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Home News TOM LEONARD reveals how Diddy looms over Jay-Z and Beyonce’s Oscars afterparty and the sordid secrets of Chateau Marmont

TOM LEONARD reveals how Diddy looms over Jay-Z and Beyonce’s Oscars afterparty and the sordid secrets of Chateau Marmont

by Abella

‘White’s turned to gold’ joked a few social media cynics when it was confirmed that Jay-Z and Beyonce will once again be holding their Gold Party after Sunday’s Academy Awards ceremony.

The idea that Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ notorious White Parties have passed the baton of debauchery to one of Hollywood’s top invitation-only after-Oscars bashes might be bordering on libelous given the accusations against the disgraced music mogul.

But given its hosts – old pals of Combs, of course – have always held their party at the Chateau Marmont, perhaps they should expect some mockery. For the West Hollywood hotel has been a byword for outrageous celebrity hedonism for nearly a century.

‘If you must get in trouble, do it at the Chateau Marmont,’ said Columbia Pictures founder Harry Cohn to aspiring stars William Holden and Glenn Ford just before World War II.

Cohn was referring to the hotel’s main appeal to Hollywood hellraisers – it was discreet. And he knew because he kept a suite there for his affairs with starlets.

Privacy was so paramount at the mock-French chateau that it famously didn’t allow unapproved photographs to be taken inside its grounds. Unfortunately, it was rather less successful in censoring the outrageous stories that have emerged from the hotel over decades.

Generations of actors heeded Cohn’s advice. An underage Natalie Wood juggled lovers by the hotel pool as she reportedly slept her way to movie stardom. Scarlett Johansson and Benicio del Toro were supposedly swept away by passion in the elevator, while Johnny Depp claimed he and Kate Moss tested every one of its 63 rooms over the four years of their affair.

Warren Beatty, Lindsay Lohan (who racked up a $46,000 bill in under two months and kicked up a fuss about paying) and Britney Spears were reportedly among those whose behavior was too much even for the easy-going Marmont management and were shown the door.

TOM LEONARD reveals how Diddy looms over Jay-Z and Beyonce’s Oscars afterparty and the sordid secrets of Chateau Marmont

Jay-Z (right) and Beyonce (middle) will once again be holding their Gold Party at Hollywood’s Chateau Marmont after Sunday’s Academy Awards

The Chateau Marmont is legendary for celebrity antics. Lindsay Lohan got kicked out of the hotel in July 2012 after racking up a $46,000 tab in two months

The Chateau Marmont is legendary for celebrity antics. Lindsay Lohan got kicked out of the hotel in July 2012 after racking up a $46,000 tab in two months

The historic Chateau Marmont sits on the famous Sunset Strip. It opened in 1929 and has  been the site of several movies

The historic Chateau Marmont sits on the famous Sunset Strip. It opened in 1929 and has  been the site of several movies

 Irish hellraising thespian Richard Harris also managed to be expelled in the early 1960s when, returning from a drinking spree at 2am, he staggered along the corridors, banging on doors and shouting that there had been a nuclear attack.

Then there were those who never made it out at all. In 1982, the 33-year-old comedian John Belushi notched up one of the hotel’s most notorious scandals when he died in one of its secluded bungalows after a five-day drugs binge.

Following a night carousing with friends, reportedly including fellow guests Robert De Niro and Robin Williams, Belushi was found dead after overdosing on a lethal mix of cocaine and heroin. Marmont staff reassured other guests there had been a ‘slight disturbance.’

In his 2019 book on the Marmont, author Shawn Levy described it as ‘a haven, a place where conventional moral judgment held little or no sway, where guests’ proclivities for sex or booze or drugs or unusual work habits weren’t merely abided…but actually accepted.’

Built in 1929 as an apartment building and inspired by the Chateau d’Amboise in the Loire Valley, it was named after a local street named after a silent era British star, Percy Marmont.

In its early, more respectable years, it was particularly popular with British performers such as Stan Laurel and Laurence Olivier.

It certainly wasn’t the smartest or the most luxurious hotel in Los Angeles – it didn’t even have a proper restaurant and by the time it was renovated in the 1990s had become really down-at-heel – but it was cheap and had a certain ambience that the Hollywood elite found irresistible. ‘I would rather sleep in a Chateau bathroom than in another hotel,’ opined acclaimed film maker Billy Wilder, the director of the classic comedy Some Like It Hot.

