble that they did not see it coming; The whole team was in shock in the US, “says one
'The younger team members at Conde Nast were in tears on the day of the elections. Special meetings and counseling had to be arranged in the offices for them. It was really weird. Like Kom on Boys, have you not seen this coming? '
Of course it was of course not always. When she was still Melania Knauss – the newest model on Trump's arm when he was just a Manhattan Mover and Shaker – the Slovenian resident was good in fashion elite.
She was accompanied by Vogue's own editor-in-chief, fashion legend Andre Leon Talley. By the time she and Trump married in January 2005, her dress, who reportedly cost between $ 100,000 and $ 200,000, was made by John Galliano for Dior.
The following month she could be seen as a bride with a Vogue coverage that whole hair and the inner head, 'How to Marry a billionaire'.

Vogue's 2021 Fawning Piece with Triple Cover Girl Jill Biden has cheerful this kind of insight: “It is not so often that Joe and I get together all morning, only coffee, you know, talk.” (Shown: Jill Biden on the cover of Vogue in 2024).

Of course it was of course not always. When she was still Melania Knauss – the newest model on Trump's arm when he was just a Manhattan Mover and Shaker – the Slovenian resident was good in fashion elite. (Melania, Donald and Anna are depicted in 2005).

By the time that Melania and Trump married her dress in January 2005. The following month she could be seen as a bride with a Vogue coverage that whole hair and the inner head, 'How to Marry a billionaire'.
From there the fashion world opened for her. She was in the front rows of the summer couture shows of Paris and was depicted in the city with Manolo Blahnik.
In 2006, Vogue again ran a spread with Melania and then pregnant with Barron, posing through the steps of Trump's private jet.
How things have changed. Since she switched to Air Force, a Melania has felt the icy explosions of Mode Siberia, because the taste maker has decided that they, and all other Trump women, should be treated as pariahs and must be excluded from the inner sanctuary.
Their judgment extends to anyone who is brave enough to dress the Whitehouse woman. The Daily Mail has been told that the magazine 'has a very vague view' of every fashion house that makes this most serious attack.
Yes, fashion and politics are a fickle company.
Although the Trump women tend to have the last smile. Muldering for unkilable powerhouse (and productive Vogue Advertiser) Christian Dior, Ivanka Trump covered in a structured, elegant retro suit was easily the best dressed in the presidential inauguration.
Melania was a good second and, even if she is effectively left to shop from the rack such as the rest of our mortals, both they and Ivanka possess such a glamazon formation and proportions that they look fantastic, regardless of their limited options.
For her part, Melania seems extremely not -losh linked, and perhaps we should allow her the last word to be delivered to former adviser, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, to whom she once stated: 'I don't give off *** about Vogue. '