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March has been an intense astrological event after the other.
And if you thought the Blood Moon was the last one, the quarterly event that everyone has on High Alert comes immediately: Mercury Retrograde.
Mercury is considered the planet of communication and transport.
And at any other time of the year, the movement is usually a positive matter due to the different zodiac.
But when Mercury goes retrograde, this means that because of the different orbital speeds of the planets, it seems as if the planet is deteriorating.
And although scientific, this does not mean much for your daily life, it has absolutely large astrological effects.
Mercury -Retrogrades are usually seen as times full of confusion and disorder, but different astrologers have different opinions about what this means for each sign.
Now it seems that a time is categorized by communication problems, it just seems that the accident can mean for your love life – but don't count it yet.

Mercury will go retrograde in Ram from March 15 to March 29 and then in fish from 29 March to 7 April (stock image)
Astrologer Lisa Stardust breaks out how this upcoming Mercury retrograde will influence each sign.
While some astrologers recommend looking at your sun or on the rising plate, Lisa encourages readers to do what feels good for them.
It is time to come to terms with old relationships.
“They will concentrate on healing and come to terms with the consequences of earlier relationships,” says Lisa.
She explains that at the moment that they are wrong about something from the past will be difficult but necessary.
Taurus will define the relationship when it comes to their love lives – especially when they want to see positive changes.
“If it is not broken, they don't have to worry, but if there are relationships, changes must be made,” says Lisa.
The Gemini -Teeling is located in the middle of sorting balance in their lives.

Astrologer Lisa Stardust says that Leos will soon realize that Fame and Glory are not everything they are, especially without a partner by their side (stock image)
During this time they will strategize to see how a certain love match could join their lives.
“It cannot hold on to weight in the midst of their schedule,” says Lisa.
“These moon Babes stay far away from a fight with their loved ones,” says Lisa.
She explains that during this retrograde they might keep their heads in the clouds – but frankly this is perhaps the best.
The longer you stay in the clouds, the less time you have down to earth who fights with someone you love.
“As usual, fame and glory are their thoughts,” says Lisa.
But she explains that they probably realize that these awards are not everything they are, especially when they are distracted by the Fomo they have about partnerships.
Lisa explains that for virgin love is certainly in the brain.
“So much so that they are willing to tolerate a lot to welcome fiddling and important others in their lives,” she says.
Remember that your standards exist for a reason.
If you feel lazy lately, chances are that this will see you in your love life, scales.
“Expect the bare, minimal effort in the love department,” says Lisa.
Mercury Retrograde tells Scorpio to embrace their inner child during this period.
“Doing things they wanted, but will not calm their temperament in their youth,” says Lisa.
She recommends going to an amusement park on a date.
If there was ever a time to be a home body for your Sagittarius, it is this Mercury retrograde.
“That way they don't have to be involved with a messy drama and can summarize them with their falling in love,” says Lisa.
Lisa explains that this Mercury Retrograde Capricorn will inspire to adapt to family and make a journey through the memory strip.
And with what better person to share these memories than a significant other or crush?
“Maybe Scrapbooking is the project of the season,” says Lisa.
During this Mercury retrograde, Waterman will feel the urge to gossip about anything and everything.
And they will want to participate in the conversation – as long as it does not entail their own relationship.
“But the more they participate in the rumors, the easier for people it will be to talk about them,” says Lisa.
This retrograde is all about money discussions.
“Financial planning and budgeting is essential when it comes to planning a romantic outing to ensure that their bank accounts are not empty,” says Lisa.
And don't forget that Mercury retrades usually mess with transport and technology – so make sure you get that flight insurance and a plan.
Although astrologers usually warn about Mercury retrograde, it is no reason to jump into panic mode.
Remember that at a time when communication can mainly be influenced, it is important to choose your words wisely and to wait until after the retrograde to have the confrontation that you have thought of.
This upcoming retrograde will be in RAM from March 15 to March 29 and then the retrograde will be in fish from 29 March to 7 April.
And while Mercury Retrograde in fish will cause his own challenges, you probably just want to concentrate on one thing at the same time.