Ask most people to describe Satan and they will describe a red, horned devil, perhaps wear a pitchfork that attracts people to sin.
A theologian told that it is completely wrong and is not supported by Scripture. In fact, the truth is much more frightening.
“I think the culture has just been so obsessed with this idea of ​​this little Red Devil on your shoulder that you always chase,” said Jared Brock, author of a devil named Lucifer.
Brock explained that the real devil is a spiritual, not physical being and will probably appear in very attractive forms to seduce people, instead of a nightmare -like demon shown in films.
'There are two words in the Bible for the devil. One means more accusher and one means opponent. Nothing says that the devil can be in all places at all times. He is not omnipresent as God is. '
Another misconception, according to Brock, is that the devil breathes fire on the souls of hell. In fact, the book reveals that he actually speaks water.
“The snake gave water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, to wipe her away with a flood,” reads Revelation 12:15.
The Bible is also quite confusing about the actual form of hell, said Brock – mentioned with five or six different places as the 'bottom of the hereafter'.

A misconception, according to Brock, is that the devil breathes fire on the souls of hell as the book reveals that he spits water
'Are these physical? Are they spiritual? Are they forever? Are they for a limited period? And the answer to that everything is that we just don't know, “he said.
The Christian faith states that Satan was once a powerful angel in heaven, but his pride and desire to be as God led to his exile.
Revelation 12: 7-9 reads: 'And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; And the dragon and his angels fought, but she [a]did not prevail, nor was a place found for [b]them in heaven longer.
'So the great dragon was cast out, called the snake of yesteryear, the devil and Satan, who cheats on the whole world; He was thrown on the earth and his angels were thrown with him. '
And while many people refer to Satan as 'Lucifer', Brick emphasized that the name appears only once in Scripture.
Isaiah 14:12 reads: 'How you fell out of heaven, Oh Lucifer, son of the morning! How you were cut down on the ground, which the nations was low! '
The verse is theoretized to discuss when the devil falls out of heaven, and that is why people are that Lucifer is his true name.
The song '666' is not really 'the number of the devil,' said Brock.
Revelation 13:18 states: 'Here is wisdom. Let him count that understanding the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; And his song is six hundredz sixty -six. '
“The song itself could refer to Goliath (six pieces of armor, his length and the weight of his spear) or be connected to King Nebuchadnezzar, or be a code used to refer to Keizer Nero,” Brock explained.

Brock is a pious Christian who has directed PBS documentaries and has written five books
“It is vital that we know what the devil really looks like – both in a material and spiritual sense – so that we can see him more easily at work in the world around us,” Brock said.
“He rarely appears like the water -breathing dragon. Fear is not nearly as powerful as temptation. '

Brock is a pious Christian who has directed PBS documentaries and has written five books
Brock said that the idea that Satan is in charge of armies of demons is not biblical because 'only a handful of' demons are mentioned in Scripture.
However, the Bible states that the devil took a third of the angels when he was kicked out of heaven (Revelation 12: 4).
Brock claimed to have spoken with dozens of people who have had a demonic spiritual experience and believes that there are spiritual forces at work in the world, one of which is 'Mammon', an Aramean word used by Jesus to refer to money .
But Brock also believes that people are always responsible for evil.
'We all heard the sentence that the devil let you do. The devil never let anyone do anything. The devil, the devil cannot let you pull on the tractor and shoot at someone, “he said.