A shotgun that Soviet leader Nikita Khroosjshov gave the United States to symbolize peace for three years before the world came close to the Nuclear War was created for sale.
The graceful double barrel weapon was one of the two handed over by the Russian dictator during his unprecedented state visit to America in September 1959.
Khroosjshov gave a gun to President Dwight Eisenhower and the other – the one for sale – to Defense Minister Neil Mcelroy.
During his 12-day visit, Khroosjsjov stated his wish 'to achieve better relationships between our two countries and to promote peace around the world'.
When thanking the Russian leader, Mcelroy called the shotgun “handsome” and expressed his hope that “the firearms used by our two countries in the future do not have to be longer than this hunting gun for the preservation of world peace.”
But three years later, in October 1962, Khroosjsjov's decision to bring Soviet rocket in Cuba pushed the world on the edge of nuclear conflict in what became known as the Cuban rocket crisis.

A shotgun that Soviet leader Nikita Khroosjsjov gave the United States to symbolize peace for three years before the world came close to the Nuclear War has arrived for sale

Soviet leader Nikita Khroosjsjov and his wife Nina (second left) pose with US President Dwight Eisenhower and his wife Mamie during their visit to the US, September 15, 1959
The shotgun, which is described as in pristine state, is sold through the American dealer the RAAB collection for $ 125,000 (£ 97,000).
The gun was made by artisans in the Izhevsk region in Russia.
It has graceful engravings of hunting scenes, including a golden fox with prey in his teeth.
Nathan Raab, the president of the Raab collection, said: “This is a remarkable discovery and a beautiful artifact from a crucial moment in the history of the big 20th-century forces.”
The journey of Khroosjsjov marked the first time that a Soviet head of Sate had received an invitation to the White House.
It only came a few weeks after the American vice president Richard Nixon had been to Moscow.

The shotgun, which is described as in pristine state, is sold through the American dealer the RAAB collection

It has graceful engravings of hunting scenes

The gun was made by craftsmen in the Izhevsk region in Russia
The respective visits came at a time of rising tensions in the Cold War, 14 years after when the US and Russia ended the Second World War on the same side.
Two days before Khroosjsjov arrived in Washington with his wife Nina, daughters Julia and Rada, son Sergei and son-in-law Alexei, the Soviet Union successfully landed the unmanned Luna II spacecraft on the moon.
In the Oval Office he gave President Eisenhower a model of a metal atmosphere that was placed and designed on the Luna vessel to explode as soon as it reached the space, so that parts that were registered with the 'Union of the Soviet -Socialist Republics' would land on the Moon.
The delegation also gave bottles of vodka and traditional Russian nest dolls.
President Eisenhower organized a state dinner in the White House, while Khroosjshov and his family also toured the country.
The two leaders then had conversations in Camp David, the retreat of the president in Maryland.

The journey of Khroosjsjov marked the first time that a Soviet head of Sate had received an invitation to the White House

Nikita Khroosjsjov waves while he leaves the United Nations headquarters in New York, September 18, 1959

In the Oval Office, Khroosjsjov President Eisenhower gave a model of a metal sphere, two days after the Russian spacecraft Luna II had landed on the moon
During his visit to Khroosjsjov, Mcelroy wrote: 'Of course the hunting gun is indeed handsome.
'It offers proof of a quality of craftsmanship on which every country can be proud.
'In thanking for the shotgun, I may fully answer the wish to me by your representative that the firearms that our two countries have used in the future should not be greater than this shotgun for the preservation of world peace and that even the hunting rifle is only used for sports purposes.
“Like all our people here, I hope that your trip to the United States can be favorable for you and for us to improve the mutual understanding of our respective nations.”
Although there was a lot of optimism for improved diplomatic relations after the successful visit of Khroosjshov, progress declined the following year.
Soviet troops shot an American U2 spy aircraft on 1 May 1960 and escalating tensions further.
The successor to Eisenhower as president, John F Kennedy, was in the White House when the rocket crisis came to a head two years later.