Jeff Bezos led outdoors after announcing plans to revise the Opinion page of the Washington Post to concentrate exclusively on support for 'personal freedoms and free markets'.
The Amazon boss, who owns the outlet, said he concluded a traditional, wide opinions that wanted to treat all views. “
He also taught earlier opinion editor David Shipley after he refused to board the new regime.
“We are going to write every day to support and defend two pillars: personal freedoms and free markets,” Bezos wrote on X on Wednesday.
'We will of course also deal with other topics, but points of view that oppose those pillars will be published by others.
'There was a time when a newspaper, especially a newspaper that was a local monopoly, might have seen it as a service to bring a broad opinion section of the reader every morning who wanted to deal with all the views. Nowadays the internet does that work. '
Dozens of readers have already started canceling their subscription in protest during the move.
It comes after Bezos had asked anger under his liberal staff after he had dumped a planned approval for Kamala Harris before last year's elections.

Jeff Bezos has fueled outrage after announcing plans to revise the Opinion page of the Washington Post to concentrate exclusively on support for 'personal liberties and free markets'

The Amazon boss, who owns the outlet, said that he concluded a traditional, wide opinions that wanted to treat all views'
However, the decision was praised by Elon Musk, who wrote 'Bravo Jeff Bezos' above a message about X about the news.
“I am from America and for America, and proud to be like that,” Bezos added. 'Our country did not come here by being typical.
'And a large part of the success of America has been freedom in the economic empire and everywhere else. Freedom is ethical – it minimizes coercion – and practical – it stimulates creativity, invention and prosperity. '
The commotion means that former editor Shipley will resign from the position he has held since 2022.
'I offered David Shipley, which I admire enormously, the opportunity to lead this new chapter. I suggested that if the answer was not 'hell yes yes', then it had to be 'no'. After a careful consideration, David decided to leave, “Bezos explained.
He added that he is currently looking for the replacement of Shipley.
“This is an important shift, it will not be easy and it will require 100% commitment – I respect his decision,” said Bezos.
The Amazon boss slowly runs away from the liberal tendencies of his paper and has recently started playing a more active role in operations compared to when he first took course in 2013.