Many Marmont guests did indeed ‘like it hot,’ but preferred that the whole world didn’t know about it.

The idea that Sean 'Diddy' Combs' notorious White Parties have passed the baton of debauchery to one of Hollywood¿s top invitation-only after-Oscars bashes might be bordering on libelous given the accusations against the disgraced music mogul

The idea that Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ notorious White Parties have passed the baton of debauchery to one of Hollywood’s top invitation-only after-Oscars bashes might be bordering on libelous given the accusations against the disgraced music mogul 

Columbia Pictures founder Harry Cohn, pictured with Rita Hayworth and Anita Louise, told young actors if they were to get into trouble, they should do so at the infamous West Hollywood Hotel

Columbia Pictures founder Harry Cohn, pictured with Rita Hayworth and Anita Louise, told young actors if they were to get into trouble, they should do so at the infamous West Hollywood Hotel

The hotel had several advantages for those who sought privacy – owing to its original identity as an apartment building, rooms had their own kitchens so were relatively self-contained. And guests (and visitors) could come and go unobserved even by staff by driving into the underground garage and going straight to their rooms by elevator.

Natalie Wood (1938-1981), shown seated wearing a white gown

Natalie Wood (1938-1981), shown seated wearing a white gown

’You could do things. Nothing was being reported, except in the hotel log,’ observed the actress and director Sofia Coppola many years after Wilder patronized the place.

The bohemian seediness was also often a draw. ‘You could sense, simply by walking down its corridors, that the place had had its quota of real-life dramas, of slashed wrists and overdoses,’ said Roman Polanski, ‘just as you could almost get stoned from sniffing the haze that seeped through the various keyholes.’

Many guests checked in for a few days and ended staying for months, sometimes even years.

The 1930s movie star Jean Harlow was among the first to exploit the hotel’s discretion for illicit sexual purposes. The highly-sexed platinum blonde – who reputedly iced her nipples between every take to draw attention to her breasts and for refusing to wear panties because, she said, it interrupted the line of her dresses – was 22 when she honeymooned there.

When her third husband, cinematographer Harold Rosson, was out the insatiable and shameless Harlow reputedly hung a ‘Gone Fishing’ sign on her door while she went out on to the Sunset Strip below the hotel to find new lovers.

In Hollywood circles, the hotel became synonymous with sex.

Johnny Depp claimed he and then-girlfriend Kate Moss tested every one of the Chateau's 63 rooms over the four years of their affair

Johnny Depp claimed he and then-girlfriend Kate Moss tested every one of the Chateau’s 63 rooms over the four years of their affair 

Even the sainted Grace Kelly, says Marmont historian Shawn Levy, ‘was known by hotel staffers to have a notable appetite for men—particularly other guests, whose room numbers she would often try to wheedle out of desk clerks’. They reportedly included Gary Cooper.

Less surprisingly, Warren Beatty, who lived at the Marmont in his early days in Tinseltown, ‘ran up conquests as impressively as he did unpaid bills, finally being asked to leave by management for his financial arrears’, says Levy.

The Marmont also turned a blind eye to certain activities while few other places in LA did the same, making it a popular destination for closeted stars including Psycho actor Anthony Perkins and Planet of the Apes star Roddie McDowall. Perkins kept a suite there even after he’d married and had children, so he had somewhere to go with young men he picked up.

John Belushi seen on April 7, 1978 at the Roxy in West Hollywood

John Belushi seen on April 7, 1978 at the Roxy in West Hollywood

But not everyone who came to the Marmont to fornicate got away with it. Film star Shelley Winters one night in 1957 caught her third husband, fellow actor Anthony Franciosa, in flagrante in a suite with his striking Italian co-star Anna Magnani. Brandishing a statuette, Winters chased Magnani around the suite, into the corridor and down the stairs.

‘Somewhere around the third floor landing, she looked back at me and we both started to laugh hysterically,’ said Winters. ‘We sat down on the landing, and when we could control our laughter, she whispered, “Stupida! Don’t laugh! He kill us both if you laugh! Be jealous and scream!”’

Infidelity wasn’t the only reason people chose the Marmont. A string of stars, John Wayne, Marlon Brando, Paul Newman and Marilyn Monroe sheltered there while fleeing failed marriages. Actress Janet Leigh

Monroe first came to the Marmont as an aspiring actress. She returned in 1955 and invited a young Time magazine interviewer, Brad Darrach, to talk to her in her suite. She then suggested they move to the bedroom.

