A West -Sydney Council has taken a proposal from one of its council members to abolish the recognition of national ceremonies.
Cumberland City Councilor Steve Christou, a Libertarian, brought the motion to remove recognitions from the country from council meetings and functions on Wednesday evening.
But every other councilor voted down the proposal – including the four liberal members.
Christou had hoped for the support of Liberal Council members, after the coalition promised to revise the Commonwealth financing for Welcome to Ceremonies of the Land.
“I just lost the mood about the abolition of recognition to the country during our council meeting last night,” said Mr. Christou on Thursday morning.
'Every councilor, labor, liberal, green, our local community and independently voted against me. Remember one independent.
'This is a council with one of the highest' no 'votes in Australia on the voice to the parliament campaign.
“Despite the claim of Peter Dutton and the claim of the federal liberal party to violate the financing of Welcome to Country Ceremonies if they have been elected to the government, the liberal councilors voted against my proposal.”

Cumberland municipal councilor Steve Christou, a libertarian, brought the motion to remove recognitions from the country on Wednesday evening from council meetings and functions

Mr. Christou had hoped for the support of Liberal Council members, after the coalition promised to revise the Commonwealth financing for Welcome to National Ceremonies
Although Mr. Christou's motion was brought with independent Eddy Sarkis, Mr. Sarkis removed himself when it was time to vote, so he had no support.
The meeting was heated, whereby some councilors reportedly accuse Mr Christou of “grand -like” and concentrate on a federal matter instead of the daily run of the council.
'How can this lead our residents a more sustainable life? I can't see that, “said Liberal deputy mayor Michael Zaiter.
“I know it's boring to talk about roads, rates and waste, but these are the things people want from us.”
'When you were mayor for four years, you never talked about this. Now you are big, “said Liberal councilor Joseph Rahme.
“To be honest, I will not allow national and federal subsidies from our residents to be cut in the name of political grand.”
Labor councilor Enver Yasar called the motion 'embarrassing'.
It comes after a motion at Midcoast Council to ban welcome at national ceremonies, brought by three libertarian councilors, this month was also reported in the midst of a bitter debate.

Shadow Minister of Native Australians Jacinta Nampijinpa Price was given the newly created role of shadow minister for government efficiency by opposition leader Peter Dutton
Council members Mick Graham, Phillip Beazley and Mal McKenzie have refused to be for the recognition of the country before the council meetings since they were chosen in September. The eight other council members voted against the motion.
Peter Dutton's new Shadow Minister of Government Efficiency, Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, promised to assess federal financing on Welcome to National Ceremonies if the coalition is chosen last month.
“I don't believe that we should spend $ 450,000 a period of welcome to country, while that doesn't really improve the lives of a marginalized, native Australian,” said MS Price.
“That kind of financing could be diverted to actually improve the lives of marginalized indigenous Australians, contrary to what is used for what is effectively a hospitable ceremony, many of which have now become quite politicized.”