On the day Russia 'The treacherous Albion and his Elites' denounced the jaw as the world's leading warbond, what did the commons discuss? Were MPs to increase the factory output of deadly drones?
Are they calling for defense expenditure to rise to five percent? For the deployment of Naafi Sausage-Roll vans to the Border of Ukraine in preparation for the big push?
No. Our 'elites' (if one can refer to the educational secretary, Bridget Phillipson and her ministers) hurry about offering a free low -fat breakfast for children at primary school. The crazy saber rattlers.
You can understand that the Kremlin, at first glance, would confuse Mrs. Phillipson with a tough one. 'Scary Bridget' looks frightening and sounds. Her upper lip curls like the tail of a big.
When she talks about tories in her staccato voice, her eyes glow. When resuming her chair, she then licks the outside of her upper teeth and beats her arms over each other, blinking with suppressed violence.
A foreigner can turn to his neighbor and say: “Blimey, Ivan, you wouldn't want to meet it in a dark trench.” Anyone who wants to say that images of Mrs. Phillipson are not shown to V. Putin and that, instead of something else, it has been the cause of his sleepless nights and, if we can say so, a certain Tetchiness.
And yet the policy of Mrs. Phillipson – to destroy private education, to soothes the trade unions and to reduce the autonomy of academic schools – only weaken large -ritain.
At a time when Downing Street says that we must concentrate on national self -defense, here is a minister whose efforts only help our enemies. Plus the shareholders of Ski Yogurt.

'Scary Bridget' looks frightening and sounds. Her upper lip curls like the tail of a big, Quentin Letts writes

With educational questions in the commons, the secretary of education still remained on giving free breakfast for children in primary school
With educational questions in the commons, she continued to give young people to young people for free. This plan, she claimed, would save parents £ 450 a year (but taxpayers cost a fortune). They no longer have to buy their own cornflakes. Under labor it will be rice spice for everyone!
Mrs. Phillipson's deputy Catherine McKinnell – who, understandably, constantly looks terrified – flipped that children needed 'a full belly' to bloom at school. “Too many children in Southall go to school hungry,” shouted a melodramatic Deirdre Costigan (Lab, Ealing Southall).
Scary Bridget himself approached the shipping box and frost particles in the air when she said: “Conservatives must swallow their pride and welcome these breakfast clubs.”
Trougher that I am, I had images of Southall's Oliver -turns that were met at school by steaming vessels stewed kidneys and kedgeee.
Winston Churchill breakfast on partridge or grouse, grilled sole, maybe a cigar. If our nippers have to be raised on such a rate, I thought, well on scary bridget.
Unfortunately, it is online advice that school breakfast clubs only offer cold collies of 'vegetable spreads', semi-sound milk, low sugar jams and perhaps a bagel with a spinach sheet. Ew. “Go little fat,” says advice to teachers. They are all granola and bosbesse yogurt. There is no mention of tippers or marmalade.
During this time it can be understood that black sausage is considered infrastructure, although I enjoy it a lot. But to refuse children a breakfast snorkeler? There is a word for such a cruel behavior. 'Soviet.'

Engy Bridget himself approached the shipping box and frost particles in the air when she said that conservatives 'take their pride' and welcomed the new breakfast clubs

Online Advies recommends that school breakfast clubs only offer cold collies of 'vegetable spreads', semi-slumped milk, low sugar jams and perhaps a bagel with a spinach sheet (file photo) (file photo)
The Kremlin, not for the first time, has things in a mud. The only thing that Bridget Phillipson is good at is class-heating.
The Commons also offered the melancholic sight of Richard Tice (Boston & Skegness) that were pretty alone in the area of ​​the reform of the opposition benches. Reform is currently full of Hoogongers, but unfortunately their strength appears to be a civil war.
A friend of mine in Herefordshire recently lost two of her three ducks. She fears that they may have been taken by buzzards or kites. Her last duck is so lonely that it is now in her kitchen and to the world is staring in complaining mystery. Just like poor old tice.
My friend wonders if the friendliest way is to kill and cook. Duck pancakes. Now there is an idea for Brekker.