‘My heart lurched,’ Darrach recalled. However, she quickly reassured him: ‘I’m completely exhausted. It would help if I could talk lying down.’

Director Nicholas Ray slept with his 16-year old Rebel Without a Cause star Natalie Wood while Dennis Hopper sneaked around with a loaded gun hoping to 'beat the s**t' out of Ray and win over Natalie. One night she called Hopper and told him, 'I'd like to f**k you but I don't do anything. I just lay there. I have to do a little rehearsing with Nick at the Chateau but if you pick me up afterward...' Pictured: Wood, James Dean and Ray on the set of the movie in 1955

Director Nicholas Ray slept with his 16-year old Rebel Without a Cause star Natalie Wood while Dennis Hopper sneaked around with a loaded gun hoping to ‘beat the s**t’ out of Ray and win over Natalie. One night she called Hopper and told him, ‘I’d like to f**k you but I don’t do anything. I just lay there. I have to do a little rehearsing with Nick at the Chateau but if you pick me up afterward…’ Pictured: Wood, James Dean and Ray on the set of the movie in 1955

Film director Nicholas Ray stayed in a bungalow in 1951 where he drank to excess, suffered depression and was promiscuous with men and women. Ray's lovers in his bungalow included Marilyn Monroe, who was a frequent guest at the hotel (pictured at the hotel in 1956)

Film director Nicholas Ray stayed in a bungalow in 1951 where he drank to excess, suffered depression and was promiscuous with men and women. Ray’s lovers in his bungalow included Marilyn Monroe, who was a frequent guest at the hotel (pictured at the hotel in 1956) 

They lay head-to-tail on her bed as they chatted for hours.

Brando, who moved in there in 1959 after divorcing first wife Anna Kashfi, should logically have run amok as one of Hollywood’s worst womanizers. Instead, he was shockingly well-behaved, venturing out of his rooms only at night when he would talk into the early hours with hotel staff who were surprised by his vulnerability.

Actor Anthony Perkins poses for a portrait at home in 1958 in Los Angeles, California

Actor Anthony Perkins poses for a portrait at home in 1958 in Los Angeles, California

Then there were those who didn’t go there to flee toxic marriages so much as to bring them with them. When Bette Davis stayed there in the 1950s, the corridors and lobby would echo with her violent screaming matches with fourth husband Gary Merrill.

In 1958, the hotel was evacuated when Davis, staying in one of the bungalows, fell asleep while smoking in front of late night television and set the room on fire.

Another perennial source of terror for guests was Boris Karloff, the horror movie icon, who lived there on and off for seven years and – though he was charming and kind – sometimes scared the wits out of those who opened the elevator doors to find him staring at them.

Many of the rooms and bungalows have earned associations with specific celebrities, who sometimes rented them for years at a time.

Penthouse 64, for instance, was rented by movie mogul Howard Hughes because it overlooked the hotel swimming pool and could leer through binoculars at the women sunning themselves beside it. Reclusive Greta Garbo who signed the hotel register ‘Harriet Brown’ and Robert De Niro also lived there at different times.

Actor Montgomery Clift recuperated in Room 36 after a near fatal car crash following a Liz Taylor party in 1956. High on painkillers and alcohol, he sometimes wandered on to the terrace completely naked and screamed obscenities.

Blonde bombshell Jean Harlow arrived in September 1933 with Harold Rosson, her third husband, intending to live at the hotel as newlyweds despite each already owning their own homes. Pictured: Harlow with her husband, stepfather and mother, Count and Countess Merino Bello

Blonde bombshell Jean Harlow arrived in September 1933 with Harold Rosson, her third husband, intending to live at the hotel as newlyweds despite each already owning their own homes. Pictured: Harlow with her husband, stepfather and mother, Count and Countess Merino Bello

After the 2004 Oscars, Scarlett Johansson invited award nominee Benicio Del Toro back to her suite at the Chateau. 'Apparently there was somebody with us in an elevator, and we were making out or having sex or something¿which I think is very unsanitary,' the actress told a magazine

After the 2004 Oscars, Scarlett Johansson invited award nominee Benicio Del Toro back to her suite at the Chateau. ‘Apparently there was somebody with us in an elevator, and we were making out or having sex or something—which I think is very unsanitary,’ the actress told a magazine 

Bungalow 2 had a torrid history. Film director Nicholas Ray rehearsed the 1955 classic film Rebel Without A Cause there with two of his teenage stars, Natalie Wood and Dennis Hopper. A toxic menage a trois ensued.

