Alex Jones has called on the Ministry of Justice to investigate the death of Infowars reporter Jamie White and said he believes he could have been killed.
The conspiracy theorist, 51, had spoken Political commentator Benny Johnson on his podcast 'The Benny Show' about the death of the reporter.
White, 36, was found deadly injured outside his Austin, Texas, on Sunday evening after the police said he was trying to prevent thieves from vomiting in his car.
Speaking in the show, Jones claimed that the murder 'could have been a hit'.
He said, “This is a journalist who has been killed, it must be investigated. I think Pam Bondi should look at it.
'The Austin police admitted that they are completely overwhelmed, I ask the Trump administration, it must be investigated, it could have been a hit.
'It is a good chance that it could have been, the more I am talking about it. We have to investigate, I ask the Ministry of Justice to investigate. '
In an update on Tuesday, the Austin police said that White had been shot and killed in the parking lot of his apartment complex, and the suspects then fled the stage.
White's sister Kelly Kneale said that although the investigation is at an early stage, it is not considered a 'targeted attack'.

The conspiracy theorist, 51, had spoken with political commentator Benny Johnson on his podcast 'The Benny Show' about the death of White

Jamie White, 36, was killed while trying to prevent robbers from vomiting
“My brother was shot,” Kneale told “Someone tried to break into his car.
“We don't do it great. I try to keep it together as well as possible for my father, he can't really talk now. '
White's friend, Yecca Aaron, Fox 7 said that the journalist had stayed at work late that night.
“Literally exactly when he got home, everything happened,” said Aaron. “It's strange that he's gone like this.”
“I really don't think he was the target because of where he worked. I think he was just the target because he was in the right place at the wrong time. '
In a fiery and emotional video on Monday afternoon, Jones did not keep up in allocating the debt and focused square at the Public Prosecutor Jose Garza.
'I put all this square at the feet of Soros and of the kind of crime syndicate of the Democratic Party.
“They are those who cut off the police administratively, the police persecuted, and even cases that are one hundred percent clear to be legal, legal activities,” Jones raged.

The police of Austin said that White, seen here with Jones, had been shot and killed in the parking lot of his apartment complex, and the suspects fled the stage then

White's sister Kelly Kneale (Left) said that although the investigation is at an early stage, this is not considered a 'targeted attack'
He added: 'You killed Jamie White, you opened the door, you have set conditions. George Soros. Alexander Soros, you killed Jamie White. '
'These are sick, degenerate, bad people who know what they are doing and they helped and understood.
“They are accomplices in the murder of a large American and Infowars experienced for a long time experienced reporter Jamie White.”
Garza is known for its progressive policy and his campaign was supported by the Open Society Foundations from billionaire finance George Soros.
Jones claimed that the death of White was the inevitable result of what he called 'Vicious Policies' by Soros-Backed Das such as Garza.
He deliberately accused them of undermining law enforcement and having violent criminals roam freely.
Jones also did not mention aforementioned sources and claimed that many people in terms of law are frustrated by what they see as Garza's refusal to prosecute dangerous perpetrators.
Infowars, founded by Jones, has been involved for years in controversy about his inflammatory rol version Extreme right -wing content and conspiracy theories.
The company promised to honor Jamie White's memory by continuing his work and promises that his “tragic death will not be in vain.”