New Yorkers, bad news – you don't have the best pizza, say food critics.
The only silver lining? Your thin slices are arranged in second place and your arch-rival-chicago did not even be the top 10.
In a surprising turn, a pizzeria in Japan even surpassed the legendary branches of Italy when it landed in third place behind New York.
Timeout's list of the world's top 19 pizza -joints will be difficult to swallow for American pizza sailors.
The pizza of New York City, a staple on the Lower East Side, landed the number 2 and only lost to a pizzeria in Italy who did not change his recipe in almost nine decades.
Scarr's earned praise for his handmade ingredients, including dough made from freshly ground grain in the basement of the store.
“The result is a light -hearted, somewhat spicy crust that can hold to toppings and yet flexible enough to be folded for a slice on the road,” Morgan Carter, an editor for food and drink for the publication, wrote in her review.
But Italy, the birthplace of pizza, surpassed the slab in New York, the reviewers said.

Three pizza joints came on the list of the best pizzerias in the world.

A famous Italian pizzeria achieved the first place in the ranking (stock image)
Pizzeria da Attilio, a family business in Naples that is on the sources of local suppliers, makes a Margherita cake that has protected the first place.
The restaurant, which was opened in 1938, kept the same recipe in the words for 87 years.
Each slice is made with regional tomatoes, 24 -month -old Parmesan cheese and fresh basil.
For pizza enthusiasts who stay in America in the hope, was a deep dish store in Chicago, Milly's Pizza in the Pan, the 11th best slice.
A Miami Pizzeria, eleventh street pizza, achieved 14th place with a hot honey Sicilian slab.
Globe trotters have to go to Asia for the third best piece of pizza, the reviewers thought.
Pizza Marumo, a shop in Tokyo, Japan, took the bronze medal with a slice of Umami Pizza.
The cake has a number of surprising ingredients, such as mushroom cream sauce, mozzarella and soy sauce.

Experts ranked the world's best pizza cakes with some surprising findings
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Pizza stores in Rome, Italy; Sydney, Australia; Copenhagen, Denmark; London, UK; Cape Town, South Africa; Paris, France; And Madrid, Spain complete the top ten.
Here is the list of restaurants, per time -out:
- Pizza Margherita in Pizzeria da Attilio in Naples, Italy
- Kaaspizza at Scarr's Pizza in New York City
- Japanese Umami Pizza in Pizza Marumo in Tokyo, Japan
- Pizza Capricciosa on 180 g Pizzeria Romana in Rome, Italy
- Clam Pizza in Bella Brutta in Sydney, Australia
Pizzas arranged …
Researchers have carried out more studies to find out which cities have the best pizza values in the US
From an eight-pointed study of data points such as price, YELP reviews and frequency of local Google search assignments to stores in the neighborhood discovered that pizzerias in Denver, Colorado; Buffalo, New York; And Boston is the best for pizza enthusiasts.
New York was not so good on the list.
The Pizza-Mecca is in 15th place on the list, charged with the average price of $ 34 for a large pepperoni cake.
Richmond, Virginia had the cheapest average large cake, with $ 14.75 for a family -sized cheese pizza.