A report that was received by the former Staff Chef Rahm Emanuel of the former President Obama of a presidential bid from 2028 was received online with brutal recoil.
A new report from Politico entitled 'Rahm Emanuel is preparing for President' detailed how the 65-year-old former mayor of Chicago has been everywhere since he returned as an American ambassador to Japan.
“Rahm wants to run. Yes, that Rahm. And yes, for that office – the presidency, “wrote Policro's senior political columnist Jonathan Martin.
The first match of the Democratic Presidential Primary 2028 has probably been away for almost three years.
But the idea of ​​the former Obama officer and the congressman who threw his name in the Ring for the Democratic Presidential Nomination was not met with open arms, because Democrats still lick their wounds from the brutal 2024 presidential elections.

Former American ambassador in Japan and mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, speaks at the Economic Club of Chicago on March 3. A new report from Polico says he is looking for an offer for the democratic presidential nomination of 2028
“No,” wrote Podcaster Jane Coaston in a message about X who responded to the report.
'Rahm Emanuel runs in 2028. When he is the candidate, I will leave the party. I am not interested in a boring club membership, “wrote researcher Matt Stoller.
'Eric Adams, Andrew Cuomo, Rahm Emanuel – they are in the corruption wing of the DEM party', Rep. Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez Former Staff Chef Saikat Chakrabarti, who is now looking for the former speaker Nancy Pelosi.
'Trump's lesson cannot be that DEMS could win if they were more corrupt. To make the case against Trump, we have to get rid of the corruption in our party, no longer give power, “wrote Chakrabarti.
“The generation of leaders who have brought us into this mess will not be the ones to get us out,” wrote Amanda Litman, President of Run for something that recruits young progressives to go to the office.
“What if the path to the renewal of the Democratic party was always alone to bring back the largest A ** holes, such as Rahm and Andrew Cuomo?” Written Pollster Patrick Ruffini.
'Rahm Emanuel was a NAFTA architect, Cheerleader of the War in Iraq, in favor of Wall St Dereg who created the financial crisis and mayor whose administration covered the murder of a teenager. He is a presidential competition a perfect commentary on the current Democratic party, “wrote David Sirota, a former senior adviser of Bernie Sanders.

Talking about the presidential race of 2028 has been started since the 2024 elections, with a number of democrats being driven as potential contenders.
If Emanuel jumped into the race, he could be part of a busy field, because several prominent democrats, including governors and legislators, could launch campaigns.
Recent polls shows that former vice -president Kamala Harris, who lost a little more than four months ago against President Trump, leads the current package of possible candidates while keeping more names of name.
Harris has not indicated what her future plans are, but there has been speculation that she will go to the Governor of California next year.
Allegedly, Harris gave himself to the end of the summer to decide whether she will run to the governor.
The move can take her out of the running for a bid from 2028. But even if she were abandoned for the president, the field could still be packed.

Former Vice President Kamala Harris speaks in Las Vegas on 9 March. She sends an offer for the Governor of California
Although the report that Emanuel is preparing for a presidential offer was received with a recoil, there are few Democrats who know more about doing things in the White House.
The 65-year-old served as staff chef from January 2009 to October 2010 from Obama, which helped the administration to navigate the large recession and passage of the affordable care act.
Before that he served three terms in the house. He continued from the Obama government Serve two terms as mayor of Chicago.
But his term of office could come back there to chase him in a Democratic Presidential Primary after he clashed with the powerful Chicago Teachers Union who went on strike during his first term.
He was also confronted with harsh criticism of how he dealt with the murder of black teen Laquan McDonald in 2014 by a Chicago police officer.
Emanuel first said he would, but then chose not to run for a third term as a mayor in 2019 in the midst of low approval assessments.

Emanuel in the White House, while President Obama announced his resignation to go for mayor of Chicago

Obama walks with the then mayor Emanuel on arrival in Chicago in 2024
President Biden nominated him to serve as an American ambassador in Japan, where he served until the beginning of the Trump government in January.
Now he is at the back and has been spotted everywhere with a speech for the economic club of Chicago, performances on CNN and writing columns for the Washington Post.
But when discussing his plans with Politico, Emanuel remained cautious.
“I was only two months ago, I have no idea what I am doing,” he told Martin.
“I'm not done with public services and I hope the public service is not ready with me,” he said.