The king and the queen are forced to cancel their state visit to the Holy Stoel and meet Pope Francis next month.
Buckingham Palace announced that the visit was 'postponed by mutual agreement' given the constant health problems of the Pope.
He was released from the hospital two days ago after more than five weeks to spend double pneumonia and other health problems.
In a statement, the palace said: 'The state visit of the king and the queen to the Holy chair was postponed by mutual agreement, because medical advice has now suggested that Pope Francis would benefit from a longer period of peace and recovery.
“Their Majesties send the Pope their best wishes for his recovery and look at it to visit him in the Holy chair as soon as he has recovered.”
It is understanding that the successive state visit of Charles and Camilla at the Republic of Italy will continue, but there can now be 'some impact' on the program.

Pope Francis speaks with the British prince Charles on the day of the canonization of the 19th-century British Cardinal John Henry Newman on the Vatican October 13, 2019.
It would mark the first meeting of Charles with the Pope since he rose on the throne and comes in front of the church during a special anniversary year.
His doctors have been careful with their prognosis after he had experienced two episodes of respiratory failure last month.
Their journey, including a celebration of the 20th wedding anniversary of the Royal Couple on April 9, also includes assignments in Rome and the North -Enthunic city of Ravenna.
The Royal Tour marks a significant effort of King Charles, who continues to balance his royal tasks with the continuous treatment of cancer.
The planned visit would be an important milestone in the king's reign, who the first time in more than a decade represents that a British monarch, as head of the church of England, would meet the head of the Catholic Church.
In her last years, the queen met Pope Franciscus in 2014 during an official visit to Rome.