Who wants to become a millionaire are viewers about a striking blunder in a history question.
The episode of Sunday of the ITV quizshow, organized by Jeremy Clarkson, 64, saw three hopeful testing their knowledge and trying to win some money.
A participant, Neel Clements, was confronted with a question about the six women of Henry VIII.
It said: “Which of the women of King Henry VIII was he last, making her the one who” survived, “according to the well -known rhyme?”
The doctor received four options to choose from which were written as 'Katherine Parr, Anne or Cleves, Katherine Howard and Katherine van Aragon'.
However, some viewers could quickly see that the show had received three names wrong, because all Catherines were spelled with a K instead of a C.

Who wants to become a millionaire who viewers have emerged about a striking blunder in a history question that is broadcast in a recent episode

The episode of Sunday of the ITV Quiz Show organized by Jeremy Clarkson (photo) saw three hopeful testing their knowledge and trying to win some money

A participant, Neel Clements (photo) was confronted with a question about the six women of Henry VIII
Many went to social media to share their thoughts about the blunder, and a posted on X: 'Why did they play Catherine wrong? #Millionaire #wwtbam. “;
'I thought it was Catherine with a C, not K for Aragon (the first woman). #Wowantstobeamillionaire #wwtbam. “;
'Since when had Catherine van Aragon, Catherine Howard and Catherine Parr spelled with a' K 'as Katherine? #Wowantstobeamillionary. “;
“I always thought they were Catherines instead of Katherine #wowantstomeamillionaire.”
While two comments on the official social media account for the show and written: “Why do you spell all Catherine's wrong?”;
'All the women of Henry VIII named Catherine were not spelled with a K! Questions must be more thorough in their research. #Itv1 #MillionEirkruk #jeremyclarkson. '
Neel answered it correctly as 'Catherine Parr', but was wrong after the use of the Lifeline of the telephone and friend.
However, he still managed to take £ 1,000 home.
In a previous episode of the popular quizshow, Olympic cyclist Laura Kenny saw last month participating in a famous special and fans amazed when she used three lifelines about 'such an easy question'.
Dame Laura played to raise money for the ectopic pregnancy confidence and started strong, but noticed that she was stuck with the question of £ 16,000.
It said: “Which of these films from the 80s have followed after after Life and Frozen Empire?”
Laura was presented with the following options, a) Top gun, B) de Terminator, C) Ghostbusters or D) Blade Runner.

Some viewers could quickly see that the show had received three names wrong, because all Catherines were spelled with a K instead of a C
Eventually she used three lifelines about the question and first asked Jeremy, who could not help.
Then she used 50/50 so that C – Ghostbusters and D – Blade Runner left, but she still couldn't decide on an answer, so chose to call a friend and called her father for help.
He said, “I really don't know, it will be a gamble and I would go for Blade Runner.”
In the end, Laura decided not to risk selecting the wrong answer and chose to cash in, £ 8,000 pack for her chosen charity.
Who wants to be broadcast a millionaire on Sunday on ITV1 and is available for streaming on ITVX.