Former long -reigning radio king Ray Hadley has revealed that his deeply sad family in 'Absolute Disorder' is after discovering his three -year -old granddaughter Lola Vecht against life -threatening cancer.
The experienced broadcaster said that the toddler – the second child of his daughter Laura and her husband Brad Clark – was diagnosed with leukemia last month, just a few days in the new year.
Although Hadley spent countless hours helping other sick children during his decades of career, he said that nothing prepared him for the heart of seeing his own grandchild 'affected' with the aggressive blood condition.
'On January 6 of this year, my three -year -old granddaughter Lola was diagnosed with leukemia, “he said in a video uploaded on social media.
“I was at the Gold Coast at the time. I received a phone call from my daughter Laura … to say that they were in the John Hunter hospital after Lola got sick and blood tests revealed leukemia.
'[We were] In a shock representative – A fit and healthy little girl, beautiful little girl, affected.
'After the initial shock of diagnosis, my daughter, Laura, my son -in -law, Brad, collected, skilled by other members of the family.

Recently retired 2GB-talkback guinea pig Ray Hadley has revealed that his full family reveals after his three-year-old granddaughter, Lola Clark, fights leukemia (Hadley is depicted with small Lola)
'The journey that we have endured in the last seven weeks is … in many parts, tormenting and in other parts enlightening.
'Lighting because of the courage and courage shown by my little granddaughter, Lola, despite [having] Lumbar leaky tires regularly [and] Bone marrow biopsies on a regular basis – and that regularly means general aesthetics.
“She has been to steroids and part of the treatment. She has set up about five or six kilos in the space of five or six weeks.
“But she is still determined. She's still great. She still laughs.
'By telling you this, I spoke with my daughter, Laura, and my son -in -law, to say that, would they be happy enough to go to the public with it?
And my daughter was the most supportive, especially because she wants other people … who endure what we continue to exist as a family, [to know]: “You are not alone”.
'In recent decades I have helped many people to collect funds for leukemia – both children's and adult leukemia – and there is a certain level of empathy and sympathy in relation to those people and their families suffer.
'But it is not if you are in the eyes of the storm, you realize the implications.

The devastating diagnosis came less than a month after Ray Hadley retired after two decades from the flagship of Nine Radio's flagship Sydney, 2 GB, after two decades
“The family helps with financial requirements, but there is still the emotional support that is needed daily.”
The devastating diagnosis came less than a month after Hadley had completed his Talkback Radiocriere on December 13 after an almost undefeated two decades of Sydney.
At the time, the 70-year-old said he had decided to leave the microphone to spend more time with his wife, Sophie, four children and seven grandchildren.
Although there was nothing to indicate that Lola was sick when he made the call, he said that he was happy that he was now free to pour all his energy to be there for his beloved granddaughter in her time of need.
“I don't think I believe in fate … But I think something must have submitted my retirement so that I can do what I am doing now with regard to my granddaughter and my family,” he told Sydney's Sunday Telegraph.
“Because if I was still working, I couldn't do it.”
So far that meant thousands of kilometers on collecting during repeated trips from his house just outside of avoca, on the NSW Central Coast, to John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle to be by her side.
'I have a new car that did 6000 km in six weeks. Many travel up and down the coast, “he said.

Hadley says he made the call to retire at the age of 70, so that he could spend more time with his wife Sophie (depicted together), four children and seven grandchildren
'I was with [Lola] Yesterday …. And she has this thing she likes to mislead me.
'Her favorite thing is (to say)' Poppy, you have a spider in your hair 'and I brush my hair a bit, and I say:' Where is it? Where is it? Take the spider out 'and then she laughs.
'I don't know how she deals with it, she is only three.
'We have great, great doctors at John Hunter, fantastic staff, fantastic nurses – the oncology unit are really good people … and they have faith in success, but it's a long journey.
“It is 12 months and then possibly two years before we arrive at the end of this trip.”
It is not only Hadley who gathered around the young Lola.
He said that his whole family did everything they could to share the heartbreaking load that is accompanied by the care of a sick child.
“My daughter and son -in -law have three children, so their lives are in absolute disorder, so the family threw in,” he said.

The veteran broadcaster, who spent two decades as the most popular Morning Radio Show host of Sydney, says that his retirement has enabled him to concentrate all his energy on Lola
'Laura's mother, Anne Marie, Lola's grandmother, has been phenomenal – she is always there.
'My daughter -in -law, Cass who lives in the neighborhood with my son, Daniel; Both young people have done Herculean -Dingen in relation to support [Lola].
'If you confront the same kind of circumstances with a child in your family who is sick, my love and best wishes go to you.
'If you are a person of faith, I would ask you to pray for Lola Clark, my granddaughter.
“If you are not a person of faith, I would at least ask you to pray, because we may be able to successfully successfully come successfully at the end of this terrible journey.”
Since Hadley has almost all his attention aimed at Lola's health struggle, the one -off Titan or Talkback said that he had hardly had the time to think about his career or the performance of his successor Mark Levy since his retirement.
Indeed, the former shock Jock said that since then he was rarely even tuned to the radio – instead listening to his favorite land hits on his now routine discs to the hospital.

Hadley says he has hardly listened to Radio since he has been replaced by Mark Levy (the couple is depicted together)
Hadley said, however, that he remained a news tragic and still consumed the first local news and current affairs every day the first local news and current affairs.
And he said he was surprised to read recent reports that he could already be ready to retire in the midst of speculation, his good friend John Singleton might be interested in buying 2 GB of his owners of cash, Media Giant Nine.
Singleton, 83, was the man who brought Hadley to 2 GB in the first place, two decades ago, before he sold his interest of 32.2 percent in the Macquarie Media Radio Network for $ 80 million in 2019.
At the time, it was nine Radio Empire, which also consists of Capital City Talkback Stations 3AW in Melbourne, 4BC in Brisbane and Perth's 6PR – rated on more than $ 275 million.
It is now said that it is worth less than a tenth of them, with rumors that circulate that Singleton can be part of a consortium that wants to look for the wrestling radio company for around $ 20 million and put Hadley back in the broadcast.
“I was pretty stunned to read it, actually I knew about it first,” Hadley told the Sunday Telegraph -newspaper.
“So I called John Singleton yesterday and said,” am I making a comeback? ” And he laughed and said, “Well no”. '
'If Singo ever wanted me to do something for him, and whatever it is, I owe [him] A lot, I owe my career. '