Ray, a bisexual playboy, lived in the bungalow for six years, entertaining lovers including Marilyn Monroe, Zsa Zsa Gabor and Joan Crawford as well as various young men after acting roles.

The director was 44 when he started an affair with Natalie Wood, then just 16. The future West Side Story star simultaneously started an affair with young Dennis Hopper. The latter, seething with jealousy of Ray, would stalk the Marmont with a gun, hoping to catch him in flagrante with their shared lover.

'Chateau Marmont wasn't a don't-ask-don't-tell zone but rather a haven,' writes Shawn Levy in his book, The Castle on Sunset

‘Chateau Marmont wasn’t a don’t-ask-don’t-tell zone but rather a haven,’ writes Shawn Levy in his book, The Castle on Sunset

When he eventually threatened to ‘beat the shit’ out of Ray unless he gave up Wood, the director retaliated by cutting almost every one of Hopper’s lines from Rebel Without A Cause. Ray’s affair with Wood ended instead when he returned to the bungalow blind drunk one night and accidentally drank a urine sample she’d left out ready for a doctor’s appointment. Hopper later reputedly filmed orgies involving as many as 50 women at the hotel.

Bungalow 3 is associated with both Errol Flynn who went on a drunken rampage there a week before he died of a heart attack and liver disease in 1959, and – 23 years later – John Belushi who died in the bungalow after his drugs spree.

The Marmont hasn’t just been patronized by wild, sex-crazed actors. It’s also been patronized by wild, sex-crazed rock stars, especially in the 1960s and 1970s when it became so run-down that even Hollywood gave it a wide berth.

Although they didn’t ride motorbikes down the corridors (they did that at another LA hotel), hotel trashers par-excellence Led Zeppelin were regular guests in their sixties and seventies heyday. The band once threw a riotous party in a bungalow at which they borrowed a food trolley to take naked girls from one bedroom to another, and poured cold baked beans over their road manager as he writhed on a bed with a groupie.

Jim Morrison, singer of The Doors and another regular guest, once tried to swing into his bedroom window from a drain pipe but lost his grip and fell two floors.

Beyonce and Jay-Z should expect some mockery. The dear friends of Diddy have always held their 'Gold Parties' at the Chateau Marmont

Beyonce and Jay-Z should expect some mockery. The dear friends of Diddy have always held their ‘Gold Parties’ at the Chateau Marmont 

In the closet actors Anthony Perkins (right) and Tab Hunter (left) met poolside and began a secret affair. But eventually Perkins was told by studio execs that Hunter, who was outed in Confidential Magazine after a police raid on a homosexual party, would hurt his rising career. Pictured: The men on a double date with Jan Chaney and Norma Moore

In the closet actors Anthony Perkins (right) and Tab Hunter (left) met poolside and began a secret affair. But eventually Perkins was told by studio execs that Hunter, who was outed in Confidential Magazine after a police raid on a homosexual party, would hurt his rising career. Pictured: The men on a double date with Jan Chaney and Norma Moore

The Marmont was done up in the 1990s by its present owner, hotel magnate Andre Balazs, the prices shot up and – like New York’s Chelsea Hotel – the old guard would complain it was never the same again.

The bad behavior wasn’t entirely wiped away although the tales sounded increasingly far-fetched.

After the 2004 Oscars, Scarlett Johansson, then 19, invited award nominee Benicio Del Toro back to her suite at the hotel. ‘Apparently there was somebody with us in an elevator, and we were making out or having sex or something—which I think is very unsanitary,’ the actress told a magazine. It doesn’t sound entirely convincing but the couple have never denied it.

In 2007, Britney Spears smeared food all over her face in the hotel’s restaurant at the height of her public meltdown. When other diners including Victoria Beckham complained, Spears was escorted out and told not to return to the hotel. Within two years, however, she was back.

Of course she was.

To quote an old Hollywood saying, ’If you want to be seen, go to the Beverly Hills Hotel. If you don’t want to be seen, go to Chateau Marmont.’

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